Which one of these is more popular with females? I want to find a female fps-friend

Which one of these is more popular with females? I want to find a female fps-friend.

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None of those. Genshin is where the girls are.

The one without ugly female characters.

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I really really doubt the answer is valorant

By far Overwatch. Feels like the only people left playing it are women, trannies and competitive tryhards

valorant. I have a girl in more than half my games easily

overwatch probably. but its current version is nothing like when it launched. i'd rather go back to TF2.

apex has a TON of real biological girls
Overwatch had a ton of them last time i played a couple months ago
no clue about valorant

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I mean...

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What' wrong with Overwatch compared to launch?

> where the trannies are

They balanced a the fun out of the game. Also it's dead.

I wish I had a Gaming PC to play Overwatch during it's prime. What the fuck did Blizzard even do to kill it? I know jackshit about the game except when Anna was added.

Unironically Paladins. Queue with Bots/Training and you get a lot of newcomers you can "bond" with.

I try to look cool when i find a default skin low level, so after the match i send friend request and queue with them some more, i haven't done any outside game befriending, but i guess you could try to do that, I'm an extrovert so have no issue with chatting, just haven't had the need to bond more with them.

-You can queue multiplatform or with your platform only, check the settings. Consoles in theory have ways to use the chat, but don't expect quick responses.
-Use the VGS to assert dominance, VCEE is what you want to spam most of the time.
-You'll find a lot of players called Family, these are default names from Switch Players. Speaking of Switch, this platform uses the console's name as your username, so you can edit that anytime. On PC you gotta pay.

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its not a bad game to catch on sale. its probably the most balanced its ever been and arcade and custom servers are still pretty active most of the time

>Launched in an unfinished state
>had lackluster support up until the Overwatch 2 announcement where they basically put the game on maintenance mode indefinitely
>Focused way too hard on an artificially grown eSports scene nobody cared about
>Released a hero named Brigitte that single handily ruined the game for what felt like over a year
>introduced Role Queue to combat Brigitte and her unstoppable meta, making the already declining player-base feel even smaller by quadrupling queue times.
Definitely more I'm forgetting.

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Overwatch is the scrubbiest no skill game so probably that

>Pandering the game to make it an Esport
Oh, that's what killed it... because I remember when it first came out, everyone was having fun. I honestly thought it would be the next TF2, guess that went out the window.

It would have been overwatch at it's prime but no one plays that shit anymore

i dont know what it is specifically about overwatch but ive never played a game where so many wins and losses where back caps because of over extending

What is this quest to find female gamers? Just pay twitch titty streamers like you always do. Female gamers are rare as a wish granting unicorn.

None of them. Most women don't play shooters, though Valorant is probably the best bet since it's the most popular on average. But girls tend to gravitate towards adventure games more.

PoTG + cards at the end of matches made everyone subconsciously play for frags first and the Obj second, probably.

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I played arenas on apex yesterday and i was in a team with 2 other girls, they were both very fun and nice and to my surprise they were pretty good too.

mercy/healer mains in OW who had no time on any other characters had an astoundingly high chance to be female. and i dont mean female (male).

Role Queue was the death of the game - at least to me. Diehards think its a great addition because the games are more "balanced" but all it does is force you into 2-2-2 comps and doesn't allow for interesting off-meta team comps.
That and it made it near impossible to get into a game in a decent amount of time unless you're willing to be a tank/healer for shitter dps mains.

Valorant. My friend regularly “picks up” e-girls on there since they have built in voice-chat, though he says a lot of them are underage

For me brigitte killed the game
the base roster was great fun but every new addition was lame and anti-fun

>Diehards think its a great addition
no we didnt we just wanted actual solo queue and the ability to NOT be matched against a fullstack, role queue was a result of triple tank/triple healer leaking into ever level of play

>Diehards think its a great addition
No, it made comp even worse because despite the "flex" role you cant actually flex. Forced meta makes the game less creative and fun, and now everyone is 100% mad all the time.

OW by far.

The game had a forced meta without role queue anyway. The game is just balanced like garbage. The real problem is people figured out a dominant strategy.

I'm female and I only play pubg, left 4 dead, and killing floor

But the last guy I added from Yea Forums was an asshole so I don't really want to do that again

you run into a surprising amount of girls w/ mics in CoD's gunfight mode.

if you're pretty and will be my wife I'll be nice to you.

>The game had a forced meta
Not really, before brig and doom the most popular meta was dive, but even dive was easily countered because most players didn't know how to coordinate dives very well. This was the time where torb/mei and sym were very good off-meta picks to bully bad dive players.

