kinda meh, story was unmemorable and it had way too many reused enemies. they weren't even trying with the haligtree, malenia's fight was the only fun thing.
are most souls games this dogshit bros?
kinda meh, story was unmemorable and it had way too many reused enemies. they weren't even trying with the haligtree, malenia's fight was the only fun thing.
are most souls games this dogshit bros?
>are most souls games this dogshit bros?
Basically, yeah. You either fall for the "le hardcore prepare to le die" meme or you don't.
Hey, what's the link to your discord again op?
you seem mentally ill
Fromdrones seething
I’m gunna try it again in a few weeks perhaps it isn’t for me. Combat is good fun, but if that’s all there is I don’t want to sink to 50+ hours into it.
Probably should have done more research, but yeah usually in an open world RPG there’s more to the game than fighting stuff.
>le discord
rent free
Absolutely but Fromsoft has done this for every game
And Fromdrones protect this like it’s the holy grail or something
Pathetic desu
So Melina is connected with the Deathbirds, who are connected with the Godskins. While Ranni is connected with Melina and the Noxians, she is not connected with the Deathbirds or Godskins. The Noxians and the Godskins are connected by the Gloam-Eyed Queen, but said queen is unconnected with Melina, Ranni, or the Deathbirds. What is the missing link that ties all these together? Ranni's interest in any faction is due to shared goals, I think she's mostly transparent. Could GEQ be another component of Marika? Marika was known to be seeking a way to break the Elden Ring. For Melina, maybe she was Marika's influence over the otherwise independent Deathbirds, who wanted to take down the Golden Order first and foremost for locking away Destined Death.
Why does Mohg have an M-name instead of a G-name when he's part of the Golden Lineage? He names his dynasty the Mohgwyn, could his birth name have been Gwyn while Mohgwyn and Mohg are something else?
Exploration element and open world was done really really well. Each area was unique and the sense of adventure for seeing something cool in the distance and being rewarded for exploring was great. Blah blah le yet another shrine or yet another korok seed joke.
I agree that the story was garbage. I get it. I watched EVERY lore/story explanation video and it was all shit. Really just a bunch of powerful people doing their own thing and having feuds with others while being powerful but also limited. Meh.
Very few boss fights were actually fun. Godskin Apostle, Radagon and Commander Niall were the only ones I really enjoyed. Oh, and some of the cat statues/misbegottens. It's only really late game at level 100 that you can really go to town with fun fight/talisman combos, or have a massive arsenal of spells and incantations. Don't even get me started on combat as a melee user, which is the most repetitive shit I have ever seen. Roll Souls is not fun, and there is literally no point using a shield unless you go full meme on guard negation/stamina because bosses have 50 hit anime combos. Again, if you DO go full meme on the shield stats, it can only be done at a really high level.
The game has other issues too. While exploration is fun, it's too difficult to guage exactly what area level you're meant to go to without looking things up. Oh this area is too tough? Better go explore somewhere else OH NO WAIT it's actually really easy if you bother upgrading your weapon to +10 or something. But hunting smithing stone bells can only specifically be done after looking up online, defeating the exploration purpose.
Also, why is St. Trina a god of sleep and dreams while Miquella is a god of magic and fanaticism?
>are most souls games this dogshit bros?
Literally all of them are better except maybe dark souls 2 vanilla and demon souls.
Demon souls has better bosses and music though.
I’ll try again in a few weeks, but this game does not provoke the fun of role-playing for me.
As an example - Wood chopping in skyrim - Not much use truly, but great for immersing yourself in the world. Any reason to sit in the tavern and listen to the bard? no, but these tiny things add up for me to selling the idea my character is alive in a world of other living beings. Can’t see the Elden Ring offering these little moments that help sell the idea I’m in in this world. I’ll just bee-line the next fighty section cause that’s where the fun is.
>way too many reused enemies
ER has 160 different regular enemy designs, and 70-80 different (mini)boss designs.
Name a game with greater variety, I'll wait.
