Under the development agreement signed today, Remedy will develop the games as a single title for PC...

>Under the development agreement signed today, Remedy will develop the games as a single title for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S using its proprietary Northlight game engine. The game’s development budget will be financed by Rockstar Games, the size of which will be in line with a typical Remedy AAA-game production. Under the agreement, Remedy has a royalty opportunity after Rockstar Games has recouped its development, marketing, and other costs for distributing and publishing the game.

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>Remedy produces the game

Nice, might actually get a quality product

>more unnecessary remasters/remakes

Attached: 1645098308375.gif (295x222, 3.63M)

>no official source
>literally who twitter



that's me 1 year from now trying to deal with the faggots telling me the originals are obsolete and always sucked

Is it going to be outsourced to Indian sirs?

>their engine they used for control which looks great
>This time only developed for pc and new consoles so not held back by PS4 etc
>Games are short and with a triple a budget
>Will have destructible environments to the level of control at the very least no doubt, which lends itself perfectly to max Payne
These games are going to look fucking fantastic
Max Payne bros we're going home

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>will either be EGS or Rockstar Launcher exclusive

you can still play the originals.

When you put it like that, it does sound nice gameplay-wise.
But will they be able to reproduce the noir-like atmosphere?

until Rockstar delists them, like they did with the GTA Trilogy

>Console physical copy


I have both physical. Of you actually"care" about the originals like you imply (saying the remakes are not necessary) then you would have physical too.
I love both these games and played the to death and 3
I'm legitimately excited for these games and can't see many downsides.
I will concede that new Rockstar are absolute kikes and may do some fuckery with pc release, but I have a ps5 and will but physical there if possible.
Also it's being made by remedy, with a AAA budget and the games are small so I imagine a lot of time and effort will go into refining them as there isn't much scope with the budget.

>Proud non physical copy cuck

>he size of which will be in line with a typical Remedy AAA-game production.

Meaning the comic book cutscenes are going to be replaced by fully rendered in-engine ones. Part of Max Payne's soul is that despite being extremely cutting edge you could tell it was made by a smaller team on a lower budget. The game doesn't need a fullblown AAA remake, just update the gameplay and keep the cutscenes as is.

Attached: Max.jpg (218x241, 8.38K)

you don't know that.

i wonder if the "agreement with rockstar" just means they let them use the ip or if rockstar will provide stuff like max 3 engine.

I'm glad Remedy are keeping afloat, but
Can't wait for MTX and some shoehorned MP mode.

>Remedy Entertainment, the creators of Max Payne, are pleased to announce that they will remake the iconic Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne video games in a new development agreement with Rockstar Games.

>The relationship between Remedy and Rockstar Games dates back to the original release of the critically acclaimed Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne games, developed by Remedy and published by Rockstar Games. Both games left an indelible mark in popular culture, lauded for their neo-noir atmosphere, groundbreaking storytelling and “bullet-time” gunplay.

>“We were thrilled when our long-time friends at Remedy approached us about remaking the original Max Payne games,” said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games “We are massive fans of the work the Remedy team has created over the years, and we can’t wait to play these new versions.”

>“Max Payne has always held a special place in the hearts of everyone at Remedy, and we know the millions of fans worldwide feel the same,” said Remedy CEO, Tero Virtala. “We’re hugely excited to be working with our partners at Rockstar Games once again for the chance to bring the story, action and atmosphere of the original Max Payne games back to players in new ways.”

>Under the development agreement signed today, Remedy will develop the games as a single title for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S using its proprietary Northlight game engine. The game’s development budget will be financed by Rockstar Games, the size of which will be in line with a typical Remedy AAA-game production. Under the agreement, Remedy has a royalty opportunity after Rockstar Games has recouped its development, marketing, and other costs for distributing and publishing the game.

>cashgrab remakes for console controllers with soulless AAA graphics by now pozzed Rockstar and Remedy
The death of creativity
No thanks

Would rather see a new Max Payne or Control 2, but I GUESS I can hold my frown for a remake of a twenty year old titan of a game.
Just don't sell out to ebin again, retards.

With Sam Lake still at Remedy, yes.

