What decks you running user?
Yugioh:Master Duel
kaijus are funny
>What decks you running user?
Crusadia mekk knights
Crusadia kaiju
Orcust mekk knights
Orcust scrap
Hapries tri brigade
Springan dogmatika is the latest one I've been playing around with
How many cards are the standard to dedicate to the Invoked engine? I'm considering adding it to my Toon Deck since I only use my normal summon on Black Stone of Legend. At least until I've filled out its extra deck which needs lots of URs I don't have.
Right now True Draco but missing some cards still.
Assuming you're here user I do have Pixie Dragon. I legitimately went out of my way to buy that specific Manga Volume itself just for her. I like mean little Luna.
Just built Qli.
I either flip skill drain and win or brick.
>tfw Konami wont touch my U.A. deck since is too busy banning Self-FTK decks
just hit plat 1 for the first time, i usually sit around plat 5-3.
made virtual worlds like two days a go and just hit plat 1 with it
I need a tuner. Let me borrow your Ash Blossom really quick.
I don't run ash, try again.
Pendulum Magicians
True Draco/King
bro just use e tele
Can you activate this card under droll and force your opponent to special summon the monster declared?
Then how am I supposed to kidnap an Eldlich before I Called by the second and third?
Not gonna lie, that's a good SelfTK card for a suicide deck.
>declare Garbage Lord
Overpowered in the mirror match.
Why is the Omni negate bird that also stops you from special summoning from turn 1 legal?
Why is there no best of 3 format with sideboarding
I haven't seen a single mill deck in master duel, is there a reason? Did the best mill cards get banned or is milling just shit in this game?
How do I make mayakashi's good, pure mayakashis suck. I just want to use yuki-onna.
Cyber Dragon
Invoked Shaddoll
Thunder Dragon
To the anons who helped me with getting to understand the game and helping me with PaleoFrogs, thanks a lot.
I think it's really fucking dumb that toadally awesome is limited to 1 copy, though.
Either Mill Mayakashi, Zombie World Mayakashi, Eldlich Mayakashi, or Zombie World Eldlich Mayakashi.
Don't forget your zombie handtraps if you're feeling specially thematic on your Mayakashi pet deck.
Literally how can decks be made when x3 ash x3 called X3 max X2 cross out go in every fucking deck
It's at three in the tcg if that makes you feel better.
Why are people surrendering
There's just so many situations where summoning another would be my best play, but I'm not allowed because I already have him on the field.
Why is it even limited in the OCG/master duel
So, where is the catch? Besides not being a quick spell and knowing the opponent deck which is easy on BO3.
Started as Blue Eyes, now waiting for the support after.
Currently maining:
Dark Magician
I've also got basic bitch Galaxy Eyes and Invoked Shaddoll decks, but haven't learned them yet.
The catch is MD is best of 1.
The card is either summoned to your board or added to your hand, but the opponent decides where it goes, not you.
And this costs you 2000 lp and you need knowledge of your opponent's deck.
you're better off playing your own cards.
As always the catch is going to be that you could've put something else in your deck instead and just drawn into a card that will always be good for your deck instead of gambling on them either having something in their deck that is good for yours In which case why wouldn't you just run that card yourself instead of this? or that they have some monster they really need all 3 copies of in their deck that you can deprive them of.
It's still a fun card either way though.
Witchcrafter - Dogmatika
Live twin
One day I will have my Luna deck
Banlist when
I like decks that can play on the opponent's turn like Orcust and Evil Twins, any recommendations on what I should make next?
Cryston, and unchained afaik.
Im running reversal quiz OTK, works 30% of the time, every time
Add in a bone tower and mill your opponents
I really want to like traptrix, but every time I play it I either lose the coinflip or my opponent starts with backrow removal. Not to mention it bricks often and I get double up in my starting hand way too often for a 1/40 draw chance.
What's the most SEX archetype?
terraforming, 2 meltdown, 3 aleister, 2 invokes, artemis for mechaba and whatever else fusions you want to use, since I imagine toons don't need a big extra deck
I recommend at least one of each, you never know when you want to banish something in their grave
>legacy UR
yeah no, if I had the luxury to craft this I wouldn't be selfTKing
That's the curse of a trap focused deck, Eldlich gets by with graveyard recursion and floodgates but most other trap decks just insta lose if going second.
It's funny since Eldlich also gets hard cucked by Traptrix.
I wish there was a way to tell Drytroon faggots to kill themselves in this game
Master duel desperately needs side boarding.