>Guy says he beat the hardest boss in the game
>Even says that is the one thing he liked about the game
Why are soulsdrones like this?
>No one can have a negative opinion of this game
>They must be conspiring against me
Unironic schizo
If you want exploration with more substance and enemies that are not complete spastics, then Dark Souls 1 is the only good one in the series although the most easiest if you have played Elden Ring first, DS2 is clunky and DS3 plays like Elden Ring except it's linear for a frame of reference.
>Why are soulsdrones like this?
I don't know nigga, why don't you stop responding to these obvious bait posts? You're only reinforcing their shit posting.
>Everything is bait
>Everyone is a shill
>No one is actually an insecure faggot when it comes to how they beat a game
>Everyone is pretending to be a retard
>It's all shitposts
If you think everyone is being disingenuous at every time, it's because you are also like this and so you have to project it to everyone else.
Combat is literally the only thing you can do in this game, unlike other open world games. When you get to the mountain top of giants and it's just reused enemies it becomes a huge problem since the only appeal of the game starts to become super repetitive.
The other FromSoft games are better because their experiences are more concentrated into much smaller areas and nearly every item pickup is some kind of interesting armor or weapon or spell thus making the exploration actually fun and interesting.
They are much more atmospheric and immersive than Elden Ring as well.
Anyways stay filtered
Why the fuck did Elden Ring attract so many more normies and other faggots, nearly a million on steams all time high charts. Was the ad campaign really that good? I dont get it
George R R Martin hype, unironically. You have to remember it's extremely rare for a big name author to help out a game that has nothing to do with them.
Imagine if Rowling was brought on to help write the world of a Mario game.
>souls game have been getting more and more popular over the years
>grrm collaboration
>open world
>97 on metacritic and alot of people claiming its one of the greatest games ever made
Why would you be surprised it sold well
don't forget the haligtree, leyndell, raya lucaria, caelid, all literally rehashed enemies or enemies that were later turned into elites (former minibosses). laziest game ever made lol.
Fextralife is literally the leading authority on the game. Cope more, faggot.
>Overhyped up the ass
>GRRM name on the story
>Reputation of being a hard game when in reality it is average (giving people enough an ego boost while not being hard enough for people to not give up)
>Open World
>Youtube e celebs hyping it
>Twitch e celebs hyping it
What did people think was going to happen?
I like Girlfriend Reviews playing it. Shelby is quite pretty and I wish I had an attractive white gamer gf like her.
>But hunting smithing stone bells can only specifically be done after looking up online, defeating the exploration purpose.
retarded take
you faggots always complain about wanting a true adventure game, and then when you get one you complain that there's never any incentive to actually adventure because the shit you find sucks
then when they make the incentive the ability to level more weapons and try more things, you faggots scream "nooo now i need to look it up!!!"
fuck off
They made the world too big. if it was compacted to about the half the size I think it'd be way better. Too many recycled "boss" fights. Too many areas where the only item reward is a consumable or a crafting material. Other souls titles have less gear overall but feel like they have more since you're always getting something new, in this game not only are you getting crafting mats more frequently than anything else, but also too much gear is backloaded.
>unlike other open world games
lol like what?
Witcher? Skyrim? Far Cry? Fucking Horizon? All of those are combat only too.
>>Overhyped up the ass
I literally only heard about it when it came out. And I have a 3090 build just for games.
It's simply that good.
>you faggots always complain about wanting a true adventure game,
Retarded take. WHo's "you faggots"? Fix your schizophrenia nigger, if you can't make an argument without having to scapegoat an imaginary "you people" group, you don't have a fucking argument.
Also open world alone does not an adventure game make. There's nothing adventurous about scouring stone dungeon with goblines #2567 to take down retarded cat boss #3465 so you can pick up yet another CRACKED FUCKING JAR.
Shut the fuck up moron. This is not a true adventure game.
You seem upset.
