I just beat the fire giant and have the option to get the fire by talking to Melina at the grave...

I just beat the fire giant and have the option to get the fire by talking to Melina at the grave, but I don't want to make some irreversible choice. I beat Malenia and Mohg, thought maybe there was a way to continue with Miwuella using that Ring gesture but nope. I got to the bottomed of where the frenzy flame is but don't know where the blind maiden went to give her the fingerprint eye. And I have no idea what the fuck the "ring of oath" is to continue Ranni's thing. Did I miss some stupid teleporter tucked back some where that will send me to a quest area, I've been fucking around for the last 50 hours, because it seems like every single quest line has stalled out completely since the capital. There's also sellen's heart which I've taken to the two god sorcers and nothing happened. Can I get some sort of hint, I refuse to lookup a wiki or guide, just tell me what land area to look around in please.

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There is only a single irreversible choice: once you agree with Melina after the Fire Giant you lose access to old Leyndell and it's replaced with a different map with different loot. So make sure you grab all the stuff there first. There's no way to do anything with Miquella so far, it'll likely be part of the DLCs. As for Sellen, it's pretty obtuse; you need to take it to the Sellen puppet inside Seluvis's sex dungeon. Then you head over to Raya Lucaria and there are two signs outside of Rennala's boss room to finish out Sellen's quest.

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Frenzy: Hyetta is around, keep looking for her in liurnia.
Ranni: Did you at some point pick up a suspicious item that you forgot to take a closer look at? Look through your inventory
Sellen: She needs a new body, so go find her a new body

You haven’t beaten the fire giant unless you do this

You're joking that there isn't anything left with Miquella right? Also Milicent is still just in the prayer room for me

That doesn't happen until after you kill Maliketh.

>after the Fire Giant you lose access to old Leyndell and it's replaced with a different map with different loot.
Why does everyone say this? It's not true until after Maleketh

Nope, the only thing you get from her is an emote. Can't recall if Giddeon fucks off yet, I think you have until the boss of the next area after the Giant. Burning her also does nothing. You could burn yourself and then cure the ending you are locked into which does """save""" her spoilers nothing happens, game essentially acts like she is dead anyway lol

There is technically a way to get to Farum Azula without burning the Erdtree but it involves using wrongwarps.

That’s actually not entirely correct. Leyndell Royal Capital is still normal until you kill Maliketh. You can always leave Farum Azula after finding a grace.

Outside of the Bellfries, I'd like to hear this one.

Yea there's almost literally no way you're going to finish millicent's quest without a guide.


It's explained how it's done in this video.

Before Malenia is a ulcerated tree spirit. Kill it, reset at a grave, go back to it, have fun killing e invaders tier enemies if you are trying to help her.

Ring is in the box behind renalla, chest that is locked. If you are saying you already got it, go through noskella or nostrella, i dont know which. One will eventually lead to the other. Keep doing that until you kill the monster that looks like a 4th grade constellation project.

What is missable from Leyndell before it gets ashy?

Bolt of Gransax
Black Bow

I don't care about smithing stones and consumables and shit like that.

Specifically, 13:40 is where it starts but you may need to watch earlier in the video to understand exactly how to perform the wrongwarp.

Why is it so hard to implement a quest log that just repeats the dialog lines? Other Souls games it didn't really matter but this one would have benefited greatly.

When do NPC quest lockouts start? Like a particular boss or something that cuts off unprogressed quests. I've explored most of Liurnia and about to start making my way into the Academy now.

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>kill the fire giant 'too early'
>now the invader by the local church won't spawn

Atlus plateau is a tactical nuke that breaks every npc quest in the game. If you happen to go to atlus plateau before you've fully advanced everyone's quests you might as well go full mass murderer on that playthrough and try again next time.

>get fucked out of overpowered weapon because you're an ADHD speedrunner kiddo


How do you get open Renalla's chest?

Aren't you presumptious

After 13 years with these fucking games I'm just sick of the le epic cryptic hardcore stuff. I like the secrets and making discoveries on your own, but having EVERYTHING come to a screeching halt because you went to far in the main areas is just sickening, especially in a game this long.

There are several.