I still own my physical box copies of Max Payne 1 and 2 on PC.
the point is that Rockstar fucking blows and doesn't care about preserving their games whatsoever. sure, you and I will always have our physical copies, but what happens when lil Johnny grows up and wants to try the series but the only thing available is broken buggy shit like the GTA Definitive Edition trilogy?
I'm sure the Max Payne remakes will be good, it's Remedy developing it and Rockstar is just producing it. I just hate this trend of not being able to officially obtain older games. case in point: everything by Nintendo.

it could still work if they keep the cutscenes at the almost satirical levels of neo noir. the graphic novel was just a delivery method. the actual good part is in the writing and direction.

every single great game or movie is always lightning in a bottle. you might be able to reproduce it if you make the sequel right away, within 2 years, but if you give the leading heads time to change(personality, politics, new life experiences that change their view on culture) or if you add new leading heads you will always end up with a very different sequel. considering the fact it's been 20 years and they are combining both MP1 and 2 into one i don't expect anything good. I hope it's going to be good, of course, but realistically i don't think it will be.

Can't wait for enemies to be 10x spongier arbitrarily and require a fucking magdump for every fucking enemy in every fucking encounter. Fucking Remedy.

>zero reading comprehension cuck

I really, really, REALLY doubt Remedy will fuck up like that, Max Payne is what Half Life is to Valve, they won't change much.

>triple A remake
If you're even remotely excited for this, you're an idiot.

Originals were both in consoles zoomer

Only got ported to consoles later. This is designed for consoles first. Clear difference.

oh wow if it isn't another remake. How fucking original. This industry is so creatively bankrupt it's actually pathetic at this point.

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>retard doesn't understand context

>Under the development agreement signed today, Remedy will develop the games as a single title for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S
and pc
There wasn't a massive difference in hardware and gameplay and end release look of the originals whatever platform you got them on, and there won't be here, so don't act like if it was PC only now that it would make a difference you fucking elitist mong

They are not remaking Max Payne 3. What would they need MP3 engine for?

Nah. More likely that they'll be redrawn. The ones in Max Payne 1 look rough compared to 2. But not removed.

Read the fucking OP and this for fuck sake They are using their own engine that they used for control

Remedy either can't or simply refuse to do gore in their new games
so there will be no decent looking ham decals on exit wounds like MP3
no dismemberment as well
That is what disappoints me

>Would rather see a new Max Payne
How would a premise like that work especially after the ending in 3?
And no way in hell is it gonna be a new character when the titular character is literally called MAX PAYNE

I wonder if this means the remakes will have more environmental destruction like what Control had? Max Payne 2 kind of played with this a bit

northlight is a great engine

I'd like to see you try and make a new IP that is compelling to the modern age.
Also give Remedy a break, all they've done is new IP's (Quantum Break, Control, etc)
Give them a chance at remaking their baby


Max Payne 4 will be about Max Payne and his brazilian wife's daughter, Maxine Payne.
Payne's bloody past with the new york mafia and favella coke monkeys finally caught up with him and he gets Joel'd in the intro cutscene as a kid Maxine watches in horror in her hiding spot.
Fast forward 19 years, she is a cop and has to take down the people that killed Max.


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Hope that they remove the dumb invisible labyrinth and platforming in the dream sections
Also Max Payne 1 is short as fuck, why not just make a new game with the vibe of the first one

Its not about playing the originals or remakes, but that no new games are being made

aaaaaaaaaa a remake aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im cumming

lots of new games are being made all the time.
maybe not as many triple a games but there are plenty of AA and indie games being made

Fuck off, now I'm thinking
>Start your business selling Painkillers and destroy your competition

I only liked the first Max Payne. 2 and 3 may as well be bad fan fiction. This is how I honestly feel about the series.

3 had the best gameplay by far though.
games are about gameplay.

Nice, I've not played MP games since they came out so this would actually be a remaster I'm interested in.
Sounds promising.

>Remedy has a royalty opportunity after Rockstar Games has recouped its development, marketing, and other costs
that means no royalty

Nah I want to see those events in max Payne 3 like cutscenes. What's the point of a remake if you aren't going to change things a little?

not to be that guy but its a complete remake, not a remaster.


I see them making a game like that.
Don't forget Maxine is le black epic woman

Honestly, doesn't sound like a problem to me

It's a good chance for a series to get a soft reboot. I hope that they'll make DLCs that will add some additional stories, which will lead to Max Payne 3 prequel.

no molotovs
no baseball bat
2 and a half weapon limit
Max is old and slow in a tedious way because lel Rockstar Advanced Game Engine.
No thanks.
Glad they at least learned how to make limbs explode with Red Dead 2.