Which digital card game is the best for a f2p player?

Which digital card game is the best for a f2p player?

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They are all shit. It's easier to make a time machine and go back to 2016 hearthstone than actually getting into a online CCG now

Slay the Spire.

hearthstone has classic mode. not sure if it gives you all the cards, but there's that.

it also has a lot of single player content and has a few modes in which your card collection doesn't matter

Runeterra or Master Duel


isn't LoR literally dead

LOR literally begs people to stay by giving you free cards everyweek for doing dailies

Just play a few rounds of hearthstone battlegrounds every blue moon when you're thinking a few rounds of tcg would be fun.

Probably. I played it for a couple weeks like a year and a half ago and bounced off it because the actual game sucks, but I remember it was remarkably not-jewish especially for Riot.

Played runeterra and it was pretty good.

Shadowverse has been shit since wonderland dreams.

master duel gives you like 3 free decks worth of shit. unless your unlucky enough to be a HEROfag in which case all staples are UR

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The only honest answer imo. You get cards very easily, and crafting is not selling your soul to the devil to buy one leggo.

hecarim's the sexiest

>Duelyst devs abandoned their game to make Godfall
>No patches for years, no marketing, no news
>Game dies, Godfall flops

Pour one out. Only online card game I liked.

Runeterra gives a lot of free shit so it's your best bet f2p wise. Mechanics are also really solid since like Magic you can actually interact with the opponent on their turn. You have the issue that every card game has though where they will make the state of the meta really shitty sometimes. I love card games but really hate the meta in them where 2 or 3 decks are top tier and that's all you see at the top of constructed, and last I played LoR it was nothing but 2 decks. If you enjoy Draft you'll love Runeterra's, just sucks they limit how many times you get rewards from it to only 3 runs.

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>for a f2p player
Runeterra is shockingly generous with free cards.


You either pay up or wait months to get earn cards through the timegated region passes and weekly vaults.

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master duel is incredibly generous for F2P, to the point you can make several different meta decks and spend 0 money

Devs abandoning good games to go make more flops is always sad.

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>How can I enjoy free service

>setup multi-account
>literally can make any deck in less than a day and even pick up accessories if im lucky

how do they even make money? I'm prepared to get banned for having multiple accounts

If you're good at drafting you can go infinite playing limited on Magic Arena and build out your collection that way, but you're fucked if you just want to play constructed because of how stingy they are with wildcards and gems.

This one really hurt to see, Duelyst's sprite work was so good. Kinda wish they just make a roguelite card game with the assets from it.

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Runeterra by far

Teppen i guess

runeterra by orders of magnitude
but it's a hard game to play that requires thinking about your turn so people used to braindead tempo games like mtg and hearthstone hate it

You get like a million billion cards in that game
I played for like 2 months and had nearly every meta deck
Hearthstone took me like 2 years to work up a reasonable collection
Fuck magic I don't even want to think about how long it takes to get cards

There's a community revival project being worked on, but progress is slow and who knows how good it will actually come out in the end.

It just sucks because I think that if they actually put the effort in to market the damn thing a little, I think it could have done far better than it did. I remember hearing a little bit about when it came out and then I never saw a single piece of info on it after the fact except it being mentioned on rare occasions in threads like this. Fantastic mechanics and flavor, with (mostly) good balancing and like you said, amazing spritework.

Duelyst was a shit game designed by retards that couldn't even make it out of beta without starting to copy hearthstone.

Master duel is the most F2P friendly but the problem is that it's yugioh.

I play MtG and I say don't bother playing MtG. I hardly play it anymore after playing it for 9 years

Holy fuck how can someone write a post so fucking self righteous like this and not have a clue how they are sounding

What didn't you like about it? The only issues I had with it were when they started adding more random effect cards, like meltdown. That, and I wasn't a big fan of the quest-type cards.

One those free programs like untap or duel books that just lets you play with any card you want.

These games are retard tests. They are to see if you would rather spend dozens of hours playing with the same tiny card pool with no autonomy over who you play as or if you would rather spend less then an hour researching to know better alternatives exist.

If you played them for any serious length of time you're officially retarded.

