So why does Yea Forums actually hate this game? Seriously why?
The best excuse I ever heard of is "because"... Because what?
Most of Yea Forums actually likes this game, but there is a dedicated corps of shitposters and Zelda fans who don’t want to admit that the formula was dead that are very loud. Ignore any poster that says the following buzzwords/phrases:
>empty world
>only koroks and shrines
>no progression
>no dungeons
>terrible combat
Anyone saying the above will never argue honestly with you about their position (if they even bother backing it up with examples, since that requires you to have played the game).
>bringing up valid criticisms is dishonest
Its pretty easy to strawman, isn't it? I can do that too, People who love BOTW have probably never played an open world game before
I don't hate the game, but to me it feels like a tech demo for a potentially really cool sequel.
The mechanics and map are insanely cool, but the content on the map is very lacking to me. Shrines make up a huge chunk of the game's content and you almost always know what the reward is gonna be. Being predictable is a big problem about a game about exploration and adventure. Stuff like Ganon's castle and entering the lost woods is so amazing because it's NOT just another shrine and feels legitimately different. I feel Elden Ring has a similar problem with how just too much of the open world is about finding enemies to fight, again it becomes predictable.
I will however defend something I see a lot of people shit on BotW for, and that is it's incredible soundtrack. The ambient tracks are fantastic and the complaint about how it's not "memorable enough" is fucking dumb. Having loud melodies play during an open world constantly would get annoying fast, the game is smart enough to reserve the more in your face music for stuff like the towns.
>empty world
>only koroks and shrines
>no progression
>no dungeons
>terrible combat
all of those are factual though. add to that the garbage durability mechanic, shit graphics, low fps and resolution.
This is a literally 7/10 game that gets upped to a Masterpiece by bootlicking Nintendo fans while ignoring the glaring flaws of the game.
Take as an example t. 130+ hours in BotW
Success breeds jealousy
>people actually, unironically say that the nintendo bonus isn't real
I identified three main reasons:
-there's a significant number of spergs who convince themselves that nintendo games are generally considered meme titles, games for children or a tiny minority of fanboys who only play these and nothing more. BotW dominating the industry in terms of critical reception, commercial success and design influence just made them bug out because this was supposed to be reserved for a select big boys titles like dark souls, rockstar games and the likes. Hence the desperate attempts to deny the game's quality.
-Snoys. Just Snoys being anally devastated that Nintendo nailed the open world formula almost first try while Sony shit out open world mediocrities like Horizon or Days Gone and no one gave a fuck.
-And finally and they're maybe the most autistically rabid, old school Zelda fans who just can't let the old formula go and feel betrayed that Nintendo made the series open world. They think it's selling out and throwing away everything that made the series special and since there's nothing worse than a spurned love they're likely the most vocal and obssessed.
Ah, there's the cope
>all of those are factual though
literally none of these are factual, why are you such a nigger
>Nintendo nailed the open world formula almost first try
lmao the open world was the worst aspect of the game. ubishit towers everywhere, empty world, 4 different enemies reskinned 5 times, 3 whole dungeons. wow such a great open world game
Because of tendies like this.
Stop posting this image you fucking retard or I'll destroy it like last time.
>this thread
If it wasn't for Arthur being such a sperg, the hatebase for this game would be the most pathetic part of these threads.
overrated by normies, elden ring mogs this trash 10 fold
Because it's an tedious, frontloaded, empty open world with ass backwards progression and difficulty and myriad of other flaws. I have no clue how people like it. It has zero respect for the players time. And that's not getting into it tossing out the zelda formula and bringing in a shitload of new people, meaning there's at least another 6 years of botw before we might maybe get another real zelda game that reincorporates what people actually care about zelda for and not just selling on the trend chasing open world meme.
>ignore all the people pointing out its flaws, they're just anti-nintendo shills
all of these are factual if you're not a rabid nintendie, why are you such a nigger
the world is huge with like 3 villages that each offer 1 quest and nothing else to do, the korok seeds are as good as a collectible than the fucking flags from AC1.
other than finding new weapons the game has 0 progression, and that gets fucked by weapons having durability so you're in a constant loop of replacing new, "better" gear and losing it, making all your "progression" worthless
the game has literally 3 dungeons vs the usual 8 or so
combat sucks apart from playing around with the physics gadgets
>muh respect for le player time
they genuinely are fountains of buzzwords and platitudes, truly born and raised NPCs
Seethe and cope
It's not just arthur there's at least one other giga sperg that riles up everyone's hate for the game and makes discussion miserable. There's also the occasional random smug zelda poster, but there's only one other user that's on arthur's level. People love shitting on acfag, but acfag maks those two look like saints.
