This game is beautiful and has a story that is more relevant now than ever

This game is beautiful and has a story that is more relevant now than ever.

Attached: Ff10_logo.jpg (1775x1152, 862.01K)

Ff10 killed the franchise

Attached: ZomboDroid 02042022194450.jpg (1930x2864, 592.66K)

I like games with good music. Japanese games usually have the best music.

It has a more thoughtful story than 7-9 had.

>giant crazy space whale magic is fucking us up
What news do you have for us user

>babies first ff

you already made a cope thread today, give it a break faggoid

It's about how figures in the media have been mistaken for gods and how we have forgotten tradition and humanity with the introduction of digital media.

no it was about a crazy space whale also soccer

Also how do you fight a war with no way to defend yourself against a humanless being (nukes) and the horrors it brings.

are you from 1945
is this secretly a 13 sentinels thread

It's the worst mainline 3d FF

Playing through this for the first time in like over 10 years. I'm already dreading Seymour Flux.

Maybe in a world without 13 and 15.

15 is the best ff and actually has a world map to explore unlike dogshit 10 to 14.

15 has an empty world with nothing to do in it

>Only criteria for what makes a game good or bad is whether you get to explore a big empty room instead of walk through empty hallways
How old are you, legitimately?

a world map full of nothing.

barry please, i liked 15 but the world is fucking boring to run around, best part is just afking to take a shit while the car drives itself

it has a more full world than literally any ff with more to do in it too
stop providing you never played it

Nobody even mentioned 14

>defending empty hallways with nothing to do in them
no wonder 7R bombed

>bunches of optional dungeons, hunts, named npc sidequests with great gear, weapon and accessory rewards, chocobo racing, fishing, camp sidequests with the party, optional bosses, tons of world building through party dialog simple by exploring

and meanwhile none of the other FFs have anything to do

it's one of Barry's boggeymen.

You say something bad about XV and he assumes you are either a FF7 fan or a FF14 player who is also LGBT and also hits you with false allegations of never playing XV

nah the world is fun as fuck to run around, fighting monsters, stumbling upon dungeons within strong bosses inside, etc

14 doesn't have a world map retard 10-14 are the only FFs without one.

all the hunts and sidequests point you directly to the dungeons anyway, there is no "stumbling" unless you never go to a diner

based, unironically the best game I have ever played

You clearly never played XV though you dumb FF14 tranny
Is this the part where you ignore the chain of posts is about worldmaps which only ff1-9+15 have?

What does the X mean? Final Fantasy Cross?

and all the monsters in the dungeons are just sacks of HP you Hold O against since you don't have to worry about dying since XV is casual as fuck, just as Tabata intended.


Why didn't they just call it Final Fantasy 10 then?

because roman numerals are cool

>I’ve thought of a new recipe
shit like this and repeated dialogue gets old after a while, I wish they would have recorded like a thousand different lines to break up the repetition like this one game that recorded a thousand different walking sounds so it didn’t sound like every step was the samd

the dungeons can be stumbled upon without ever doing any hunts or taking any npc quest to begin with so no, throwing sheer exploration doing yourself own thing yourself can find a bunch of optional dungeons
literally the first areas you can stumble upon the sewer dungeon and the mining dungeon as soon as you set out into the open worldt
there is not inficating to you to talk to diners to gain access to any dungeon so you're even dumbass than I thought.

Oh, I'm not Roman, I'm American. I didn't know they used different numbers. What's X in Roman then?

elden beast

No he meant Final Fantasy Trans (it is an “X” with a skull above it)

Stop proving you never played XV

Attached: holdtolose2.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

FFX has loads of minigames and even optional summons to find and collect.

Yeah but there's another major issue with 15, that being the gameplay is brain dead simple and boring as fuck.

every FF you can hold 1 button to win battles

Attached: ff5 hold x to win battles!.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
M = 1000

a I before a V means it’s one before so IV = 4 and VI = 6

MMXXII = 2022

if you enjoy any of those mini games you need to check yourself into a mental institution immediately

you can get into the sewer dungeon in chapter 1? didn't know that, thought you had to wait until chapter 4 for that one
>letting yourself die to try and prove a point
literally just open the item screen and use potions, there is no point anywhere possible for you to never have a single healing item, i fucking did a lvl1 run last year and had 99 of everything i could buy before i got to duscae

play FF4 DS and get back to me.

You can hold one button to win boss fights in 15. Actually impossible in other FF. We're not counting instances of grinding to be stupid fucking strong anyway.


no different than finding weapons in 15 which are more significant to gameplay and loadout than a summon is in ff10 and there is a fuckton more weapons to find in 15

Weird, but cool. Thank you very much kind user.

