For the people who played demon Souls when it first released

what was your first impression?

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It was gay as fuck. Demon's souls? More like Semen's souls

I thought "hey this game fucking sucks". But then I gave it another try, and then I thought "hey this game fucking sucks but I can't stop playing".

I bought in on release day in europe after seeing people on Yea Forums who were playing the imported version were praising the invasion system. Thought it looked very rough visually, but the game ended up being much better than I expected.

>how the fuck do I survive this dragon killing me

>holy shit an actual video game that isn't copy pasting modern titles

not much has changed except that this time from is stalling with the formula

"Woah this game is crazy"
And it was a few hours of my and my friend playing the first level swearing the first boss is impossible without magic but me being a Barbarian did it anyways.

I was 16 and had practically no experience with rpgs. My first playthrough I think I levelled all my stats equally except magic. I don't think I got even halfway through before giving up. I did a little research, made another character like a month later, and played all the way through. I remember feeling uneasy but fascinated by the lonely, dreary, and spooky levels. The difficulty was also new to me, and the level of satisfaction from overcoming challenges. Flamelurker must've been the hardest thing I had done in a video game up to that point. I remember exploring stonefang and latria took forever but was fun

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I'm one of those guys that imported the english asian version because PS3 had no games. I really enjoyed it because I was looking for a game where I got to play a dude in armor killing monsters and I liked the more down to earth style of the weapons and armor, they looked practical in a way most video game arms and armor didn't at the time. Didn't give a shit about the online aspect, I liked the idea of having to use different weapons for different situations, like a narrow hallway making a spear preferable because your sword will bounce off the wall, that kind of stuff. Someone said putting points into dex made you swing your sword faster which was a lie but I liked that idea of having action gameplay reflect your RPG attribute points in tangible ways you could feel during gameplay. Didn't think it was very hard unlike most people, beat it a few times before moving onto other things.

the combat reminded me of that budget berserk game
with all the tweened tracking and canned animation
the levels reminded me of a cooler drakken, while the way you went to them reminded me of dragon quest monsters
i played it all the way through but i remember being pretty soft on it

Played it after dark souls 1 and had a good time. Some of the best levels in souls are from here.

I'm openly a fag about this game. To me nothing beats the naivety I had playing this, just dumped into this hostile world, even the systems were difficult to make sense of, but you just persisted cause you wanted to plumb every depth the game had to offer. It's an experience that can't be recreated, the irony of it is that it's impossible to make a game like that again cause the game design in some aspects lacked clarity, the kind of shit everyone goes into a sperg rage as 'bad game design', but that's what I liked. I liked that I just had to work it out. I liked being naive and dumb and not having a meta understanding of how the game worked.
Also I remember the guy at the store being all faggy like 'why's it called Demons Souls, shouldn't it be Demon Souls? kek', to impress some uggo girl that also worked there and she just blanked him.
Anyways my personal 10/10

that im playing a masterpiece
i knew back then this series would blow the fuck up
demon souls 2 when

The graphics of the ps3 version which I still have were so bad it was almost unplayable in the darker areas but still very fun

Got it on release because I was too much of a coward to import it and try to navigate the menus without English.
It's been a long time, but I remember thinking the atmosphere went from kind of quiet and bleak in Boletaria to genuinely unsettling in Latria and I think that's when I realized I was in love with the game.
I liked finding cool new armor and weapons to play around with, and to look for secrets and the like, looking at items to see if they had weird effects. I remember getting big mad at the tunnels in Stonefang and dying to exploding bugs, as well as getting sniped off ledges by Stingrays and trying to brute force my way through it.
I honestly remember thinking virtually the entire game had a horror element to it, and it really does especially in the later parts of the game, and that probably helped sell me on it too.
The online was a mindfuck for me and to this day the early months of DeS are some of the coolest and most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game and I miss it every day.

