this is so cringe, especially considering how often Miyazaki were mentioning in the interviews that making game hard just for sake of difficulty was never the main idea
dude, Ashes of Ariandel contain one of the best boss in the serie
I'm not just basing it on the bosses. Level design, length of the area, number of bosses, etc. are all mediocre. One good fight doesn't save it.
>>Actively discourages exploration and experimentation by decreasing your max hp each time you die while hollow
Best story in the entire franchise.
I really hope you don't dispute this...right?
fair, AoA should've be in the main game, as DLC it sucks only for lacking content, besides that it's a really nice area with great boss in the end
Ive finally come around on 2 after beating Elden Ring.
>Actively discourages exploration and experimentation by decreasing your max hp each time you die while hollow
>actually crying that death has any kind of consequences
unironically git gud. DeS and DaS both have this mechanic too, in fact DaS2 has the most generous version of it outside of the games that scrapped it entirely.
I like the narrative themes of the game revolving around memories, history being lost, identities being lost, things changing over time and how it all ties into the curse of the undead etc.
But brainlets were in a thread last night trying to argue that Drangleic wasn't always intended to be Lordran after it had lost its original name and despite several characters having dialogue alluding to it