How bad is this

It's all I can afford and my current PC is dogshit

Attached: gt1030_sl_2g_brk_01-icixxegs.jpg (512x512, 62.87K)

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good enough for anything 2013 and before

That card exists solely for HTPCs. It has just enough power to decode videos and nothing more.

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lol. i didnt even know they made 1030s

Just get an AMD APU

Can I use it to emulate ps2 games? I found one to buy for $35 that I can use a payment plan on

wtf bro it's over for you

Attached: a1e.png (600x632, 130.03K)

No. Just buy a ps2.

>payment plan
damn it must suck to be poor. You could probably buy a PS2 + games for 35 bucks

can't be that bad. I currently have an AMD R7 200 in my rig and I can play Battlefield 1 on low settings with 60 fps. Farthest I've pushed it so far was with Black Mesa where it didn't perform as well

Attached: irl ork man.jpg (163x207, 5.07K)

AMD APUs have gotten surprisingly good

Honestly is it even worth it at that point? You might as well just buy a console. It would probably run better.

buy a steam deck lol

I'm actually really interested in building a "retro" PC, it's been a pain in the ass trying to get old games to run in software. Can you still find Pentiums and Voodoo IIs for cheap or has the collector's market snapped those up, too?

>0dB cooling

GDDR5 version? Pretty bad, but will run 2012 and earlier games at 720p medium-high decently
GDDR4 version? Absolute dogshit, a decent iGPU from the past couple years will run circles around it

bought my PC mainly for software/work. Not terribly interested in running the newest shit and there are PC exclusives I like. Made sure though that if I do upgrade I'll only really need to touch the card and not the whole system
Literally worse than AMD integrated graphics. GPU prices are finally falling now, so if all you're looking for is a GPU and you're not looking to build a new system, look at the used market and pennypinch for a little bit longer. It really and truly will be worth it.

just get an amd apu, might even end up upgrading your cpu too

Just use linux lmao

get at least a 1050, otherwise dont bother.

Alright if you're at the point where you can't afford to pay $35 upfront, then seriously, stop browsing Yea Forums, forget about gaming and PC hardware for a while, and put every single moment of your focus into finding some form of steady income.

Christ this thread is depressing and I'm sat drinking beer eating breakfast it's 8.good luck user

Nigga you better be 14 if you're talking about putting a $35 graphics card on layaway. You got to sort out your priorities.

>that I can use a payment plan on
Don't reply to this faggot

This. 5600g and a cheap b550 mobo.

Brothers probably from hue hue land don't be so mean

Snagged this for $50 on craigslist.

Attached: PXL_20220318_023904839.MP.jpg (3024x4032, 2.05M)

Here's a super protip for you OP

buy a "broken" card off ebay or some other local craigslist site, buy some aluminium foil at walmart and bake the broken GPU in your oven at 210 celsius (410F) for roughly 8-9 minutes, then open the oven and let it cool without touching it

90% chance your broken card is now fresh as new and you got yourself a good card for less than 30 bucks

>no results on reverse image
You know what bro, you go ahead and enjoy yourself my man.

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Considering you'll have to use software mode anyway, don't bother with a graphics card.

You might as well just get a CPU with integrated graphics.

How to get lead poisoning and a dead gpu in few months

The guy said it would get the job done

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you guys are fucking retarded, it has 3 slashes claw mark on the box

dont listen to them OP, youre good to go for any game from this generation

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Can someone loan/give me $10 for the first installment of the payment? It's split into 4 payments $10 each

it's fine i finished cyberpunk with it
30fps with flexible resolution

Well at least you will be able to play indie games. Try to the moon, shovel knight etc

Gt210 gang

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unironicly this


>my current PC is dogshit
How dogshit?

if it had dx11

That's actually impressive.

i heard you can watch HD movies with it, but not 4k

Attached: https___undeadwalking.com_files_2016_04_IMG_20160403_225629.jpg (2000x1128, 76.9K)

>payment plan for $35
If you're not underaged just forget about gaming completely and use the money for essentials.

goddamn, and here i was complaining that for less than msrp i got a 3060 instead of the 3060ti i was gunning for.

Not bad for lowest settings 1080p 30fps

that's probably worse than the igpu from a 10 year old intel CPU

Poorfags, have you ever considered buying used off ebay? I got a 770 for $100 in 2015 and it's still going. Crypto miners are safer to buy from than gamers. Mining needs the VRAM more than the processing power, so cards are often undervolted. Electronics have better lifetimes under low, consistent loads than they do when you're constantly switching between 0 and 100 like you do with gaming.

This, I have it in one of my systems in case my gpu breaks.
(bought it because my 2080ti broke and the 3080 shitstorm happened, managed to get a 3070, now just waiting for the 4080)
You can't play shit. Period.
Maybe some deadcells and other games like it -nuclear throne or hades f.e. But driving my 4k monitor was already hard for the card. Using it for simple 3D (solidworks) was already breaking the card. Get gooooood case airflow. Better yet don't buy it.

>bake the broken GPU in your oven at 210 celsius

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3rd world must suck, even as a NEET I could afford a 3060 Ti here

not really, even as a third world neet with a gtx 950 I can still play every switch game on yuzu for free

This 3

I did this with a 7970 i paid $10 for like 8yrs ago. The thing is still working to this day. The oven trick really does work if you arent a retard about it.

>It's all I can afford
Wait, save more money, buy something better.

>baking the card with all metal components on it
you'll fix any bad soldering but damage metal components