>ignore anyone pointing out these flaws that no one can dispute
>with like 3 villages
there're 9 villages each with multiple quests, at least try to google some info about the game if you want people not to immediately realize you haven't played it
too fucking long and wordy but the complaints are valid. How the fuck did Aonuma think shrines were a good idea? Just set a loading screen into a cave or temple ffs
>lol what a le reddit le meme man, he has his own le opinion and doesn't le go along with muh le masterpiece le narrative
While I actually disagree with him and not really the problem I have with BotW, I absolutely would use that same complaint for games like RDR2. Nothing is more valuable than my time.
>but the complaints are valid
>the combat is dumbed down compared to previous entries
once again these faggots are talking complete horseshit and then acting like victims when people tell them to go choke on a dick, how very tiring
It may be more complex than its ever been but when it's fucked on a fundamental level, that complexity is completely undermined.
OOT and MM are the only good 3d Zelda games. I didn't like WW,TP,SS,BOTW or the two DS games. I'm 32
>and Zelda fans
They say they're fans but they can't tell you a thing about the series.
>Switch version launches 2 years later with all kinds of patches, improvements and additional content
Its like you're mentally ill.
this game is a 7, it's pretty good at some things and worth playing overall but there are a good number of things holding it back from real all-time-great status
And most importantly
>performs better than the ps4 version
Botw was all about baiting me into thinking something cool might be off in the distance. The plateau does an exceptional job of making you want to explore the world. Then you go off exploring that world, hyped as hell for what it could have in store and it's orbs, seeds, and bokoblins over and over and over again with none of it really mattering at the end of the day. The game took all my hype and slowly strangled it over 40 or so hours. I'd never dropped a major zelda game until botw.
Such as?
6 years folks and not a single convincing argument has been made.
>moving the goalposts
6 years and you're only getting uglier
Because weapons break too often in a game that wants you to use and find different weapons. Their retardedly childish whining is further exacerbated by the fact it takes a second to switch to another weapon using the D-pad.
All that is true.
You fuckers have zero standards and its infuriating. Go fuck up something else, why'd it have to be this?
It's not the fact that it's true, it's the fact that it's spammed to no end and no longer fosters discussion.
Hell the amount of times it was spammed inspired listfag's creation.
That still seems kind of low for the size of the world. And from what I remember just about every quest ends in a shrine or is a garbage fetch quest
>>the combat is dumbed down compared to previous entries
It is dumbed down. Doing retarded Twitch streamer sandbox physics strats doesn't count.
It's spammed because the other side refuses to accept any of it. You can't say anything even remotely negative about BotW without someone posting a smug Zelda, journos, or claim it's the most "Zelda" game ever in response. If they had it their way, the only allowed discussion would be the sound of them sucking BotW's dick. Beyond the shitflinging, there is no more discussion to be had. That dried up ages ago. If people actually wanted to talk about BotW, there's nothing stopping them. They'd rather shitpost about it.
it's 4 AM and i could spend an hour talking about botw, but to be very reductionist and just touch on major issues for me
>the shrines are generally disappointing, as the fact that you can do them in virtually any order means that there is hardly ever a progression of ideas. shrines tend to be very one note with very few exceptions and rarely build off previous ideas. as a result the puzzles in the game are generally very weak.
>the combat system is too easily broken to be engaging for the dozens to hundreds of hours you may potentially be playing this game. there are a lot of contributing factors here but to speak broadly, the main issues are related to pausing the game mid combat to heal at any moment, the incredible leniency of the "witch time" mechanic, the lack of enemy variety, and the limited options available to you in combat. there are other aspects of the combat i can gripe about but all these little things add up to something that is way too obvious how to cheese from very early on, and even imposing multiple self-rules to try to make it more engaging hardly helps the disappointment i felt in this area
>the feeling of mystery in the exploration aspect of the game is what most people would agree is the best element of the game, and i would agree with that. however, in the many hours you will be playing this game, it is unfortunate that there are only a handful of moments that will truly surprise you in the game world. I'm thinking about the dragon on the mountain, the maze labyrinth, and the island where you lose your items. but these moments are exceptionally few and far between, and it can be very disillusioning when all you have to show for hours and hours of exploration is the aforementioned disappointing shrine puzzles, and an endless number of generic korok "puzzles" that all follow one of maybe a dozen possible formats.
i just hit the character limit and i could be here all night writing a novel about this so I'll just stop here
SS unironically had better combat gameplay than BOTW, this is indisputable.
i would like to add that i thought the game was good overall and there were definitely high points that really felt special. but overall i could not rate my experience with the game more than a 7/10, and that honestly does feel generous when i think critically about my time spent. I am a long time fan of the series and I will be playing botw2, but i cannot understand the sentiment that the game is a masterpiece by any stretch. there are definitely great elements to the game that i hope games in the future are smart enough to derive from, but botw is far from a perfect game
Every Zelda game has better combat. Combat served a real purpose and had variety and proper incentive. In BotW you only fight anything out of boredom and are willing to sacrifice your weapons to do so. Only the blights and ganon need to be fought, you can skip every other encounter and still beat the game just fine.