ER is the greatest adventure game I ever played. You can't go anywhere without getting sidetracked twenty times along the way because something grabbed or demanded your attention.
let's talk about something else besides elden ring please
>WHo's "you faggots"? Fix your schizophrenia nigger
"nooo you cant just respond to the very obvious group opinion i'm reirrigating until i actually say it no!!!"
literally end your life you pedantic nigger
>a hurrr your argument is invalid because uhh i say so, that way i dont have to engage with your btfo'ing of me
>Also open world alone does not an adventure game make
>having a world to adventure in doesn't make an adventure game, even if the primary objective of that world is to adventure in it
>there's nothing adventurous about scouring stone dungeon with goblines #2567 to take down retarded cat boss #3465 so you can pick up yet another CRACKED FUCKING JAR.
ironically your first half of the post is telling me i've made up some imaginary argument and how stupid i am for assuming you're making that argument, then you go onto make exactly that "the rewards aren't great" argument
fucking amazing lmao, please end your life
nice try, 4 more years in the souls mine for you user
What is this copium?
Side quests, dialogue choices, witcher 3 even has Gwent.
I can't believe I'm defending Skyrim here, but Elden Ring makes Skyrim look like an incredibly deep and complicated RPG by comparison. Lockpicks, speech checks, side quests, story, romance, customizing your house.
>Far Cry
Dogshit that I have never touched
I'm not a snoy that even hears about this garbage outside of Yea Forums
Elden Ring is far more barebones than many Open World, most decent ones have many side activities and minigames that break up the monotony.
>Most hyped game for the last few years
>Has a 3090
>Only heard of it when it came out
Oh yeah bro, I totally believe you.
Ah yes, generic cave #50 is so exciting I just had to check it out because oh my god it is so eye catching. Oh look, generic church #9 really distracted me, woweeee this is so new and exciting. I bet you would enjoy Assassins Creed and Ubisoft open world games where there is just shitloads of things on the map.
>You seem upset.
Motherfucker you can't even identify who the fuck you're talking to, you think you have the ability to infer emtions? You really are a fucking moron.
>"nooo you cant just respond to the very obvious group opinion i'm reirrigating until i actually say it no!!!"
>very obvious
there you go again. Must be awesome having a le imaginary boogieman you can just attribute any statement to so you have a loaded counter argument because you're too brain damaged to argue against shit actually said. Didn't even bother reading the rest of your garbage.
In all the games I mentioned, combat the the one and only core gameplay element.
All of them have ancillary gameplay elements, but that doesn't change a thing.
>Motherfucker you can't even identify who the fuck you're talking to
Hilarious because I'm not the user from before.
The only thing hilarious is that you weren't aborted. I've seen meth rape babies with higher comprehension than you.
You seem upset.
>Oh yeah bro, I totally believe you.
Well it's true.
I bought a whole new gaming rig a year ago, but the only newish game I could think of to play was FC5.
I even downloaded the Blade of Darkness demo last winter.
I had never ever heard of ER even though it's exactly the type of game I was looking for.
nothing wrong with being filtered, souls games arent for everybody
>there you go again. Must be awesome having a le imaginary boogieman you can just attribute any statement to so you have a loaded counter argument because you're too brain damaged to argue against shit actually said.
there's no boogieman, you literally made the exact argument i was countering. is this going to be your out for the conversation so you can stop engaging because you're too fucking stupid to continue?
Now you just shifted the goalpost, because the guy you were responding to was talking about how the only thing in Elden Ring is combat, which by the end of the game becomes very repetitive, then you try to say this the same same with other open worlds, even though they have enough activites to break up combat so that you don't just burnout.
Of course many open world games has a focus on combat, but that doesn't mean the side distractions aren't fun enough or unimportant. The only side distractions are side content which you basically do the same thing you have already been doing in your main storyline.
>you just shifted the goalpost
>they have enough activites to break up combat
Not Witcher, Skyrim, Far Cry, Horizon, ...
holy butthurt over here
>Gets btfo'd on every single one of your points
>Gets called out for shifting the goalpost
>Still sticks to the same talking point that got refuted
Have your (you), imagine being this pathetic of an NPC.
