...I see a donkey's face or a seal, how the fuck is this supposed to be a fish OR a mermaid

...I see a donkey's face or a seal, how the fuck is this supposed to be a fish OR a mermaid

Attached: 20220407_011236.jpg (1440x1902, 228.2K)

You have to be mentally ill to use Twitter

strange, I only see an offtopic thread...

I see a mule and a seal

It's a seal, not a mermaid.

This is a 999 reference...

Actually that's clearly a seal.

what I'm not seeing is video games

>ACK-some Angels

Attached: 0281817E-EF5D-E143-C053-D85A300D87BF.gif (255x230, 57.49K)

Attached: v.png (296x270, 163.84K)

>If you're braindead, you see a Twitter post

Yea Forums sees a seal

the only thing I see in this thread is a FAGGOT

Attached: 1625105131560.png (500x638, 380.09K)

>newfag doesn't play let alone recognize good video games
Were you also born without the ability to SHIT?
My motives are complex.

>unironic newfags eagerly exposing themselves
When will you learn to fucking lurk before knee-jerk respinding to shit you don't get

Attached: Oa9C8XI.png (200x271, 67.81K)

Time to make the newfags shit their adult diapers

Attached: bhyeD0GE2n-Y1XMf4S7a5qLVrPQxxwoEkPTGIrFmo3Y.jpg (640x640, 40.83K)

I see a mermaid.

"Discussing video games that I am not personally aware of is off topic."

>You don't understand, I HAVE to call out newfags every chance I get! This board is all I have!
That's gonna be a yikes from me, friendo.

I played the whole trilogy years ago. How is this a zero-escape reference?

I see a donkey and a rabbit.

t. Zoomer who's butthurt over exposing his newfaggotry. It's okay, I once got a three day ban because my Virtue's Last Reward thread used a photograph of a snail and a mod deemed the photo off topic.

>I played the whole Super Mario Bros. trilogy years ago, how is a warp pipe a Mario reference?
Eat shit.

Aussie here - that's clearly a kangaroo, you cunts.

Am I wrong? You act like I should care about some irrelevant seniority that people like to flaunt around here. Guy, it's a fucking anonymous image board. If you want to flaunt """""status,""""" head on over to Reddit and build up some karma :)

>An Australian is posting in this thread

Attached: ZTD-001-021-0.jpg (900x510, 94.62K)

I’ve been here since 2008 and I’ve no idea what the fuck you’re gloating about

twatter is now based since Elon bought it

Yes, you are wrong. No one can play every video game but people still have the basic decency to realize that, just because they personally don't recognize a thread for a game they never played, it doesn't magically make it off topic. Literally only faggots touring this place, usually with a Reddit mentality to reply to everything to build karma, shit up threads for games they've never played/aren't familiar with. "Lurk moar" isn't a fucking joke, spend less time knee-jerk replying to everything and more time just observing, you fucking retard.

I see a cow.

Attached: 1630368607660.jpg (546x680, 63.28K)

i see a very pretty horse with very sexy eyes making a kissy face at me as if to say "mrrrr come ride me" also a seal

t. Projecting hypocrite.

I see a garbage bag with a dead body inside

Attached: 91om2w9564i41.png (2518x1024, 538.1K)

You can type as much as you want but the OP still isn’t vidya

I see a donkey

>I'm just gonna make some analogy instead of a real example
mhm ok so it's an offtopic thread

Attached: op_right_now.jpg (1480x1080, 252.98K)

Typically redditor to double-down on his ignorance and insist his feelings matter morr than facts.


I see a seal with its tummy up, or if I look at it from above a relaxed snake with little legs

Dude, an example is literally posted above your post. You never played the Zero Escape games.

>literally cucked by a troon
Let me guess, you also bought a shitty picture of a chimp.

the only fact is that you are a seething tranny on a suicide watch

I saw a donkey with bow like ears

It’s a normie Facebook meme, stop having an autism fit, you’re embarrassing yourself

I see both

I accept you conceding, kiddo.

Alright, well clearly you don't have a lot going on if you're going to get this mad over someone replying
in a thread that no one but you is going to remember in a day or so. SO sorry I invaded your safe space (even though I've been here a while myself). Have a good one, and feel better.

Attached: Rebecca.jpg (500x443, 11.5K)

awww poor bawby is hurt, do you need a wipe sweaty?

this image wasn't in 999

You’re a retard if you think that’s what the OP is referencing

why did you mass reply


I thought it was a seal

the absolute amount of seethe in this post, even /pol/tards are left speechless upon witnessing this faggot's psychosis babble
inb4 only pretending durr goo goo ga ga

I see a poorly drawn mule and a seal on its back

>Newfags sabotage yet another Zero Escape thread
I can't

Attached: ezgif-4-f0b3f8fbe3.gif (498x280, 3.64M)

OP didn't post the funyarinpa dog, he posted some random twitter cap that's just another ambiguous illusion like the rabbit/duck or old/young lady.

>a riddle was in Super Mario Odyssey so I am going to post the Riddler from Batman

>The reference wasn't in the thing being referenced
You don't fucking say?

See Don’t be a pedantic faggot

I see a tavern from the 12th century

who are you quoting? and why are you so mad about a twitter screencap thread that barely has anything to do with a VISUAL NOVEL (not even a videogame in the first place)