Unironically way better than Tales of Arise. Prove me wrong

Unironically way better than Tales of Arise. Prove me wrong.

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Both are shit.

what game?

It's still shit, saving grace is velvet is hot and the party is good.

Tales of Magilou

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Both are based.

I love my wife Velvet so very much.

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better characters overall but both games suck

It is but both are 9/10 JRPGS

it has magilou so it's the best video game ever made

all i remember was how much i wanted to fuck magilou

>both are 9/10 JRPGS

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Should I play Berseria if I liked Arise? I mostly liked the combat system.

>Was originally going to be a titcow
>Already tons in the cast
>Made her a flatty instead

literally who

>female mc
>good game

oh no no no no no lmao
should we tell him guys?

Velvet was the better MC and the party and cast of Berseria was better than any other Tales game, but Arise was the better game in a lot of ways

Eizen shows up anyway. Arise wins easily.

Nah Berseria is barely better than Zestiria. Arise isn't all that great either but its sure better than those turds

Berseria has completely different combat. You have no normal combos or air dash movements. It's all free run and sidestep + flowcharts of 1 button press artes that you choose in a menu for what order you perform them

the arise cast sucks ass

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Velvet is for Phi's shotacock only

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That reminds me I dropped Arise when Elden Ring came out, I should go back to it.
>No loli

i have to draw more velvet crowe

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That sounds less fun than Arise’s combat. Is it? I liked using normals to extend combos and then transitioning ground to air and using artes with mobility options to chase down enemies. I also tried to make stupidly long combos by switching characters mid-combo when I was running out of moves.

why is she so flat haha

Kisara is good. Alphen and Shionne are fine. Rinwell is tolerable. Dohalim is kinda ass. Law is dogshit.

Berseriafags are delusional... I COMMAND THEE, KNEEL

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>one good character in the entire party
you're not doing much to prove me wrong

>optimal Alphen combo 90% of the time
Reigning Slash. Reigning Slash. Reigning Slash. Reigning Slash.

What a Chad.

Not him and I'm a brainlet, but the combat in Berseria felt incredibly stiff and boring to me, and it was almost invariably better to just let the AI do it.

Tales has been shit since after Eternia

Someone on Yea Forums told me that berseria can sate my siblingcest fetish. Is that true? I'm willing to slog through another tales game after arise if it is.

I wasn’t trying to prove you wrong. It’s not my favorite cast at all. I think it’s tolerable and doesn’t really ruin the game.

>no loli party member
an unforgivable betrayal of the entire franchise

Maybe but Jainrountle is the best. Guarantee nobody can disprove me

This is one of the worst games I've played in my life but Zestiria manages to be even worse (which is impressive).

Fake and gay, confirmed for not having played the game
Reigning Slash was only good against non staggerable bosses, but it would push away every other enemy and break the combo
Alphen has some insane chainable artes

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Berseria had better romance than Arise.

Ever since they took the puzzles out of Tales games they are literally identical in terms of pacing, overall gameplay, and story beats. Tales of Berseria is the best of nu-Tales by a long shot simply due to how dysfunctional and entertaining the cast is.

This, Berseria is a /ss/chad game.

That’s sad to hear. Arise combat was quite fun, although I wish it had a little more complexity. I think for its runtime they could have added more mechanics. But I still had a good time with the battle system and got the platinum. Oh, except the AI sucks at dodging, so I often found it optimal to leave my allies dead rather than waste healing items.

Tales has fallen so far like Star Ocean. Sad.
Berseria had okay characters and that's it.
Arise looked nice visually, but that's all it had going for it.

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Doesn't matter because the teen loli is still peak daughterfu

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>teen loli

you're retarded

I'm still waiting for a Tales game other than Hearts that has decent romance. Arise romance was very very forced.

Besides Graces, the AI always seems to have been relatively terrible at dodging.

Fuck no
Absolutely delusional

They're perfect.