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lol iktf it was so dark in Blighttown in Dark Souls when I first played that I didn't even know what it looked like

I liked it a lot. I remember thinking it was incredibly unique. I saw the review by IGN on youtube and thought, this is my type of game.

I got the PS3 because I thought it would be the system for RPGS like the previous two were and not only did that not pan out but it was just a miserable fucking period for games in general. This game was a bright shining light in a dark time for which I will always love it.

Sneed's Demon Feed. Formerly Souls

"Oh I guess I do still like video games."

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Played it for the first time last year so my input isn't requested. I'm posting regardless.

A lot of the game is memorable in ways the latter games weren't, for better or worse. I miss when the series was fucking around with odd systems and unusual experiments to push players into trying weird things.
It's also the only game to really make me feel like I'm a hero on an adventure having to outwit enemies as well as fight them.

I wanted to play it but my tv was a blurry ghosting piece of crap in addition to the ps3 being a blurry piece of crap so I never really got that far in

I thought it was insanely difficult. I was hooked after I killed the tower knight.

Loved the absolute fuck out of it.
Played it for like 12 hours a day for a couple weeks straight

bought a used ps3 just to play it years after release, it’s great
das1 & bb > des > das3 > das2

I was a 12 year old CoD kiddy afraid to play it because I heard it was hard and didn't want to spend my time on a game that was too hard to play.
Dodging the first attack from Vanguard hooked me. I fell in love with the game when I started using fire on the Phalanx and watched it melt to the fantastic music. It became my favorite game when I won my first invasion by knocking the invader in Dorans with Dark Moon Grass off the 4-2 Balcony with a DBS I only had 20 Strength for.

I rented the game on gamely and thought it blew ass at first, but I kept playing because I was a trophy whore and the phalanx boss seemed easy enough.
Once I made it to latria everything clicked, the gameplay, the atmosphere, the tension.
I realized at that moment, wading through a fucking poison swamp balls deep in the labyrinthine hellscape that I was in fact playing something special, something completely new.
Demons souls changed me, I didn't enjoy a single game the same way until dark souls came, and to a lesser degree dragons dogma.
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>huh, this isn't what I asked for Christmas
>hundreds of hours later
>don't even remember what it was that I asked for Christmas

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It was fun, I was stuck in the prison of Latria for hours, couldnt beat it so I killed tower knight. Then went to valley of defilement and got my ass beat until I killed leechmonger, then I moved onto stonefang tunnel and beat all of it. Shrine of Storms was next on the list but I never completed the game, only got up to The Old Hero

>"hey this game fucking sucks but I can't stop playing".
Same thing happened to me with Elden Ring, i guess they do something right.

here's your (You) faggot

Play it on RPCS3 if your PC can handle it, it looks great.

i liked how old school it felt

It was pretty magical, honestly. Might not hold up to today's standards but back then it blew my mind.

I loved it. It was a solid game and it was entirely unique in what it did. The concept of invasions was completely new too I still remember how I felt when I got invaded the first time in 3-1 and the heartpounding thrill that came with it, I waited behind a corner and stabbed the guy in the back and finished him off wildly swinging at him as he got up.

God damn Flamefucker was the only boss that I went out of my way to look up cheesing strats back the, because I sucked.

>Might not hold up to today's standards
Played the game for the first time ever last year and it holds, same as King's field 4.
Game oozes with charm.

none of these posts were longer than five sentences,
like nigga can you not handle a paragraph?

I loved it because it was the most dnd-like dungeon crawler you could play at the time. Being able to role play an archer or a knight in highly specific dungeons wasn’t something you could get elsewhere, at least not in a 3D game with modern graphics. The difficulty was never a concern, and it was never really mentioned until Dark Souls worse the motto on its sleeve.

>misread the thread title
disregard that, I suck cock

I mean in terms of polish of course, but yeah the game absolutely exudes soul in every sense of the word. I do a playthrough every year and I love the game to death.