Stepping foot into Liurnia skips the entirety of Roderika's initial quest which is what gives you context on how the fuck she even gets to Roundtable. Mechanically, this can be ignored because you technically don't lose out on anything except for flavor text.

Stepping foot into Altus Plateau will do two things: Rogier will fall asleep/die and If you've met Blackguard and bought prawns from him, he will move from Boilprawn shack to the outer moat.

Yura might move to Altus and get killed by Eleonora if you enter Altus before completing his questline, I'm not entirely sure. It would be better safe than sorry to do his quests if you want Raptor of the Mists and his weapon before entering Altus.

How the fuck do you even miss that church unless you're just straight up skipping content and not exploring?

Forgot to add: You can completely miss the meeting with Ranni at the beginning of the game when she gives you the spirit calling bell and wolf ashes if you enter Liurnia without meeting her. She will disappear from the game until after you've killed Radahn, so this is kind of a big one. It's important to meet with her at the Church of Elleh at night immediately after Melina gives you Torrent.

>I have no idea what the fuck the "ring of oath" is to continue Ranni's thing.
She gives you a gift once you have helped her in the Ainsel River Main
A key discarded by Lunar Princess Ranni alongside her very flesh.
Opens a treasure chest passed down to Carian Princesses.
It is said to be found in the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria with her mother Rennala.

Hyeta is the finger maiden and she is travelling to the Capital. She is likely still waiting for assistance somewhere in Liurnia. I doubt she will find her way without the guidance of the fingerprint eye.

Sellen is looking for a puppet body, a new vessel for her soul, and she is trusting you to help her find a new body. It is an open quest with no direct lead, but you should have a clue or two about puppets from other tangential quests.

oh sorry, underground dungeon, fingerslaying blade, give you ranni, reload, the other first tower is unlocked, warp,grab the doll, rest, talk to the doll, kill the npc, key, chest, underground city part 2, kill boss,

Don't remember how/why missed it as it was a while ago. I can tell you I generally don't use the map. I came by the fog door and so I went for the fight.

If you're a Ranni simp it's better to miss out on Rogier's quest so she's less of a bitch to you. Otherwise..

>I've told thou the location of mine cursemark, thou can fuck off posthaste

Doesn't matter, you can still get her to call you dear consort eternal by the end. Really, it's actually better because she gives you that topsy turvy key for Carian Studyhall regardless and without doing Rogier's quest, there's really no reason for her to have given it to you.

>starting a thread where your entire OP is a spoiler

>Atlus plateau
sweet, I'm probably heading there after the Academy and the Manor I saw so I'll clear those then go around and do quests before moving on.

>Stepping foot into Liurnia skips the entirety of Roderika's initial quest which is what gives you context on how the fuck she even gets to Roundtable
I found her before Liurnia but didn't do the initial quest, oh well.
>Stepping foot into Altus Plateau will do two things
>Yura might move to Altus and get killed by Eleonora if you enter Altus before completing his questline
dunno who any of those guys are yet or what any of that mean so I guess I'll find out soon
>You can completely miss the meeting with Ranni at the beginning of the game when she gives you the spirit calling bell and wolf ashes if you enter Liurnia without meeting her.
Met her shockingly enough, just stumbled into it.

Cheers boys

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Huh, I was just down in Nokron and noticed the big Skeleton but thought I had gone to him already, turns out that's where that finger blade is. Thanks

Yura is the samurai looking guy who saves you during an NPC invasion in Limgrave, specifically in the river outside Murkwater cave. You can then help him in his own invasion outside of Raya Lucaria Academy, near the entrance sigils that you can walk through. After you help him here, he will give you Raptor of the Mists ash of war.

I know for Yura's sword at least if you take too long to do his quest it drops at the last place he should have been standing. I would assume it works the same for the ash. Of course there would be no indication about where this is so while not missable it would be hard to find without a guide.

>I would assume it works the same for the ash.

No, he only gives you Raptor of the Mists as a reward for helping him with the invasion at Raya Lucaria. If you're talking about the ash on his weapon, you can always get that, even if you kill him, but that isn't the same ash he gives you as a reward.

interesting. On my first playthrough I helped him but he never moved on, probably because I don't think I talked to him afterwords. Eventually I happened to come back and spot the item on the ground for his weapon, but I know that I had the ash too.
this also meant that I completely missed the later invasion since it won't trigger until he goes to the spot or dies so I only found it by looking it up.

