Yea Forums humor thread
Yea Forums humor thread
thats not what tails would say.
Where's the funny?
Sonic's designs always put me off from playing the games. I especially hate the giant shoes.
yeah they should take the shoes off so I can sniff their big smelly feets
can someone post the one where tails is sitting on a bench? i don't remember what comes after but i do remember that it's the most hilarious thing i've ever seen
lurk moar
I was really expecting an image of tails on a park bench to be inserted into that image for some reason.
video games?
That's really funny.
video games games?
the irony
none of these are ever funny
lol, video games
toy tails looks really cute.
is that the one where he shits on cream
Then post something funny, you joyless cunt
There was a funny comic where Tails was taking care of two babies and doing it really wrong.
haha he poops on them imagine the smell haha......
damn hindsight is a bitch, he got what he wanted but not how he wanted.
Hahaha poopy hahaha
v-video games?
What tree carries pickles?
The Mom and the character look suspiciously similar
More of these, PLEASE
Where did you find this comic of me?
pickle trees dumbass
I only got one more
Uh, I don't know, Einstein. Maybe a pickle tree?
God, you're so fucking retarded.
>5th panel
Nonsense, the mom doesn't have 500+ strength, which is really high
How about I rip off your goddamn fingers and shove them up your pee hole and then rip off your pecker and bury it in the ground! Want to see if we'll grow a peter tree? a johnson oak? a peckerwood? A peeny birch? a weenie redwood? a dong willow? a sausage palmtree? a wang evergreen?
I can tell you right now it won't grow a pickle tree
Yeah, i bet you feel real stupid right now. Apologize.
I'll make you fucking cry bitchboy! I'll make your willy a happy little tree that I'll paint with your fucking tears, boy! You're a noob! I'm a pro! You're a loser! I'm a h4x0r. If you cross me again, it'll be the last goddamn thing you do in your life with any sense of security!
This four panel comic with all of like twelve words manages to offend like a hundred different subgroups of people
Prepare to live the rest of your life with your nutsack in your eye socket, you goon. It's on!I'll rip your a third asshole to go along with your pie hole and your prison pocket, boy!
>Made in a pan.
it's always the stupidest shit that gets me
Are you dumb?
See this is why god never blessed you with a pickle tree in your backyard. Some of my fondest memories as a kid was running out into my backyard in the summer and grabbing a nice pickle of the pickletree.
Want to taste your own asshole?
>Bust Blaze wide open.
I mean, if Sega so insists. A cat is fine too.
pretty cute, too
Boy I'm gonna turn your winky into an inverted winky real damn fucking soon.
video... game?
Unironically funny tho
user why don't you come over to my house sometime and pick some pickles off my pickletree. you should probably wait until the summer though :D
That's it nigger. I'm going to rip off your penis, that's right, I said PENIS, It's on now, and replace it with a log of shit. Your PENIS! I said it again! Your PENIS is going to be a POONIS because it's made of fucking shit!
video games!
Good shit
>hidden League of Legends thread
user please calm down. This is probably why pickletrees never grew near you. They were too scared.