Loved it, played it back in 2010 so my first souls game. It was hard because it was the first in the series and I had to go through dying a shitton. I really didn’t know how to make my character and just winged it. Some of the areas are the most memorable in the series (tower of latria) and the OST is just great. It just had this sense of magic and wonder none of the other souls games had.

Kek same but bloodborne was my first fromgame

First time I saw it was like a week or two after release, me and 3 friends did a sleepover with beer and games to death with 3 TVs next to each other during college and one of them had this, I remember I thought it was an ATLUS game due to the box and it came with a small guide booklet, thought the cover was cool and my friend played the part where they give you that sword that fires a beam, looked cool as fuck.

I played DaS later on and loved it, then I came back to play Demon's but it didn't quite "click" the same way DaS did, still good, tho.

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I think I got hooked on it within a few hours of playing. I found out about DeS from threads on Yea Forums at the time, and bought a copy once it was released in NA. It was a pretty magical experience upon release, with not much info available online for how to get certain items, trigger certain quests, what secrets were in the game, etc. There was a sense of discovery to it that I haven't found in hardly any other games since, and the threads on Yea Forums were a lot of fun.

I preordered it. Back then, there were no solid character building action rpgs with a focus on combat. I was so excited for it.

I didn't play with a wiki or a guide, and I got stuck on Flamelurker. I didn't use magic, and I never got gud until way later after my friends forced me to try Dark Souls.

But yeah, Flamelurker made me want to tear my teeth out. The game broke me.

played it obsessively for awhile. I bought the dark souls games but could never really get in to them and couldn't figure out why but now i know. Its because if you've played one souls game you've played all of them. I played demons souls into the ground completing it several times so now im bored of it.

The controls were weird at first because it was an "action" game and I had to use R1 to attack, like I was playing an FPS. It took me a couple of days until I got the hang of it.

>The game broke me.
I was the total opposite.
I didn't start raging at fromsoft until later.
They change the formula slightly with every release, and things that worked before no longer work.
They never change the games enough to break my muscle memory or old habits.
It's so fucking annoying, I am seriously getting annoyed just thinking about it lmao

I remember I died from the boulder trap in 1-1 and got so pissed it I took it back to the store to return it. Somehow, I guess I changed my mind or something and by the time I was making my way through 2-1 I was addicted.

Thought it was neat and liked the golden age berserk atmosphere. A good 8/10.

I had no idea what I was doing and unga'd my way through the game with the Dragon Bone Smasher and a tower shield. I went through most of the game shirtless because I couldn't roll properly without it and I had no idea what World Tendency was. The fact you could carry 99 grass in your pocket is probably the only reason I made it through the game. Thankfully I got good by the time Dark Souls came out with the limited healing.

It felt natural to me, but I was primarily a codkiddy back then.

Really liked the aesthetics, the world and the puzzle bosses

>start as a royal and go full int
>always enjoyed spears
>moon winged spear
>kite/flame/silver shield
>soul arrow/ray
>dunno why my friend thinks this game is hard
Had a hell of a lot of fun with it. Managed a good six or seven playthroughs in pretty rapid succession. Those were the halcyon days of the formula being fresh and exciting.

Ragequit on 1-1 and didn't touch it for a week. It was frustrating because every death was completely my fault for not watching my stamina or running into a dark room. I eventually beat Phalanx and died to the dragon in 1-2 because I didn't learn my lesson. I hated the Mind Flayers, Maneaters, and the entirety of world 5. Fuck Miyazaki and his swamp fetish.

I played NA release. Rough graphics but great art direction and sound. Loved it more than the following games. Saved PS3

>First run
>One handed sword, staying away from any enemy attacking, Shield up all the time

>Now just two hand and roll through enemy and boss attacks

Biggest hurdle with me was figuring out that you just have to hug against bosses and you can parry more than just the little weak enemies.

It felt like an indie game to me

>Mind Flayers

I really hated how they can stun you in narrow hallways and get a free hit in.

Well it was AA not AAA

Kek my first run I practically never used lock on

Loved it and it's still my favorite Souls game.