His quest is nowhere near as convoluted as Sellen's. You're simply not completing Sellen's questline without using a guide. I literally cannot understand how anybody figured that shit out.

>I beat Malenia
How/where do you fight her? There is still a piece of my map missing north of Leyndel, but I have no idea how to get there. Other than Farum Azula, Subterranean Shunning Grounds and south half of Mohg's place, I have explored everything.

Use the Haligtree Secret Medallion at the lift that took you to MOTG, it will take you to Consecrated Snowfield, you will then need to find Liturgical Town, solve the puzzle at the Gaol, and that will enable you to go to Haligtree, which is where Malenia is.

Not true at all. She'll still be at her tower like normal. It just changes her dialogue slightly since that will be her first time meeting you.

Ah okay. It can still be a little problematic since the only way to trigger Melina offering to teleport you to Roundtable Hold is to either enter Liurnia or enter Caelid. So if you want the spiritcaller bell before you leave Limgrave, that's the only way to do it.

You wield a Katana and think this makes you a Samurai?
You are NO Samurai.

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The thunderbolt weapon art. I missed that and I'm still upset about it.

Is there really no saving him :,

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I'm still fucking mad about missing the Black Bow. It's the only item I missed on NG, and I'm not going to NG+ until after DLC comes out.


I just picked up a spare on my alt. If you're on PC I'll give it to you

PS4 and no PS+, I'm foreverially fucked

Sorry bro. Have a consolation png

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Does it actually have a shortbow moveset as a longbow? If yes, that's what I was going to main as my chip tool.

It does. This was my plan to until I found the Harp Bow

Harp bow pretty good? I have it, never bothered trying to use it.

>it's .5 lighter than the shortbow


It's easily the coolest looking bow and it's good if you like Barrage but you can't change the ash and the Black Bow outclasses it in raw damage. I used a regular Short Bow for about half of my first playthrough so I'm not too sure how bows do in late game but I've seen Youtube thumbnails of people beating the game with it so that's all that matters. Crossbows on the other hand got done dirty. No arts to change and no scaling make then DOA

Crossbows had their time in the sun in DS3 and even DS2. No scaling isn't end all be all though, that just means they're meant for low level builds.

>talking to
get a load of this simp

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>the outer gods and their influence is good
>ayy lmao tree is good

Get a load of this chump who got tricked by giant fucking fingers

>I can tell you I generally don't use the map
you missing shit is no surprise but i wonder who's more normal between you and i. i raced to map pieces because i hated not having a map and i went to every single thing on the map that looked like it might be "something". ruins were obvious looking on the map and after my first playthrough i realized i had only missed one. was able to do ranni, sellen, and fia's full quest without a guide. every npc at volcano manor and varre i skipped intentionally for fear of bad ending. any npc i haven't named i just didn't find again. first playthrough was 200 hours. i forgot why i'm typing this i just woke up i'm posting anyway


BULLSHIT, you just talked to her after doing every single thing imaginable. Azur giving you Comet Azur says nothing to you and there is literally ZERO indication that "now's the time to chat with Sellen, hehehe"

get a load of this beta male who serves women.

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i thought perfect order ending implied a correction to ayylmao overlords

It makes Order infallible as Order itself. The only thing that pertains to ayylmaos is that it solves their own infighting with each other that would potentially harm the Order so that they cannot change it either.

why would you save a furry

>you just talked to her after doing every single thing imaginable
yes. i like her voice. and i figured she'd bring up the body at weeping peninsula eventually. also i definitely think improvements can be made to the fromsoft questline design but it's because i know it's retarded that i decided to regularly visit npcs. like fia. also definitely wouldn't have found that illusory wall without player messages. ranni's was actually pretty easy i don't know how anyone thinks it's impossible. there are so many things you can miss without fucking up the questline you just have to explore.

As a strictly offline-only player I tend to forget how game-breaking player messages are. Nobody was finding that shit without a guide. That shit was datamined.