I don't even dislike 15, I just think 10 is a more complete experience all around. I still had fun with 15.

I didn't let anything die
I held only O like you claimed and that's the result
you will never be able to buy another without grinding sidequests because you get no gil from battles so stop fuck lying
you get to dusvae by chapter 3 by which point you still have fuck all gil and any items your did buy wouldve been used in a singles battles because practically everything 1 shots you at level 1
that clip noct is level 4 and he gets knocked to 0hp in 2 fucking hits from a regular enemy in chapter 3.

So? They could have easily brought back exploration like in 8 for the successive games yet continue to refuse to do it. I don't think its X's fault at all. It is some other reason and a part of me thinks its tech limitations and especially because they simply think it would look too jarring with modern games or that people wouldn't like it. They also simply do not have the desire to try when what they do works.

My point is FFX is great despite this.

you can find weapons in FFX too you fucking retard.

This webm is the reason why all FF games are unequivocal dog shit. Seriously, what is the appeal here? The gameplay requires no thought besides hitting X and healing.

i'm not the dude bitching about holding O i didn't even know you could hold until i finished the game the first time and was mashing like kingdom hearts
>you will never be able to buy another without grinding sidequests because you get no gil from battles

should i restart my playrun on FFXII for the zodiac spear?

No you can't, you will literally die if you try that in 15

Seehold to win in ff5

Here's a "boss" enemy that's you can encounter as you're first enemy in ff15 if you run behind hammerhead for 20 seconds instead instead of infront of hammerhead and oh look entire party instantly 1 shot to 0 hp while holding only O like you claim.

Attached: holdtolose3.webm (700x394, 2.91M)

>gets BTFO and runs away
many such cases

Attached: 1637774908904.png (591x587, 272.12K)

not anywhere near as much as in 15 you retard
and weapons arent what determines your bulk of stats on ff10 like they are in 15.

Yes it does

fuck pressed post by accident
>you will never be able to buy another without grinding sidequests because you get no gil from battles
it's called selling 99% of the useless shit you pick up, and then there's not being retarded and having food buffs

Am I one of the few people who dislikes the old-school FF world maps? I replayed FFIX recently, and the world map is the least fun part of the game. It’s mostly empty. The activities on it are boring like the chocoholic shit. There are some cool secret locations to find, but in general fast travel between points of interest feels much better. It gets rid of backtracking problems. And the empty overworld with random encounters is often more inconvenient than fun.

Having said that, back in the day I was really disappointed that FFX lacked a real world map. It made finally accessing the airship seem dull, since you couldn’t even really fly it. But in retrospect, flying over an empty mini-version of Spira probably wouldn’t have been much fun.

most emotional final fantasy game don't like how they made a second game because it doesn't have my bro Tidus

It's fun to see number go higher and crit go BOOM and get fancy spells. Also some of them have really great stories. X is one of the few games to ever really bring out some emotions, most games aren't able to do that type of thing.

Attached: 124.png (480x320, 28.82K)

Sounds like you're got btfo and keep running away because 7R bombed, KH3 bombed, neo twewy bombed and nomura is a failure.

Attached: neimeds.jpg (1362x1374, 259.28K)

no it doesn't 14 has tiny shitty sections of zones with nothing in them like ff12, not an actual worldmap to explore

If you’ve already played the game, Seymour Flux is easy. If you really fuck up, you can just sacrifice an Aeon to eat his big attack.

I don't remember how to fight Seymour Flux. My only memories are the pain and suffering caused by the fight itself.

You still fucking fuck all to sell to get anywhere near that much you stupid fuck
even by chapter 14 if you sold all the shit you get as drops and free pick-ups you still have barely enough gil to buy a new weapon and accessory for the party, which would be your first priority over items which you'll still constantly run out if especially on a level 1 run where you're constantly 1 shot

also there is no point in even doing a level 1 run if you're still using foodbuffs and items you retard
you didn't beat the game

You skipped D, which is 500

Take your meds

This picture makes. I sense. I hate Barry, he’s autistic and shits up so many threads. But what is his catch phrase in that picture? I don’t see anything repeated.

>fuck fuck fuck
>didn't beat the game cope
>running out of items from overuse
have you tried, i dunno, not getting hit? pressing the block button maybe?
you do realize as well this entire conversation only matters for people playing normally and not challenge autists right? 90% of players aren't going to just rush to duscae at lvl4 and go head first into magitek troops with no food buffs

Are you blind? NeithOf aka nathan constant spouts "take your meds" while seething over xv and defending nomura or other dogshit games.