Why didn't they learn from Bloodborne and make something akin to pic related the default dodge?

Why didn't they learn from Bloodborne and make something akin to pic related the default dodge?

Attached: elden-ring-bloodhound-step.jpg (1920x1080, 159.94K)

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Because bloodborne is shit only sonygroids enjoy

seething PC.uck 1 post into the thread, amazing.


Because they would have probably pulled another Agility stat bullshit or tied it to 25% max load and proceed to nerf the phyisick tear

Look I hate Sony too but BB is top tier

Why don't they let you equip two weapon arts? Block can be a weapon art too.

This is my only complain with the game, rolling feels extremely out of place with how spastic everything else is in the game.
This is mandatory for heavy builds is you don't want to LARP as super mario every time you need to connect an attack.

It's almost as if they did and then pussied out at the last second. It would explain why all the enemies act like Bloodborne enemies

This would have been unironically great, making DEX builds go full sekiro would've been the right choice.

So play DEX or lose both PvP and PvE

No, invest in some DEX and then do whatever the fuck you want afterwards.

Instead of worrying about Elden Ring's nonsense, what kind of fucking legal mumbo jumbo is going on with Bloodborne that they refuse to port it over?

Attached: 1533337580297.jpg (1664x1080, 636.33K)

Sony money?

What else Sony has after BB?
They even went with Demon's as remake to try to boost PS5 when it always was a niche as fuck tittle.
They are keeping BB for a remake in dire times or to sell PS 6.

I kept asking that for the entire game. Bloodhound's Step was the only way I had any fun at all.

I don't know, they released Horizon Zero Dawn on PC so I can't imagine they're that concerned about exclusives.

After Sekiro and Bloodborne, they really should have just had fun with whatever gameplay they wanted instead of making Elden ring a glorified Dark souls 3 mod where quantity is valued over quality

Dude, they released fucking God Of War on PC, BB will never be ported because that's the only Sony game that everyone actually gives a fuck about.

It's probably a technical thing. They axed Studio JAPAN and FROM's off doing their own games. Who exactly is supposed to port Bloodborne? And don't you dare say Bluepoint.

How do you do an open world game with 142 bosses without repeating shit, i'll wait.

Because not everything has to be a ADHD fest in modern Souls games, Elden Ring already has a dangerous amount of bosses with long-ass combos, a normal dodge animation makes the pacing better

But more normalfags bought HZD, it's objectively a more popular game.

You don't need a DNA test to port a japanese game user.

GoW was the face of Sony for years, that was my point, i don't care who sold more.
BB sold like shit and yet they won't port it even knowing that it would sell like hotcakes.

You cut the open world so you can properly design levels and connectivity and trim the boss count down dramatically

So you are seething because you didn't get DS4?


Then name a studio.

I honestly have no idea what are you struggling with champ.

five seconds on google
This cesspool is getting worse and worse i swear

Bloodborne dodge should be the dodge when you have light equip load.
Buff armor scaling so heavy armor is much less damage taken

or better yet tied to a talisman that you can only perform if youre at light load ala ninja roll in DaS1. i thought it was an obvious feature after seeing a gaol boss do it.

They just acquired them like last year and it's a literal who studio working on the already confirmed Uncharted port. If you want them to port Bloodborne, it'll have to be after that.

Shut the fuck up.

you do know that the japkikes at Sony only allowed select IPs to be available on steam to potentially sell PS5 units once their sequels come out, right? did you really think they'd let a game like BB be multiplat considering that FS will never do a sequel or even an exclusive console game ever again?

I hate that this is going to get nerfed because of PvPfags. The default roll is fucking banal.

If elden ring is a "modded" dark souls 3, what you described is a dark souls 3.1 stupid retard.

BB is way better than Elden Ring kek

the game is designed around the default roll user. There's nothing you can't dodge without it. It's overpowered and makes the windy crystal tear and crucible feather pointless content, especially since those lower your defenses while BHS doesn't while giving double the iframes as those two options.