Competition would not let it succeed either. One of the strongest longevity for a game is IP recognition, and MtG, Hearthstone, and Runeterra has that. I wonder if there's an IP they could have partnered with to make the game last, the characters were cool but if they just used that sprite work and mechanics with a known IP it could have lasted possibly.

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Master Duel is the most generous, now the state of the meta game...


Shadowverse or Master duel, but I'm more biased towards master duel since it's way more relevant and rerolling is almost not needed if you know what you want, the only downside is that it came out around 2 months ago and we only got a few more cards in the latest update, so hopefully Konami can start pumping more stuff into the game. Also, the soundtrack changes depending if your life points are lower, or if there is a boss monster on the field, etc. it's pretty great.


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I don't play the others, but I have played a bunch of MTGA. For the love of all that exists, do not touch MTGA. I felt like less of a victim or potential target playing f2p korea games and mobile gachas than I did inside MTGA. A fucking crack dealer is more honorable than WOTC.

Please, do not touch MTGO or MTGA

Dueling Nexus (or Dueling Network, idk what it calls itself now). It's just Yugioh, for free, all cards available. Can be fun until you come across YouTube meta decks but hopefully you're running Kaiju's anyway

Honestly, really fair point. It also came out when hearthstone was still being played by everyone, it was only like 2 years in and everyone I knew was playing it, think the numbers were topping somewhere in the multiple tens of millions. I'd love to see the revival project actually work, I feel like in the current market it might actually be able to make some headway just based on the fact that there ARE a lot more options, meaning player bases are more fractured and more likely to try multiple games out rather than stick with "the one everyone else is playing." But you're right, without a real identity behind it it was probably destined to die out like it did.

RIP my backstab deck, most fun I've ever had in a card game.

Oh boy, where do I even start ?
- Designed by people that self admittedly didn't play cardgames and didn't like them
- Based on a board, yet most cards and effects completely ignore positioning or distance - so I guess these devs don't like tactical games either
- Abandons double draw for hearthstone hero powers to make it easier to copy
- Meltdown wasn't even CLOSE to the beginning of RNG in the game. Fucking Keeper of the Vale RNG was already deciding entire games in beta before they nerfed it, and later Sworn Siter L'Kian was giving you random cards out the ass for that crunchy hearthstone experience
- Later on because that amount of RNG wasn't satisfactory, they added fucking PETS, creatures you don't even fucking control directly and have unintuitive AIs.
- Devs also had a huge, HUGE hard-on for unavoidable burn damage and would never care about adressing the dumbing down of the game caused by spell songhai being the most consistently strong archetype for most of the early life of the game.

The story of duelyst is the story of a bunch of insane devs throwing random shit at the wall and people pretending it was fine.

I wanted to play Master duel because its new so no powercreep yet
but then its locked in my SEA region for whatever reason

Jokes aside; Yugioh Duel Links or Master Duels if you want the 100% OCG/TCG sim while its generousity lasts. Where the fuck is my Digimon card game ffs?! And no, the PS1 doesn't count; I'm talking about the new card game.

Runeterra, but honestly the game is such a boring broken mess i don't recommend it

Do any of the MTG online equivalents let you draft? I used to go to Friday night magic back in middle/high school to draft and remember having tons of fun, haven't touched MTG in years though. Never liked playing standard cause I didn't see the reason in trying to shell out hundreds for a good deck every few months and just play the same meta shit. Drafting was always fun though and I would like to do it again, but not sure I have a place near me now to go in person.

Both of them do, MTGO drafting is always against humans. MTGA has both bot and human drafts.

I want to say Master Duel is actually very generous with how much gems it gives but it's my 1st and only card game I've ever played.

Was able to make 2 complete decks before the event even came out.

it has like 20+ years of not exactly power creep but their horizons massively expanded

as someone who's pretty much tried all of the games on the market I think the most f2p is LoR and Master Duel like other anons have said, both are very generous and let you craft a lot of decks to play around with, main problems with both are how oppressive the meta ones are, but you can still have fun with whatever petdecks you make most of the time

That's probably all fair. I started played a year or two into the game fully releasing, couldn't give an exact timeline. I do remember hearing some of the older players complaining about issues the game had early in development that effected it in the long term, though I never really knew how bad it was.