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>teen loli

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*teen witch

I was exaggerating a little. But in addition to bosses, it works on big enemies and downed enemies. I agree he has fun combos, especially in the air. But Reigning Slash damage is stupidly high.

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You're delusional if you think generic anime romance is better than /ss/ incest.

You'll probably like Destiny 2's romance when the TL comes out.

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Both games suck ass but in different ways and I’ll be detailing why in incredibly autistic ways. Let’s start with Berseria first.
Tales of Berseria is a game where you can do the same exact combo*m on an enemy multiple times and, if it works at all, it works maybe 1/3 or 1/2 of the time, with no clear issue on why it doesn't work the other times you tried it, especially since enemies would break out of the combo at different points. This is immediately noticeable. There's no true combos, whatever you try, 90% of the time the enemy will break out and land a hit on you.

The first conclusion I had come to when I noticed this was that hitstun was random, it was entirely RNG... well it isn't. But part of me wishes it was. Now that's not to say there are NO RNG elements, as putting the enemy into a stunned state is RNG, and moves that cause knockdowns aren't guaranteed to do so, but hitstun itself doesn't have RNG. It's kind of worse.

There is no set value for hitstun. Hitstun on Artes is determined by:
1. How many times you used the arte in that fight. The more you've used it, the less hitstun the arte has.
2. Lifetime total uses of that arte on that save file. The more you've used it in total, the more hitstun it has. It's already counterintuitive as fuck.
3. How many souls you have.
4. How many souls the enemy has.
5. Whether or not you just used a Break Soul.
6. Whether the enemy is weak to or resists the element.

Put all these together and you have... a hitstun system that nobody can possibly keep track of every element when artes come out fast and in sequence, and ultimately combos that just never work consistently. Sometimes the enemy may break out after even one arte... congratulations, you've been punished for successfully landing an attack. By the way, none of this is told to you. Of the game's MANY tutorials, none of them explain how hitstun works.

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I was enjoying Tales of Arise until I realized that the combat system is flashy but has absolutely no substance to it. You just run from point A to point B across uninteresting zones trailing along a really generic and lackluster plot, even for a Tales game, stunlocking regular enemies endlessly and then as soon as you hit a boss none of the conventions you have used against the fodder enemies work because they are unable to be stunned/chained properly and are just a massive tedious bore. Then I realized every single Tales game beyond Symphonia/Abyss is like this. Berseria was only tolerable because the cast is genuinely interesting.


The burden of having good taste is great.


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Seriously why is romance so poorly done in most Tales games? Hearts was like the last one where it was done well.

If you want a good combat system play Destiny which is like a good 2d fighter with OTGs and shit. For 3d Graces F and Xillia 2 are fantastic. I want to recommend Vesperia but it's combat doesn't open up till endgame and most it's really fun tech is limited to Judith

Next, let’s talk about the Soul system. In battle you have a soul gauge. You start off with a certain amount (usually 3), have a maximum amount (starts at 5), and the enemies have their own gauges. Each Soul represents about 100 SG IIRC. Each arte has a different cost, usually like 25, 125, etc. You use up SG by doing artes in sequence, so the idea is for your combo to use up the amount of SG that you have, right? Well it's not that simple, because the game ALSO only lets the number of actions you chain be equal to the amount of souls you have. So great, now you have two separate mechanics based on the same gauge that determine how long your combos can go. You can actually attack when SG is empty so long as the souls themselves are not (already confusing, since it's the same gauge) but the enemy WILL break out unless they've been stunned if you do that. And on top of all this, as I've outlined above, the combos themselves don't even necessarily work and have their own complicated hitstun rules, so this is just more mechanics piled on top to keep track of. It really feels like they just put a bunch of mechanics in for the sake of it, like there's no actual underlying design... well there might actually be, but I'll get to that. You get souls by stunning the enemy (RNG), have a chance of getting it by hitting their weakness (also RNG) and can also get some by dodging attacks (not only is this RNG, this causes the souls to fly out and you have to run over them to pick them up). The chances of getting a soul for an action increases the less souls you have and the more souls an enemy has.