Why does no one bring up Zanzibart anymore?
>generic cave #50
I just figured something out.
The reason you trannies always bring up the dungeons and caves is because those are pretty much the only places in the game where you only have one or two ways you can go.
So that's what you focus on, to create the false impression that the entire game is like this.
Meanwhile, in reality you can go in any direction you want 360 degrees all around you in most locations in the world.
>shifting the goalpost
Literally how.
I said from the beginning that Witcher, Skyrim, FC, Horizon, ... are all open world games that are 95% combat, just like ER.
Check the wiki, he forgave.
>are all open world games that are 95% combat, just like ER.
Never played Horizon but Witcher 3 and Skyrim definitely aren't combat focused. You're right about Far Cry
Other than repeated dungeons, ruins, churches, towers and shacks, name to me things that have actually stuck out that are actually unique in Elden Ring?
>Witcher 3 and Skyrim definitely aren't combat focused
Are you talking about the cutscenes?
>name to me
lol esl
>repeated dungeons, ruins, churches, towers and shacks
Why the fuck would these things not repeat?
Oh, so Elden Ring is actually a generic open world where there is nothing of substance, I'll take your refusal to post such substance as a concession. Gotcha, glad we both agree on that.
Because not knowing where all the smithing stone bells are literally inhibits your ability to properly play or enjoy the game. At a certain point it becomes tiring to spend an hour beating a cave and its boss only for it to be an item that doesn't fit with your character. It's all so tiresome.
>minor buildings repeat
>oh so that makes it a generic game with nothing of substance!
You were the one that brought up about how "Elden Ring is so cool because woah I get sidetracked by 20 hecking things" like a typical redditor, but when probed into what made such a thing a unique adventure, you refuse to answer. Go on, tell me what that cool thing you got sidetracked from if it wasn't just a generic reuse of assets since you brought it up?
>not knowing where all the smithing stone bells are literally inhibits your ability to properly play or enjoy the game
lmao no it doesn't.
Even if you miss all the stones (yes even the 3s which the game throws at you if you do even a little bit of spontaneous wandering and exploration), AND the smithing stone bell bearings which just allow you to buy them; the game also gives you completely OP boss weapons etc. where all you have to focus on is getting the necessary stats.
And even then you can still use them if you're understatted.
>You were the one that brought up about how "Elden Ring is so cool because woah I get sidetracked by 20 hecking things"
The fact that minor buildings are repeated changes nothing in this respect.
>Because not knowing where all the smithing stone bells are literally inhibits your ability to properly play or enjoy the game.
fuck off it definitely doesn't. i only found the one they lock behind a mandatory boss on my first playthrough and managed just fine. it just limits your ability to upgrade literally every weapon i wanted to use, making my decisions more thoughtful and careful. my second playthrough when i found the smithing stones, it felt like i had found something of great value, and you want to take that experience away because you're a joyless loser who cant explore.
>Still won't answer what makes Elden Ring the best adventure game and what interesting exploration he made
So you are still conceding. Great.
>Still won't answer what makes Elden Ring the best adventure game
You started babbling about shacks repeating.
And you started with the deflection. Still no answer about how Elden Ring is the best adventure game lmao.
On a typical playthrough you might upgrade your starting weapon as you go, and then once you get some broken boss weapon you either need like 8 more stats in FAI/INT/ARC or some dumb shit like that which is already a massive pain, or it's still weaker than your +10 starting weapon. And you can't upgrade other weapons because you used all your smithing stones on your starting weapon, so you're stuck upgrading your main weapon all game. In my opinion this shit would have been entirely solved if the round table hold simply unlocked more purchasable smithing stones per each great rune or level you gained.
>tell me what that cool thing you got sidetracked from
Well this one time I was going down a path, saw a bear scratching a tree, got chased by it into a little building, and next thing I know I'm in a subterranean starlit city complex with minotaurs one-shotting me.
