There are individuals that play fallout 3

>there are individuals that play fallout 3
Can't help shit taste, i suppose. Dogs eat dog food.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Dogs eat dog food
No they don't, they eat white girl pussy.

Nice thread

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I enjoy both Fallout 3 and NV. There's value in both games and you can't convince me otherwise.

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2 > 1 = NV >>>> 4 > 3

>sierras glowing quantum piss

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>New Vegas
>come courier, walk, and talk with me. Have you ever read Julius Evola? Hmm. Let me explain it to you. Picture the wheat fields of Evropa...
>fallout 3
>Wubba lubba dub dub, Lone Wanderer(tm)! Oh no, Washingtonwarts is under attack by President Voldedenmort! He says he wants to make the wasteland great again!!!! Quick, grab this lightsaber to defeat the forces of evil

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Can someone explain me this silly feud between FO fans? Is it uninoric or just blatant shitpost?
t. autist

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bro this comic is fucking shit, don't bother dumping it

I hate collectivists so goddamn much it's unreal

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It's just some salty kids that got told that NV is much better than 3 and because they played 3 when they were 10 they're having trouble coming to terms with that reality.

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>Go whereever you want
yeah, free to go into a empty barren wasteland with zero indication its been over 200 years since the bombs dropped.

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NVtroons constantly seething over Pajeets making memes and being positive about F3

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3 is wearing fallout skinsuit like a mib cocroach
thats why some people find it shit

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But every single day we have this thread... What about indians being FO3 fans; what is the correlation? Thanks in advance.

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The thread is spammed by the same autist and is populated by an assortment of various faggots.

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Do not redeem !

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