>the game is designed around the default roll user.
I think the point is that it isn't. With each souls game, bar Bloodborne, enemies have gotten faster, but the roll has stayed the same. BHS may be overkill but there's a reason why the game becomes more fun when using it

isn't.. Elden Ring the pinnacle of an adhd fest? lol. its the laziest made fromsoftware game.

I genuinely don't give a fuck. It's fun. Preferable to Sekiro where most prosthetics and combat arts are near useless or Dark Souls 3 where most magic is useless.

idk but once I got this I never took it off my baemore. The other WA are cooler but the Bloodhounds step is the most consistently usefull.

>the game is designed around the default roll user.
To the point where it's a problem. There are too many roll catch attacks and shit you can barely roll through. Also, something I found incredibly frustrating is the lack of a fast gap-closing attack. How many times do you roll through a combo and then miss with your rolling R1? Bloodhound's Step at least fixes that issue.

I don't see how it's overpowered. Especially compared to the rest of the bullshit in the game. Maybe the game's just easy if you don't play it like a retard.

>it's an abstract kind of roll

Also, and this is a genuine question, how the fuck do you roll through the fat godskin dude's blubber attacks? I genuinely could not do it, even with Bloodhound's Step.

fast dodges are for faggots. Real man play with fat rolling

I'd say Bloodborne is still the pinnacle of an adhd fest. Elden Ring still has some difficulty curve (a bad one, but still), equip load mechanic and actual instances of getting rewarded for playing with caution

it's DS3. BB has the fastest combat but it has actual exploration so the gameplay itself isn't fast paced

The bloodborne dash has like 3 less recovery frames than the DS3 roll, I think players just get placebo'd into thinking it radically changes the pace because it doesn't look awkward. There are weapons on par if not faster than bloodborne too.

I'd say only Central Yharnam and the forest were the only actual places where exploration was fun.

3 frames at 30 fps (or less) maybe, so the equivalent of 6 frames, which is massive.

I'm just sick of the obsession with balance, and I was glad when Elden Ring ended up being a lot looser with it. The game's still harder than any of the other fucking games, so why is it such a crime if it has any fun stuff or actually useful abilities?

bloodhound step is too retardedly mobile. a slightly nerfed distance quickstep should have been the default.

there should be a dodge skill slot in your equip menu and you can learn or pick up different dodges/rolls/steps and slot it in
each have equip load or stat requirements

why is it that when subhumans like you talk about "fun stuff" it's always brainless overpowered garbage that deletes enemies with minimal effort. nobody that's not a toddler thinks pressing one button to awesome is fun

good idea. but they probably just didn't want people to neglect block more than they already are, and they didn't want to see the guard counter mechanic be ignored more than it already is.

It's not the obsession with balance, it's the obsession with difficulty because people still treat these games like beating them is a badge of pride. But I don't agree with you at all, I think bad balance can only make a game worse. Because overpowered things means every alternative is that much worse. I'm not going to comment on difficulty because I don't care, but it's frustrating when the playstyle you pick sucks while one you don't care for is far more effective.

Bloodborne has like 18 fps. No one should defend this game ever for that reason alone

The game would be so much better with such a simple change. Having bloodhound step and an offensive Ash of War on hand, without the awkward weapon switching mechanic would be so fluid. The fundamental problem to me in ER comes down to me having seen the same fucking playstyle over and over again, with that roll animation being at the centre of it. Bloodborne and Sekiro are so much better than DS3/ER because they attempt to be more than the same boring old roll souls as its fundamentals. BH step being baseline is such a minor change, but an extremely important one.

makes the game too easy, its not fun

I'm convinced they're just afraid to replace rolling because people associate the souls series so much with it, but bloodborne and sekiro had dashes so I don't see why they're so afraid. they should make single tap do a quickstep while double tap does a roll, like a lot of games do nowadays. or free up one of the buttons for each if possible. I do really wish they would do it though, constantly rolling just looks so stupid, especially against humanoid enemies.

That's the fucking problem Normal dodge roll makes it so disjointed and it feels like the bosses were modded into the game, rather than them naturally belonging there. Bloodhound step makes the player on even footing in terms of mobility for defense and offense.