It's really a shame. I do think they had something great and then just squandered it every chance they had, apparently even more so than I realized. Now that you mention it, I do remember running into issues with how much out-of-hand damage could be running around some decks. I guess I just learned to try and account for it, but you can only account for so much before it goes past being a skill issue.

As far as the tactics go, that's the only thing I would disagree on, only because I did feel like there was a decent amount of tactical skill involved. Maybe not as much as some people wanted, but even without having specific positioning/tile based abilities, just the fact that you could move around the board was a lot of fun for me and added a really satisfying layer. But I can agree that they absolutely could have done more with it, which also probably would have helped it feel more unique to others on the market.

>procs lurk twice in a row
I win

>so no powercreep yet

Master Duel is super generous but it's future is abit murky, not because the game sucks atm ot anything.

But it can be if they never update banlist or take literally 6 months
>which is what might be happening right now.
to fucking update.
but because there's absolutely 0 chance Konami won't fuck this up

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How bad are you at this game lmao

Every game of netrunner I have ever played has felt like the hardest card game ever. Which is not necessarily a good or a bad thing, but jesus christ every move you make feels like it costs you 3 arms and 4 legs, and that's assuming you don't get shredded by some sort of ridiculous ICE.

Really glad I managed to collect a really solid amount of the physical cards before it got discontinued. Fun game to have in the collection even if I never really get to bring it out because no one wants to bother learning it. Do people still play on that janky online client? I forget the name of it, but I remember trying a few rounds and getting my ass beat, still had some fun though.

Runeterra is very free but the balance updates are slow

Remember Urban Rivals? Yes, it's still alive somehow. If you've never heard of it, don't bother getting into it.

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>but it's a hard game to play that requires thinking about your turn so people used to braindead tempo games like mtg and hearthstone hate it

they can't go more than 2 months without some new broken card that steal the meta and get nerfed later down the road
see poppy/kennen/gnar

Kennen hasn't been nerfed once, and his deck was so hard to play it wasn't played on ladder despite being dominant

>main problems with both are how oppressive the meta ones are.
To be honest, I would say playing a top meta deck (in master duel) like tri-zoos or Adamancipators (maybe) is actually better for new players since it will teach you that your deck needs to have consistency, responses in opponent's turn, synergy with all the rest of the cards, you learn how to combo correctly and how a good end turn board looks like, etc..

Meanwhile if you choose a "fun"/boomer deck when you don't even know how to build a good/decent meme deck, then you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. Also, top meta decks are mostly super easy to drive, tri-zoos don't have too many combos, just fill your graveyard and summon shit from the extra deck and you win.

Cockatrice for MTG, literally the best platform for it, need someone else to play with though, and you have access to everything so it's not really any kind of progression other than just experiencing card games, MTG is more complex than yu gi oh but the rounds aren't as long.

otherwise Runeterra is a pretty good casual experience PvE card game.

Hearthstone is only good if you are good at your deck, you HAVE to pay if you want to get any good interesting decks otherwise, grinding against people is fucking awful.

Been playing card games on and off at cons and whatnot for years.

Not a card game, its a roguelite with a card game skin for flavor and only people who are afraid of social interaction play it.


Does Cockatrice have a rules engine yet or is it just a png placer and it's up to both people to enforce the rules?

>no power creep yet
you, do realize that it's just Yugioh but online right? The games been out for 20 years, people have already figured out what's good and everything not in the game yet has already been in the hands of players for months to a full year. There are no exclusive mechanics or cards. It's as 1 to 1 as you can get sans the banlist.

>MTG is more complex than yu gi oh
When did you stop playing yugioh?

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guess ill go with runeterra, hopefully they make it better

>should we make keywords?
>no, just print the entire rules entry for Flying on each creature with flying
words words words words words doesn't mean complex

>Wall text = complex
Brainlet mindset.

Look up and see if there is a LGS near you, and try Commander/EDH. No set rotation and you can build a relatively decent deck for cheap. 4 player 100 card singleton so a game can last a good hour, good bantz and good times if you can find the right group of people.

>no powercreep yet
platinum is a warzone right now of japanese and koreans out tierwhoring each other. stay in gold and you might be find though

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>make a time machine
I'd go back to 2013 and buy up Naruto CCG before they stopped making them :(