Why did you stop playing skyrim

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I never played it.

I play it on occasion when I feel like comfy living with my minotaur wife.

I have done every cave and dungeon in the game you're allowed to just stumble into.
I haven't gone past the Thalmor party, stopped Dawnguard just before entering the Soul Cairne, and only did like 3 quests on the Dunmer Island but had to stop cause I was so low level.
Still, I know every Inch of the Skyrim landscape, there are places inbetween Riften and Winterhold, all around the mountains around Helgen, and the Markarth mountains that all look the exact same and most people have no memories that I know like the back of my hand.
I don't like being a sneak archer, 1 handed, 2 handed, dual wielding, conjuring, or destruction anymore, and I've tried more weak and gimmicky fighting styles like punching, telekinesis, Illusions, Ritual Stone spam, just healing and supporting my Companion as a bard. I'm tired.
I try to roleplay but in the end all that means is that I have to disregard cool armor cause it doesn't go with my set

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I have played it for 400 hours and it's shit.

>I try to roleplay but in the end all that means is that I have to disregard cool armor cause it doesn't go with my set
I have the exact opposite problem. I like robes and being light on my feet but that usually means instadeath on some dungeons. I'm forced to grind enchanting to get better base armour or resign and wait to use the heavy armour weightless bonus.

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I came

Waiting for mods to be fully updated to AE

I reached the point where there's very little left to do.
>equipment is strong enough that nothing better will naturally drop
>gold is meaningless
>main combat skills reached 100
>no major quests left besides the thieves' guild and the Companions, both of which my character refuses to associate with.

>Associates with civilwarniggers
>Associates with le edgy murderous fellas
>doesn't associate with the Chads of Jorrvarsk and Riften Hooders

I played it so much, I know every inch of the map, every dungeon, every detail, every NPC so I just get bored now. Mods can reignite the interest but it won't last long.

>>Associates with le edgy murderous fellas
Actually I killed them all

I played about ~1.5k hours across modded LE and SE, and I find the previous three games much more entertaining. God damn I fucking love this shitty series of games

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it took me a month and a half to get all my mods working and overwriting textures and I only played it for like a week and got bored. Yea Forums wasn't kidding when they said it was only good for porn mods.

Because after an hour or so, the game crashes. Kills all enjoyment I might have had.

Bethesda games will literally never crash if you mod them correctly

I uninstalled it

Ran out of new coomer mods to try.


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Mixing porn with my hobbies is a level of depression I hope I never ascend to.

its definitely not good if you have nothing else to do

i never stopped
it's just fun to mod and make new characters and make them grow and hangout with each other

Elden Ring came out. Once I tire of it, I will likely go back and then switch off between them both.

multiple vanilla playthroughs
tons of hours jacking it to modded porn
I’ve gotten all I can entertainment-wise

It's literally just porn with interactivity. It would only be depressing if you're already depressed for other reasons.

You know Alteration magic is a thing.

Sex mods were fucking me up. Had to go cold turkey.

I have a chemical imbalance because of to much cooming

I lost my modded porn version and fuck me if I ever do that again.

>spend 8 hours getting mods to work so you can coom in 10 minutes
If it were a ready-made porn game it would be a different story

mod organizer profile went to shit because of stupid registry issues between portable and non portable version
and now I just don't want to take 10 days to reinstall all the mods again

My mods got fucked when I got a new pc and Anniversary basically killed modding for me I just don't want to set it up all over again

It's incredibly shallow, once you progress past your first dragon kill, you've basically seen everything the game has to offer. Story is fucking nothing, guilds are an absolute joke. No amount of mods can change the game's bones.

I played it once, zero desire to ever touch it again.

I played it once as a kid, then again last year. I'm not going to bother with mods. The game is fine but once you realize how to cheese everything it stops being fun to walk around as a powerhouse and the game loses its challenge. Dark Souls is unironically better.

This is also true. The game doesn't have any real spectacle. It feels like something unexpected could happen at any moment but it never does.

Anniversary edition killed my mods and i cant be bothered to slog through remaking my 300+ modlist again.
Ironically enough, the best times ive had with skyrim were when it first came out, and modding it. after the first 50 hours its just boring generic garbage.

The game does have some spectacle here and there, for me it's mostly about the gameplay. Despite having levels and perks and all that shit, it never meaningfully changes from those first two hours until you kill the first dragon. It's all more identical ancient nord tombs, caves, and dragons from there on, weapons don't really change in how they play, spells are just differently colored guns. Shallow.

other things came up and i was playing it on a shitty pc but now as soon as i get bit by the bug again imma play it still my eyes bleed.

God speed you magnificent bastard!

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i came

>Why did you stop playing skyrim
Because I completed it for the 1000th time a few months back.
After I'm done finishing Cyberpunk no doubt I'll go back and do it again.

The AE update was coming to break all the mods and also there was some big drama with OStim so I thought I'd set it aside a bit and come back when it's sorted. Looking again lately it seems like ae wasn't such a big deal after all and osex/ostim is just fuggin dead so I guess I'll have to learn to love sexlab's jank and inconvenience.

Tutorial on how to get it working post spergout, not very difficult to do. Provides all the links to archived downloads.
Link to archived Skyrim downgrade patch if you don't want to use the new one that requires Steam deets.

>Skyrim was released A DECADE AGO
I remember playing the game on release all night on my shitty low spec pc on 800x600 resolution and not studying for my geography test.
Damn, I was in school back then.
Where does time go Yea Forums

No clue. Remember buying it at release for the 360. I was 10 years old, 21 now.

But I'm currently playing it.

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Because its the worst and most boring RPG i have ever played.
I was literally falling asleep several hours into the game, and it refused to get better.

>the entire magical realm of Skyrim has a population of 5 people and a chicken
>"cities" consist of 3 huts and a copy/pasted blacksmith

Bethesda is a perfect example of everything thats wrong with modern gayming.

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Most recently because i found a bunch of characters with the dark face bug and i cant figure out what mods are conflicting, but my autism wont let me ignore it

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over the winter i revisited skyrim just to grind the main story, finished that and uninstalled

Look into wabbajack/vortex modpacks

I played it like 7 times, give me a break.

Because as soon as my character becomes the least bit competent at anything the game completely falls apart. You know, the same problem that every TES game has.

I finished all the main quests.
It is a shallow game with half-baked mechanics, but goddamn it's comfy af.
However playing Oblivion after Skyrim I realized Oblivion is the better game.

too weak and unmanageable

>install game
>browse mods for hours
>get a list of roughly 20 mods you really like
>15 of them require other mods to work
>10 of them also require other mods to work
>5 of them are abandoned projects that don't have compatibility patches
>spend 3 days installing the whole shebang
>all the time wondering if this is still worth it
>play the game for a couple hours
>run into problems and have to figure out which mod is causing it
>it's a known issue that was never fixed and the mod is abandoned

modding is just so tiring. playing the game is my hobby, not troubleshooting mods.

started too many quests and lost direction

Yeah I figured you could wrangle it into working but I'm actually surprised to see there it's got at least a few more mods this year so I guess it isn't completely dead. Maybe things will take off again with that OpenSex but the momentum definitely seems gone. Like damn they had a defeat mod out not long before the drama it really seemed like all the sexlab standards could've been just around the corner back then.

>Oblivion is the better game
shame it's so ugly

It's a real shame, OSA guy is a total idiot.

Sounds like a pretty retarded mod list if it's got that many layers.

I didn't want to get into balancing the early and mid game progression of a mod overhaul