Just run Skill Drain. Bitches scoop as soon as I pull it out.
No one in the world takes advantage of this, but Toons actually have pretty strong extra deck potential because it's so common to have two level 7s on the field meaning they can do stuff like go into Galaxy Tomahawk>Wynn the Wind Charmer Verdant>Selene>resummon the Toon Magician used for the Tomahawk>Link away the Toon Magician with your remaining token>use selene to bring it back AGAIN on your opponent's turn
And by the way, Toon Dark Magician is not a hard once per turn, so if you have the cards in hand you can activate his ability again to bring out a Toon Terror or get out a Toon Black Luster to banish something.
But nobody does this, they just cram Big Eye in their extra deck, 3 Pots of Extravagance in their main deck, and call it a day.
is 3 drnm/3 droplet with no other handtraps the way to go in the current meta? feels like regular handtraps just dont do enough against hyper consistent combo decks
Your max c bro??
Playing witchcrafters but I want to make an edymion deck to try a pendulum deck
DRNM only if you absolutely cannot afford to discard.
You can't really play a back row deck without IO and 3 judge.
If you don't draw them and your back row gets sweeped then you just go next without wasting time, good on them for drawing their out.
Play floodgates
Invoked Despia Shadoll. Dogmatika is unnecessary at this point to be honest
Maxx C is the best vs those decks because it draws you into all your other hand traps including Nibiru, and also can draw your outs like droplets. I never see DRNM, but for less aggressive decks it's good.
Also you should try to go first so you can get up some interruptions/negates of your own.
And you can't just negate the first thing you see; you have to actually know where it hurts them the most with meta combo decks.
You can also just give the ultimate "NO" and scoop vs meta decks if your deck/hand really can't handle them.
Been trying some Kitchen Synch, but I feel like it just isn't there yet.
Thanks, I'll try this out. Surprising that you only need 5-6 SRs and no URs for this engine. Toons also can easily access all the invoked fusions so that's pretty neat, but I guess you need Toadally+Bahamut Shark to justify Toon Mermaid.
Is the field spell's passive effect good enough to keep it up and go for Toon World over just replacing it with Kingdom in your opinion?
I hate Sky Striker players so much. Why are they so slow when it's not even a combo deck?
what are some decks that let me run down the clock
put a bunch of tutors and draw in the deck
Are you grinding your favourite rogue/pet deck to Plat 1 or are you going to be a pussy and play a meta deck?
I intend to play nothing but Paleofrogs.
Dragonmaid Dragunity
Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade
I'm making a Solfachord deck right now
I hit gold 1 today and I've been surrendering since I don't want to be in plat any time soon
IF I can get t plat 1 with Trickstar I'll do it
Invoked Eldlich
Prank Kids
Pendulum Magicians
I'm going to be a pussy and stay in gold. I already got the "get to plat" achievement so I see no incentive to go there.
Ursarctic is bad, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. People see "tribute 1 other card from your hand to summon this monster" and their eyes turn into burning piles of money, because people have gotten so used to cards that special summon themselves for free and plus you in the process that they think "summon this card and turn a card in your hand into book of moon" is putting you in financial ruin. The deck goes +2 or +3 in the process of its regular "combo", and ends up with a ridiculously powerful field spell on the board. This is BEFORE they gave them a spell that literally draws you seven cards for free.
The reason the deck is bad is just the inconsistency. Even if you're running every single Ursarctic and multiple level 7+ monsters (say 25-30 total), you'll end up with dead hands where all you can do is get a couple of low-attack level 7s on the board, or hands where you can't trigger any of the big bears' effects profitably because you can't get a small bear on the board first. You'll end up with hands that can't banish cards vs eldlich, or hands with S/T removal against Drytron.
All this wouldn't be so bad if they had a consistent gameplan going first - the hand trappy go-second nature of the deck could just be a bonus. But they have absolutely no way of searching any of their powerful spells and traps outside of Septentrion, and running too many S/Ts is a one-way trip to bricktown.
It's absolutely competitive, though. Maybe rogue, maybe a little below. It has a competent game plan and it does stuff that other decks really can't. Trust me, that's way better than what some decks can do - I just dumped 5k gems on one of my alts into the Amazement pack and the pack with the Solemns in it, trying to make that deck work. Christ above is it unplayable.
I ended up falling off on collecting the manga promos, I think the last one I got was Kachi Kochi Dragon.
I got 2 of these from legacy packs.
I use one in my Madolche deck, it works surprisingly well.