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Bienfu was objectively correct about Velvet’s potential as a wife.

nobody is reading all that shit lol
just post more flat blond witches

I wish the combat better (mainly how lenient dodges are and how braindead it can get). Scarlet Nexus on that regard was FAR better
I agree with the plot, but there's some fun/enjoyable character interactions and Vholran was pure kino, an MGRR villain in Tales of

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BREAK SOULS: This is the Berseria’s main gimmick. By pressing R2, you can expend one soul to perform a special action unique to the character you're playing. But no matter who you're playing, there's a few universal things.
1: Break Souls are completely invincible.
2: Break Souls will *always* stagger the enemy (though the hitstun may still be variable).
3: You heal a little bit when you perform a Break Soul.
4. Break Souls refill your SG.
5. Break Souls restart your chain.

This sounds like a powerful, if costly, move on paper. All these benefits, but it takes a whole soul. Well, it's not actually that costly. As it turns out, it doesn't actually cost a whole soul... it actually gives your ENEMY one of your souls. The game illustrates this quite clearly, there's a little animation when you use one and if you check the enemy's status it's clear. The tutorials aren't as clear about this fact. It also WILL stagger the enemy and gives more hitstun to your next attacks... and since you have less souls and the enemy has more souls, it increases your chance of getting a soul, basically covering its own cost. This is the ONLY move that works in the game, and I haven't even gone into what a break soul actually does for each character.

I'll cover that quickly, no need to go into detail, and I won't cover the unlockable ones that only work by pressing R2 again after the first one. Rokurou does a counter attack, Eleanore does a launcher, Eizen CAN'T BREAK SOUL unless an enemy is knocked down or stunned so he relies on RNG to function at all... Let's talk about Velvet, the main character, and who's break soul is the worst offender and ultimately what reveals the game's underlying design.

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It's just not a big focal point for the majority of them.

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Tales fucking sucks, ive given this series so many chances and it's just such poorly written anime shit

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I thought Scarlet Nexus perfect dodge was pretty tight. I used the easier perfect dodge plugin for the entire game.

>playing tales for the story

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I play it for the eventual h-doujins.

I like some Tales stories, I don't know what people are expecting from them.

Velvet's Break Soul is a claw slash that has all the properties I laid out above... AND puts her into a special state called Therionized. In this state her HP is constantly going down, but her attacks ALWAYS hit the targeted enemy's weakness. HP constantly going down sounds like a a hefty cost, right? Nope, and here's why. First of all, combos are more consistent in this form because you used a break soul AND now the enemy is weak to all her attacks. If you do your max chain of attacks, she'll automatically do a fully invincible finishing move that has huge damage and AoE that is specific to the enemy's weakness. But even if combos are more consistent, it's still not totally consistent, so what happens if the enemy breaks out anyway and attacks her? Surely she should be in danger due to the HP drain. Nope, as it turns out, if her HP hits 1, either through drain or an enemy attack, she'll ALSO do that finishing move. And no matter how powerful an attack is, it'll never take her HP below 1 while she is therionized, so she can't die in that state. And guess what? Since you were attacking an enemy's weakness with less souls and the enemy more, you're basically guaranteed to have covered the cost by the time the finisher comes out... so just do another Break Soul immediately, get that healing and be totally invincible. Who cares if you're at 1 HP? That just makes the finishers come out quicker. Just break soul, mash out any attacks because the enemy is weak to all of them, then break soul again when your finisher comes out. Doesn't matter who you're fighting.

I have pored over every tutorial/guide on the game at length and all signs point to this being THE optimal strategy. Just Press R2 and button mash. If that doesn't work? Then play as Velvet, where it will work. At one point I was severely underlevelled for a boss, and none of my characters did any worthwhile damage... except for Velvet, who was regularly getting thousands with each attack.

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Abyss was arguably the best but it was too real for a lot of fans.

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Anything is better than the arise turd

post more velvet crows

It turns into "Friendship is magic" halfway in.
Dropped it due to cringe and boredom.