FATE Thread

Which servant is the biggest mana drainer and why it is BB?

Attached: BB.jpg (1800x2554, 1.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>reset bb body restauring her hymen
>marry bb
>have hymen breaking baby resulting marital sex with her

What’s her actual name, I know she’s called BB but what’s the name.

Brine Braps.


Baba Booey

Boi Bussy

Blacked Bitch

Built for BB Channel

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Her body is kind of small, unlike the image in the OP

My hotwife BB is so cute

Show her off!

When will Uo Denim release the sequel?

Valentine's Day with BB...

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>look sisters I posted it again!!!
pls kys

Black Blossom

That's it really. Because Sakura.

Why do people get fixated on hymens anyways? I guess you can see it as a symbol of virginity but if you're regenerating already broken ones then it doesn't even have that.

Plus isn't breaking a hymen kinda painful for the girl anyways? That doesn't sound very pleasant for her :(

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My wife MHX

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How about a non futa version?

I love Yea Forums

Tranny general

>fate thread
>secondary coom characters
i swear that BB only has gotten popular lately just because of idiots being exposed to ngon mmd videos. also it's always either BB/MHX in those threads so no surprise.
there's none. if you like bremerton there's that.

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Yes I like Brem

You forgot our emperor

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>our emperor
I didn't vote for her

and of course nero. the one that's being posted the most that has slipped through my mind

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I rather have a Bremerton thread indeed

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Too much clothing

Defintiely ZB
Possibly archer4th

>Fate thread
>no subtle edits yet

Go away

Neros fat neros...


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My dick is hard now post some nice girls so I can cum please. It's your responsibility

I think it's canon that Romulus is the biggest mana drain. His death line is something along the lines of
>I used too much mana? Sorry....
Implying that he can't actually lose in combat

Attached: Lancer Romulus.Quirinus).full.3285290.png (1280x1783, 2.18M)

how come you haven't killed yourself yet?

make your own thread then. fuck mao lane for not giving me formi.

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BB doesn't even need mana, she hardly even counts as a servant since she's an AI that absorbed divinity.

Technically the Greek Gods are the same way.

You made me hard now answer me

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She's more than just that now!
Kinda disappointed her Beast theme didn't have any throwbacks to her Extra theme like Tamamo's did

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>sigurd appears
>someone makes a yugioh joke
Please laugh

Attached: Sigurd, the strongest knight.jpg (1535x2048, 214.65K)

More specifically, Nurse Sakura is considered White Sakura or Blossom

Yeah it's time to fap

Oh nice can you post something showing her front we well? Boobs should stay big

>BB only has gotten popular lately
I don't feel as though anythings changed with secondaries flocking to her. They never knew she existed until FGO added her swimsuit version

Biggu Bazongas

Literally nobody asked for this skin, she is already very popular.

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Hey this is a BB thread!

Best snakelady

well that'a also explains everything. i dont really enter """""fate""""" threads since it's all the same shit that's being posted all the time.

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>White Blossom

I think it's a Romulus thread.

Attached: rommmmmmmmmmm.jpg (1200x850, 736.73K)

Blacked Bitch
Bitchy Bimbo
Buta Breeder
Big Boobs
Big Butt
Beach Babe
Bouncy Body
Bastard Bred
Biggest Burden
Bodacious Body
Beautiful Bosom
Best Beauty
Bottom Black
Baby Bearer
Belly Bump
Ball Breaker
Bra Buster
Back Bending
Bracing Bareback
Bride Betrayer
Bulls' Bedmate
Bad Brat
Blowjob Beggar
Bashful Bully
Bed Bouncer
Backstabbing Bunny
Buttplug Blogger

Fags are not welcome

Bigger BB

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I used all my tickets and he never came.
Not using my quartz though. I need those for the anniversary.

I never said I was attracted to him.
I just think he's great.
Fate is, after all, a chuuni franchise

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>bawww it bumped off one of my 50 precious normiering threads!

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ERPniggers and coomposters are the laziest bunch of fuckheads I've ever seen. They post the same goddamn set of 20 images they only save from each other, it's pathetic

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Let's see her perky bits already

Cute glasses, hot booba.

I honestly can't stand Sakura faces. Saber and Rin faces, sure. But Sakura? Yeesh. Just feed her to the worms. Nice body though.

I wish Quirinus sounded more like Caligula than Romulus

Would you impregnate BB?

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Sakura route is cute and canon, seethe and cope

She's dead so you can't


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It doesn't really hurt that much, most of it is the nerves and anticipation.

I would impregnate her mouth

True. they dont even bother to make their own fucking folders consists of their erp character or waifus or whatever.

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Butt then?

They haven't released a new 3-star since Mandricardo, what's up with that?

3 stars make no money

>having sex with Sakura
no thanks.

I want to glaze her tits.

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The funny thing is, I hardly save any porn either. 99% of this collection is SFW

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Even so, I'd appreciate it if they gave me a reason to actually bother rolling the FP gacha once in a while. Habetrot's dandy, but come on.

Finally more tanned BB-chan!

>every time you fight Melusine

Attached: file.png (969x896, 949.16K)

This one?

I'll watch her breeding episodes on her BBChannel

Reminder that BB Channel broadcasts are literally BB's catcalls to the MC to get his attention

Hakuno belongs to Scathach exclusively.

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>that one doujin by uo denim

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Nice but
>99% is SFW
i hardly doubt that unless you're saving booru archive's and fanbox dumps, doujins and so on. i mainly only do the first two but most of the okita is mainly SFW since she isn't really a target for nsfw fanart unlike mommy raikou.

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As far as I care, Hakuno is happily back on Earth with Blossom away from the mooncell and the HGW. BB died to protect his smile

>BB giving Senpai private NTR shows on her BBChannel
What a kind and thoughtful Kouhai

Isai shōchi, Hōgu kidō.

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Neither, it just comes with the territory of saving art of her since like 2014.
Searching art for her on twitter is an ABSOLUTE bitch though

This is your big sister.

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Shut up worm bitch.

Tanned BB is made for deepthroating

BB hates every human that isn't Hakuno


happy to see another mask chad in the wild

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