Overwatch definitely.
Apex and Valorant requires aim.

Genshin players make Yea Forumsirgins look like normal, well-adjusted people. I can't imagine a bigger red flag.

Brigitte killed the game. Role Queue was an attempt to fix the piece of shit of a hero and RQ unironically was the final nail in the coffin.

>The game had a forced meta without role queue anyway
there was no forced meta it was just a ticking time bomb of compositions no one at blizzard thought of ahead of time. they did try to fix goats by nerfing zaryas damage and bubble, tanks no longer giving more ult charge than normal, and buffing reaper even further into the tank killer role but it wasnt enough especially with brigette shrugging off every nerf until shes now borderline useless

Vast majority of my time in competitive was spent pre-rolequeue and I've played at every rank from Gold to GM and people pretty universally ran whatever the popular Twitch niggers said.
Yeah it technically wasn't forced and you'd have the odd match where you'd see a weird composition but matches like that were outnumbered by the ones where you'd have 4 Mercy OTP egirls on your team..
I only ever did solo queue so maybe that's why I never actually got to enjoy that level of freedom you're talking about.

>I only ever did solo queue
I soloed queue as Junkrat from gold to masters and had very little problems with meta babbies besides the constant whining from either team. GOATs did ruin my fun though because Junkrat got nerfed to the ground and he didnt have the burst anymore to deal with any tank, let alone 3 with brig.

Wrong choice of words on my part, but yeah there was basically a flavor of the month team composition that everyone ran until GOATs/Quad Tank became a thing.
Game was in a dogshit state at every point beyond the initial release where nobody knew anything.

Brigitte killed the game no doubt, but somehow people give Ana a lovetap on the shoulders. That piece of shit has been obnoxious for 6 years and everybody pretends she takes skill to play with her gigantic projectile hitboxes and having one of the smallest hurtboxes in the entire game. When you think about it, it all comes down to Blizzard not being able to balance a game to save their lives

ana has to at least survive on genjis/tracers/reapers without headshots and one sleep dart. the real crazy one is sombra and her hack having no counter at all besides maybe zaryas bubble

Ana isn't the sole problem, all the supports were and still are imbalanced as fuck. Despite being so few of them, they usually reinforce whatever efficient meta. You don't hear players demanding a certain tank, or DPS, they demand "We need mercy, we need Ana, we need Zen, we need Lucio!" If you wanted to run dive, you NEED Ana/Zen and Lucio otherwise the dive will not be good.

I think my friends list on genshin impact is like 90% girls

I haven't played OW in so long but I feel like every time my team didn't have a balanced 2-2-2 comp (Pre GOATS)and the opposition did we would just lose if not for a large differential in skill or coordination. The latter of which being something you'd almost never have queueing solo.

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ive won comp matches with crack team compositions. if the people your playing with actually know their characters its not hard. its the "1 hour widow maker that insists on dying to the enemy widow/ball/ashe all game" matches that fuck shit up

>the opposition did we would just lose if not for a large differential in skill or coordination
One of my favorite games of all time was that everyone decided to play their favorite DPS on attack on Kings Row, it was a full 6 DPS team. We actually won, one person switched to healer on the 2nd defense round and that was it. 2-2-2 Was standard but 1-3-2 was great for solo queue because players can do their own thing and the odds will be fine.

The girls in Valorant look great but I hate CS shit

Definitely possible and feels great to pull off but when accompanied with the fairly common drawback of occasionally throwing a bunch of incompatible OTPs on single team it's not hard to understand why they did away with it
Although I will say that OW 100% peaked in 2016 before Competitive was even a thing and situations like you described were at their most common.

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Dead by Daylight and maybe Valorant.
Dead by Daylight you're guaranteed to find a foid. I've talked to a good sample size and they all send a screenshot of a big strong serial killer carrying them off.

Whats the reasoning for not putting Sombra in the OP pic?

literally just had the same thought. i will never se reyna as anything other than just sombra with long hair

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Overwatch died in the design phase, when blizzshits decided to introduce cancer tank-dps-heal trinity. Level design stems from that (chokepoints, little to no medkits).

Whenever I see fanart of Reyna I always think its Sombra.

I played too many hours on Sombra and I am telling you literally the best way to deal with her is just ignore her outright.
Her gun is absolute garbage she's a literal bot in solo queue.

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seconding this, as there is one girl in the discord my friends pull me into and she's either editing someone's videos or playing val

I like Sombra's new design but honestly what the fuck is up with the sata cables in her hair.