You guys enjoying Lego Star Wars?

You guys enjoying Lego Star Wars?

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rank the lego games for someone who hasn't played them in ages
I remember indiana jones 2, the lego movie game and batman 3 all being shovelware garbage. but batman 2, harry potter and lord of the rings were weirdly high effort

Yeah, im doing it on chronological order, I'm playing phantom menace right now

what's good about it?
>14 minutes of gameplay
>scrub through the timeline
>80% of it is the player slowly following an NPC to a destination at a snails pace while they chit-chat
fucking christ

I heard that the levels are really short and not at all like TCS, is that really the case?

>5 minutes levels

fuck off

Never understood the appeal of the lego games.

little yellow fellas

They aren't, even the first few actual missions at least on the phantom menace episode are vehicle missions, the game is more centered on the open world/exploration areas rather than being more traditional Lego games, this also shows on the new combat system where they added a new juggle/combo system similar to devil may cry and the shooting system is similar to gears of war and while i agree this way off the usual Lego does on this games i simply remember that was the purpose of this game since it was announced all the way back on 2019 so i don't put much thought on that, i played the complete saga and i liked it and this simply isn't a remake but a whole different game.

>They aren't
>loads up boobtube
>literally watch levels be short as fuck
you do realize we can sniff your shit?

And there are way more open puzzle worlds instead, who cares

I would think they began existing because it made easy for brands to introduce their franchise to younger audiences, this can be seen with stuff like Batman (which was primarily based on the comics rather than movies), Indiana Jones, pirates of the Caribbean, dimensions had several mature IPs on its belt.

I still don’t understand this meme. Or are the 360 babies really excited about licensed trash? Millennials are retards too for the Cowabunga collection.

They were fun parodies of popular things. So you got to play a pantomime version of a character in a low stress game with a lot of unlockables and normally fun level design.

I will say I feel like once you've played a few of them, even though they have improved over time to a degree, you still have played them all. At least that was my experience.

I didn't lied asked if the levels were short and nothing like the complete saga, i told him they weren't.

I could have sworn Lego starwars came out like 15 years ago. Am I going crazy?

I hope it gets online coop

The levels are too short and the maps are too open with tiny stuff I don't care about. I want concise maps with hidden secret smaller areas that feel like little treasures.

>femoid with a golden lightsabre
Nice franchise this has become lol

Surprise, surprise. New games in the same style can get made.

nah mate, more like 25 years ago

17 years to be exact, yes.
Same but Tt has done that for way too long now, you could say this is Tt's Elden Ring
I honestly don't think I'll ever play those levels, i didn't liked the movies, none of the characters were good, i wouldn't like to see Lego's family friendly humor on those since the Disney movies were always family friendly to begin with.

i think its just for people that played it as a kid and have nostalgia/fond memories of that time. otherwise this shit looks boring, easy, and onions as fuck. "LOLZ look at the storm troopers in the jacuzzi!!!"

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>giving money to Disney

You stupid fuck ngmi.

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>he thinks people on this board buy games

I don't know why they went with a shitty open world. It would've been fine to just have a big hub area like Dexter's/Cantina with more secrets and shit.
I feel like LEGO Marvel Superheroes 1&2 were the only games that benefitted from the open world because there was so many ways to travel and it was entertaining to glide/swing/fly around. It's not fun to have to walk everywhere.

These vehicle sections are absolute trash, just had a bug on the Endor one and need to restart

I can't tank them all of the top of my head, but the complete saga does not hold up nearly as well as Indiana 1 or Batman 1

>LEGO Marvel Superheroes 1&2
City Undercover also did this well because you could steal all kinds of vehicles even on places away from the city.

Holy based

I liked it once I realized what it was going for. It's a collect-a-thon. The main missions themselves leave a lot to be desired, but roaming around Naboo or Coruscant and finding all the Kyber Bricks is a fun gameplay loop. Tons of unlockables. People are mad because they're only playing for the missions.

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Why's he signing a Tamagotchi?

Why don't they make a (good) sequel to Lego Island?

Not the same as the originals but its still fun. Some of it is p easy even as a kids game, but the old games were only hard because of bad game design.
The levels are way shorter and theres huge open worlds in between levels that you can explore and get unlockables from. I love the exploration of these areas, especially coruscant and naboo.
The game looks fantastic btw, theres even lego molding for parts in the cutscenes. There's a bunch of characters to unlock, and its honestly still fun if you like this shit.
Play Lego City Undercover for Wii U thats the best lego game ever made
>pic not related

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Because I asked him to sign it for me.

Because most of the LEGO games are pretty much reskins. When you're wildly experimenting to find something new and good, you have to fail in the process.

No. It's actually not very good.

Correct. They are about 2-5 minutes long generally.

>new combat system where they added a new juggle/combo system similar to devil may cry and the shooting system is similar to gears of war

Now THIS is a shill.

If you like the bonus levels from modern Mario games where you can collect a ton of coins, that’s the Lego game experience as a whole.

They should add "blatant shilling" to the list of reporting reasons.

Yes. I have argued for that for years.

I am but the really short levels are stupid. Some of them are literally just walking about.

Dialogue was a mistake.
Not having any voice acting but grunts, groans and laughs was the way to go and they ruined it.

that's racist

Just finished all the episodes. The "level" design really is lazy, and I don't know what they were thinking with the awful bosses and vehicle sections. I suspect all these years were spent on the loads of different assets and environments more than anything else.

Still enjoying the open areas, but I hope the next game is more polished and cohesive, preferably in the form of a Lego City Undercover 2 or just anything that's not Marvel/DC.

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I wish they'd do a LEGO game using all of LEGO's old themes, like wild west and pirates, from before they became license whores. LEGO became super soulless when they started focusing on just making Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc related sets.

New lego star wars game is just another corporate, soulless husk and mass consumption product made my the next generation of game devs who fundamentally do not understand what they are working with and just ride off nostalgia and popular IP.

Movie Release order. Just beat A New Hope to felt short but I didnt stick around too much at Mos Eisley for quests

there is a mumble mode you can enable it in settings

Lego Movie game had you visiting Old West as one of the areas


For me it was Aquazone

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whats the point if all the environments aren't even made out of lego

I'm enjoying it, but I went in knowing what to expect because my last Lego game isn't 20 years old. It's better than Lego LOTR, worse than Jurassic World, but still pretty fun. Finished prequel, OT and episode 7. Will probably finish up the last trilogy later today then start the collect grind on Friday. I already have 19 hours because I unironically took time off work for this

So how do the levels that were in the original games compare? Are they the same with updated graphics or completely new from the ground up?

hasnt there been like 5 fucking lego star wars games now? whats the difference with this one? theres already the game that went through alll the star wars movies

>theres already the game that went through alll the star wars movies
Like 5 movies have come out since that one

oh so this is the gay ass shit disney movies? hard pass

It's all of them, retard

they already made a game with all the non-disney movies

Yes, before you were born, there was a game covering the first six movies, you illiterate zoomer retard. This one covers all of the main movies.