>The best excuse I ever heard of is "because"
Must be nice under that cardboard box to ignore all kinds of posts and vids online going into depth about the issues of BoTW, although you can't be blamed for how hard people fellate it either due to it being the first Zelda on Switch.
Because it's popular
It's really that simple
How come Yea Forums is sucking off elden ring?
>SS unironically had better combat gameplay than BOTW, this is indisputable.
Thats ridiculous lmao Skyward Sword was barely playable. I would keep having to put my Wiimote face down to recalibrate every few minutes. Great game.
Cuz demo
>too much space, making distances bigger for no particularly good reason
>too little unique content, overly relying on copy pasted content
>copy pasted content is of low quality, players tend to deliberately avoid content because it's tedious
>content isn't scaled properly due to progression being non-linear
>enemies and weapons scale together, making progression fairly meaningless
>content that doesn't scale with progression has no progression
What this means for BotW is a huge open world on a console that can't handle detail. You have stretches of land with literally nothing except the ground texture and stamina bar keeping you entertained. You see a rock circle Korok "puzzle" a hundred meters to the left, but knowing the solution and reward without having to interact with it, you decide that it isn't worth your time. You enter your fortieth Shrine and are faced with a puzzle that's just as easy as the previous 39 because some players might enter that Shrine first. You do it without putting much thought into it and get the same reward as all the other times.
After exiting the disappointing Shrine, you encounter a camp with one of three possible types of humanoid enemies. You consider fighting them but sensing that the reward is five fire arrows or something equally boring, you run through it with no repercussions, not wasting your weapon durability. Finally arriving at your location, the cool thing you saw in the distance 20 minutes ago, you find one of three things. A chest with something insubstantial, another korok "puzzle" or just nothing at all. The journey wasn't fun, and the destination wasn't either.
That's BotW.
it has been 5 years since release and we have a thread about this game every single game
truly breathtaking
>botw is far from a perfect game
No its pretty damn close to being a perfect game. All your complaints are trivial nitpicks which will vary from player to player.
but muh mario comparison
What this means for Super Mario Bros is a huge platform world which can't handle detail. You have stretches of land with literally nothing except the ground texture and platforms keeping you entertained. You see a "?" Bock a few meters to the left, but knowing the solution and reward without having to interact with it, you decide that it isn't worth your time. You enter your fortieth pipe and are faced with a sublevel that's just as easy as the level above because some players might enter that pipe first. You do it without putting much thought into it and get the same reward as all the other times.
Thats Super Mario Bros.
You can make anything sound bad with your vague reductionist nonsense. Its now 2022. How did this game break your mind so hard?
Kek you could have at least tried to read his posts
Jesus seek help.
>Finally arriving at your location, the cool thing you saw in the distance 20 minutes ago, you find one of three things.
This is the main problem with the game.
The firts 5-10 hours are great until you realize every interesting thing you see in the distance is worthless.
what you call trivial nitpicks many would call major structural/core design issues, but I'm more than happy for you if you didn't have any issues with the game. i just think it's disingenuous of you to claim that there are no legitimate criticisms when many have been made in this thread and the ones before.
This is funny because SM Odyssey is also shit for the very same reasons as BotW. And so is newest Paper Mario. You're digging your own grave here, little tendie.
see this is exactly why this shit is infuriating, you people are just flat out lying and then acting offended when we correct you, and you try to preemptively deny the game's merit with reductive arbitrary nonsense ("sandbox physics strats don't coun" what the fuck are you talking about)
botw undeniably has more complex and deeper combat mechanics than any previous zelda game, it has more basic offensive and defensive options (parries, perfect dodges, backstabs, headshots/crits, bullet time, bombs), elemental effects, the suplementary options granted by runes and most importantly enemies have a far larger variety of behaviors and patterns than any previous foe (lynels in particular are more complex encounters than anything previously seen)
>SM Odyssey is also shit for the very same reasons as BotW.
Sucks to be you. I thought both those games were amazing.
>ubishit towers everywhere
Why do you feel the need to speak about a game you haven't even played?
It was the early honey moon, If you check it you start to see more and more hate the more time it pass.
Given the time BOTW had, we will get many many hate thread too
Some amazing tendie cope
This is the level of argumentation your average botw cultist is on.
>asks for examples of criticism
>user provides lengthy well artticulated post, concedes that he enjoyed the game overall
>"nuh uh you are nitpicking and biased i win buh bye"
>SM Odyssey is also shit for the very same reasons as BotW
Yep. The curse of going hard on quantity > quality.
>i just think it's disingenuous of you to claim that there are no legitimate criticisms
Of course there is. There is no such thing as a perfect game. Name your favourite video game and we'll poke holes in it all day long.
My point is that nobody has ever provided a convincing argument against BotW. Complaining about subjective trivial nitpicks or vague generalisations will never overshadow the experience of playing BotW.