This type of shit happens all the time.
filtered hard
>you started with the deflection
I don't know why you think the Noxians are connected to the GEQ. Also, Melina and Ranni are just step-sisters, they're not aspects of one another or some such.
Anyway, the GEQ is connected to Melina. Melina's eye turns into a shade close to Gloam in her ending, and her hair turns all black. She starts speaking more about Death and specifically Destined Death the closer you get to the ending of the game.
If you inherit the Frenzied Flame, she states that she will kill you, "as sure as night follows day". What comes between day and night? Twilight, or Dusk (Dusk-Eyed Queen, an alternate translation). Gloam is supposedly the color of twilight.
Melina is 100% connected to the Gloam-Eyed Queen, how exactly? Not sure.
Melina is either both the daughter of Marika and was always the GEQ long ago, or she was the daughter of Marika and inherited the power of the GEQ as part of Marika's plan to burn the Erdtree and get rid of the Golden Order by unleashing Destined Death.
I'm unsure of how the first scenario would fit into the timeline but throughout the game, Melina is obviously trying to atone for something, she even states as much. I would not be surprised if she, as Marika's daughter, was given a role closely connected to Destined Death itself but rebelled, thus forcing Marika to seal Destined Death within Maliketh.
The role she plays as a maiden in the game is simply to fulfill her original purpose given to her by her mother long ago, that being burning the Erdtree and unleashing Destined Death. It's her redemption arc
Let's not beat around the bush; if you're short of upgrading materials it's because you aren't exploring.
Or you're trying to upgrade more than one weapon/shield early on.
How many times is "all the time"? Once? Twice? Or is it just a one off while most of the times, it is just the same old dungeon?
>How many times is "all the time"? Once? Twice?
Nearly every time you try to go somewhere in an area you haven't explored yet.
I was exploring a fair bit all game and by Mountaintops of the Giants I was still short of smithing stones to get any of my weapons even CLOSE to my starting weapon. My first playthrough was entirely blind.
>I was exploring a fair bit all game and by Mountaintops of the Giants I was still short of smithing stones to get any of my weapons even CLOSE to my starting weapon.
Are you making a point of avoiding mines or something? Jesus christ.
I’m sorry, but do you want another in depth dialogue system? No game has surpassed the Witcher 3 with an RPG. Do you want some even bigger crafting system that still is just you tapping A to pick up items?
So wait, you think every time you go off the path, you find a completely unique area like Nokron the Eternal City? Are you being entirely honest or is this the copium you are telling yourself? Because I would have loved a game where there were actual interesting side areas, but that is one of the few (if not only) side area you find randomly off the beaten track.
copy paste the game, choke on it
>you think every time you go off the path, you find a completely unique area like Nokron the Eternal City?
You find something that gets you sidetracked, and then you get sidetracked off that sidetrack, and then again. And again.
Correct, at a certain point, exploring cave/mine #957383 becomes tiring.
Again, I would have zero issue with this if the smithing bell stones were more intuitive to find. One of them is in this really tiny underground enclave thing that's super easy to miss.
>Mentions generic things that have caused the most complaint like haligtree and reused enemies
>Says the only fun thing was what is considered the hardest boss in the game to avoid sounding like a pleb
Not bad 5/10 like Elden Ring but still pretty obvious you didn't actually play it
>at a certain point, exploring cave/mine #957383 becomes tiring
It really doesn't.
Not only is the reward great (upgrading your weapon), but the mines are always fun to do and they constantly change it up.
You get sidetracked by mostly the same thing you find in Limgrave and you realize everything after is just copy and pasted, don't try to cope by pretending you find a Nokrom every time you get sidetracked, you find the same old things every time. Elden Ring fails like any ubisoft open world in this regard and to pretend otherwise is to be high on copium and you know that. You are just admitting you are someone that gets tricked by a carrot on the stick.
This sounds fuckin gay. This is why Skyrim still gets re released. Skyrim is such a clunky shitty mess of a game.