Partake in casual banter

>partake in casual banter
>permabanned because someone else is a pussy
>money stolen
How is this considered ok again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just stop playing garbage games

Yea Forums isn't the comments section of twitter, those interested are allowed to visit that platform freely

Npc indeed

>live on twitter
>get triggered every minute
>cry to your hugbox
Hmmm... sounds like a woman

stupid bitch ass up

>money stolen
Isn't the chink shooter free to play?

>is a female talking to me? get off the fucking game and do your husbands dishes bitch
For who should I root here if I hate females and blackoids?

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I don't give a FUCK about what the cunts in Twitter are doing.

>casual banter
>chimp out and start screaming in the mic when somebody calls you a noob
Kek, black hands typed this post

Sara is a racist.

I laugh at anyone who gets this mad at videogames.

he called the other guy a monkey. l o l mao

the only funny toxic player is LTG

imagine getting offended by the most basic slightly edgy black dude who plays the line of what is trolling or not

Twitter posting should be bannable

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>monkey shines
I would ban him too

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>partake in casual banter
lol, you clearly didn't even watch the video. He got called out because he fucked up an easy kill and that caused him to go full chimp mode.

you can't make this shit up

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Holy kek. If you're a nigger streamer a nose cam is probably the least flattering angle you could go for.


>Hero Counter-Strike shit

All this lil nigga does is yell into the mic and call people bitches. Like damn bruh ain’t y’all whitebois got nothing better to than watch a brother chimp out?

Oh no someone feels hurts.

a cam is probably the least flattering thing you could go for


Other players called him a nigger first and told him to go pick cotten. black guy (properly) responds by bantering back and gets a permaban. It's not his fault, the other faggots started it, if you don't want to get shit thrown at you don't throw it at others in the first place


Won't be as long as mods are power tripping reddit trannies that allow off topic shitposting and delete on topic threads they personally don't like

kek that wasn't casual or banter. straight up nigger moment. guess they start young.

this is unironically why women shouldnt be into this shit. they cant handle some harmless banter. I remember being called faggot and lots of other things when i was playing games on the net and i didnt take it personally because its just retards on the internet banting. These leftoids/women see something that makes them feel uncomfortable and they want to change it. Anything that doesnt make them feel good needs to be changed. They want to change the whole world one step at a time until everyone lives in a 1 meter by 1 meter cubicle with hourly wellness checks to make sure no one ever feels uncomfortable or sad. They are insane and no matter what change you make they always want more, it never stops. They cant accept that some things arent perfect but are better taken as is anyways.
>this made made me feel unsafe because he told me to do some dishes!
>omg we need to change the system so this never happens again
ACTUAL mental illness. these people should actually be chained up and forced to do dishes 24/7 and kept away from real humans.

heh, nigger.

>kids are watching this shit

>when he starts shitting on the roastie

calling someone a noob counts as harassments these days and once you start harassing someone all bets are off so he had every right to go as far as he wanted, giving them tinnitus was just a bonus.

>niglet gets banned for chimping out
>cries about it on Yea Forums

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lol wait till they realize this is what 70% of black people act like.

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Well congratulations, you gave free publicity to a niggerape who reacted like that precisely because he gets more attention and people love him for it. Why do you think fags love LTG? So yeah you banned an account for a free game where you can just make a new one and gave thay nigger at least hundred new followers.

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If you play shit games like valorant you deserve to be fucked over.

God I hate niggers so much.

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No they didn't. They simply told him where the last enemy was, and then that he has to hit those shots when he fucked up. That caused the nigger to chimp out.

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based . fuck this nigger and his toxic community


Also every single one of you faggots always cry about not being able to chimp out on online video games like you could but i guess this time it's ok to take the moral highground cause hes black.

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We shouldn't have let women out of the kitchen

Look at the replies to the riot employee's tweet

>monkey calling others a monkey

kek what a madlad

he's got so much money he could buy Yea Forums at this point

>Anons complain about not being able to banter online
>Anons also think perma banning due to banter is ok sometimes
you can never win with Yea Forums.

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Nigger detected.

You type like a faggot

>black does something bad
every single fucking time. kill yourself.

You don't know what banter is if you think that chimpout counts as one.

it's called schadenfreude

hypocrites can die

Yea Forums isnt one person. there are more casuals and baby bitch made retards here than ever before.

>banter BAD
women detected

Why do people even watch niggers? What is the appeal? I mean circus animals sure but nobody likes circus animals that fling shit everywhere.

good morning sir

Literal racism against a young black teen

t- leftoid women

>Bans a chimp nigger from their game for a boondocks nigga moment
Maybe it's worth looking into if they're gonna handle it like this

>hear words
>absolved of all personal responsibility because people treat you like a nobrained retard

because blacks act like this all the time so they generally receive zero empathy

>Thinks he gets nog pandering in a Chinese game

All I see is a man having a mental breakdown getting perma banned. Good.

>being redpilled about w*men
>apologise blaming racism

the duality of a negro

wtf is this even mean?

This is why fighting games are good, people banter back and forth and nobody gives a fuck, all the people that replied to you before are actual fucking zoomers

Holy shit, this whole clip had me rolling

What the fuck? Where are all the retards that spammed threads crying about being banned online? Those faggots that cried about how saying nigger shouldn’t get you banned because it was against free speech. Is it because a nigger was banned that Yea Forums is okay with it? Fuck you all faggots.

