What are some videogames that you're ashamed of being seen playing?

What are some videogames that you're ashamed of being seen playing?

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all of them

project diva

Nick Brawl is probably ine of the most frustrating games in existence. I went overboard to a guy's house once and beat him in Ghost Zone, he got so upset he slammed the table and my fight or flight kicked in so I beat the shit out of him before he could get the chance to beat the shit out of me. Turns out he never intended to hit me so I just did that for no reason. It was awkward seeing him at school the next day so I actually switched schools just so I wouldn't see him, also i think he had a crush on me.

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>any final fantasy game
>most jrpg's for that matter

All of them

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Even wordle?

Elden Ring

Runescape not a single person knows I have a mazed osrs account

Post it...you know

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Raid shadow legends (quit after finishing faction wars)

13 Sentinels

The hell are you talking about

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League of Legends

You know

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Ponreinkt 3, everyone clowns on me for liking it

I honestly have no fucking clue but i'll assume it's porn

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rock band/guitar hero

Yes and no

eroge obviously

Any touhou
I love them but I don't know how to explain the fact that its young girls beating the shit out of each other with magic without it sounding weird. I just leave the games paused at this point until they leave.

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Either DOA the first one for PS1,or pic/related

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>Tranny Friends
Hadel and Cusack have confirmed themselves that they are pro Israel and they fuckin hate people like you.

Christianity is literally real and right in-universe.

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t. grim

That's the joke faggot, they believe Christianity is a joke and can only be told by the Jews, their friends.

Was shrimp a jew?

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cool story homo


Any visual novel is a big fat no no.

What a punchline

this was honestly the best scene in the entire series


no he was english

when i was in middle school i got into osu because i wanted to get better at quickscoping in call of duty and thought it would improve my aim. i just remember downloading a massive beatmap pack and half of them would have little girls in swimsuits shoving their feet in your face and other shit like that. i was too retarded to figure out how to remove the background art like this and i would always dread my mom coming in and seeing what i was playing. literally the only game i could think of attaching any shame to and it's not even because of the game itself.

That's not really any of your business though, is it?

Seek professional mental help

any anime game

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RPGmaker porn games

this desu

>dad walks in

TF2 because I only play on furrypound

i'm legit ashamed to play new world because i enjoy the game but cba with my friends asking why i am not playing WoW so just go on invis

God Save the Queen
Basically every fat fetish RPGmaker game, except apostles because for somereason they decided to have a moderately compelling plot under all the fat/weight gain shit

i enjoy the server too but the whole "furries are a minority there" thing is a complete lie

zach is literally a /pol/tard

some weird snes hentai gallery i had on my xbox's snes emulator for some reason

sexy games, i guess.
i currently have trap shrine and trap legend installed on steam.
i wouldn't really want anyone to see those, but i also don't care that much.

Literally all of them. My parents think I'm a screw-up for playing video games and they're right, but I refuse to take part in a society that fucks over straight white men at all turns. I'm not going to work my ass off just to impress some foid who will #MeToo me and ruin my life.

I have a 100% private steam profile which nobody in real life knows I have. I pretend to know nothing about vidya.

Any VN or VN-like
Ape escape
Advance wars/fire emblem
Mahjong soul

I think I'm starting to notice a pattern...

I play Project Diva in the living room so much my mom even comments on it sometimes. No regrets.

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sm64, it's fun after I got good at platforming but playing a 25+ year old game for kids is shameful especially how much I play it

I legit hope nobody ever saw you playing that.

Why Fire Emblem/Advance Wars? Those are OK.

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Little Bitch Nobeta
T-they said it looked like a game for kids... I'm not coming back from that

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Princess Maker 2

Trials in Tainted Space?

That is the vastly preferrable outcome to people saying it's a game for pedophiles.