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I've never seen anyone who likes "banter" who doesn't flip out when they're on the receiving end

exactly what did he do?
>inb4 Chimpout
Yea Forums defended a faggot screaming nigger over and over in his mike for getting sniped while peaking so I need to know how different it is.

They should've banned the other players for not using the mute button

>>>>>>casual banter
>*angry monkey noises*

Unless I'm playing with friends, chat is always muted.

Based anti-woman nigger

It doesn't count now since the guy being banned isn't a spic like the rest of the anons that complain about these things

>huge yikes
how can you even type these words unironically knowing its basically a meme

this thread and twitter post are amazing,
at one side Yea Forums hates niggers and canceling, by standing against cancelling it can be implied they like nigga cock, but if they stand for cancelling that would be hypocritical and generally no one likes cancelling here.
for twitter, the nigga chimped out on woman, and was saying typical stuff like "go do dishes and make sandwich" and some other stuff.
they too are in dilemma, if they stand for nigga it would be misogynistic but on other side it would be racist,
great, amazing, what a situation it is check mating two polar opposites together. amazing,
I bet god is laughing at stupidity of both Yea Forums and twitter, or just fun posting.

>"get off the f*cking game and do your husbands dishes b*tch"
based nigger

Post the one where he forgot his meds

Telling people to shut up isn't banter. He was 100% booty blasted. No banter there at all.

>Casual banter
>Acting like a complete spaz

Yeah okay OP, we know it's you who got banned maybe you should seek anger management

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yuge hikes

you really expect me to be upset on behalf of this groid?


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He has no money. It's all spent on dumb shit.

The only people who unironically play r*ot games abominations are trannies and onlyfans subscribers.
They made this nigger a favor.

>I bet god is laughing at stupidity of both Yea Forums and twitter
I am.

>that's not me! i'm young.

there is your dindu

>this fucking chimp has almost 7M subs
Why do people try?

That was also a chimpout. You don't bantz when you get your feefees hurt which happened in both cases here or the nigger might be acting, you chimpout. Shit like "shut up nigger" is bantz, but "SHUT UP NIGGER WHORE ALALALALALALALALALALA" is chimping out.

Getting mad and screeching down the mic is not banter you fucking retard. Dumb fuck clearly lost his cool and acted liked a chimp.

if you are god, i am brad pitt.

did you try being entertaining?

>This is a huge yikes

did you forget the fgc went esports and is #wholesome af now

You should be more concerned about getting out of your third world shithole than what's happening on Yea Forums.

I personally have not tried ANYTHING at all, I just wonder why other people do.
Though now I'm inspired to try.

>"this is a huge yikes"
>instantly ban from twitter
god please tell me this is a parody

he's a retarded groid who can't control his anger and screams offensive things live on stream
would have easily got away with it if he wasn't broadcasting

nah i am happy in my country, its fun isps used to advertise torrent speeds and would host cs 1.6 cracked servers.

Holy shit what are those nostrils? Fuck all this IQ and skin color racism, what the fuck is up with those shotgun barrel pipe holes?!
This proves they are a sub species.

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why do grown ass adults speak like theyre in 3rd grade?


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show nostrils with time stamp

Sounds comfy. Also, please stop sending your subhumans over, we already have more than enough. Thank you.

Just saw his response
>muh racism, dey be racist muh racist text to speech
>dat not be me, me not be dat person no mo, me growing as a person, dat not me no mo
>peace out

cause they're "adults" in age only

stop shilling this nigger

His response was that he was in the wrong, why lie on an anonymous forum?

It's ok because a nigger was banned for acting like a nigger.

>clip surfaces of the black streamer being harassed by the girl first with heavy racism remarks
>clip that is shown on twitter is him reacting and telling her to "get back into the kitchen" joke
>twitter rat: omg look at this toxicity!!!
>woman who works at riot games literally named NPC: omg thats yikes, don't worry, perm banned them ;)
>people see the original harassment clip and send it to the rat and the woman who banned him
imagine playing a multiplayer game where a woman decides if you can be banned or not.

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Nigger defender has arrived

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you european? or canadian getting us visa here is impossible visa offices laugh you out, but ton of people go to european countries like denmark belgium. and lot of people go to canada too, also the kind of people that get to go there are top of the line as i have heard.,

Fuck niggers and fuck women

>In actual games
Name some

Wait, do people still not know this guy is putting on an act? The nig, I mean.

Stay mad nigger

I laughed

how is that guy a hypocrite?


>you shouldn't be banned over words! Free speech!
>uh is this guy yelling at a woman? Yikes, that's not banter! BAN HIM!
What a fucking pathetic board holy shit.

>Is it because a nigger was banned that Yea Forums is okay with it?
Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to?

I just watched the same video you nigger I'm just telling you what was in it no one is defending anyone you fucking faggot

he chimped out hard

Everyone I don't like should be banned, simple as. Doesn't matter what labels you use, muh banter, muh freeze peach, doesn't matter. If I don't like you, you need to be banned and I will use whatever tools the game has to get rid of you.

>Guy from the clip makes an apology video
>Says "you know what I'm saying?" 8 times in 90 seconds

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