Cutest cats in video games?
Cutest cats in video games?
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Hmm I really shouldn't, however...
Monster Hunter has good cats.
Ankha makes me horny
Cats are leftist animals. You didn’t see Trump with any cats in the White House.
You didn't see him with dogs either
That White shopkeeper in Blinx had me lowkey throbbing bruh.
>game has cats in it
>they are by far the sexiest thing in the game
Every time.
Dogs are nigger animals.
>Not automatically affectionate towards you, trust is earned
>Respects you if you respect them
>Can manage resources if bad times seen to be happening
Dogs are fine too mind you. You are just retarded
>tfw still regret the time I tried to frot with my cat
Everyone shut the fuck up and post your cats and other pets. This is now an /an/ thread
glad Yea Forums is forever witch cats
no matter what comes between
The cat clock from Nioh
>Cats are leftist animals.
Only redditors and tourists are hardcore dogfags.
I like most pet animals, I just prefer cats.
Shitbulls can die though, disgusting waste of oxigen.
Just fucking wipe Amerishit from the map. What waste of resources.
post her butt
post ur butt
>all these seething liberals
You did good, user.
Why do white people want to fuck animals so badly
What the fuck is that thing on the left.
Spotted the redditor.
Big ass candy cane dog toy
Cats are the niggers of animals.
A greasy dog.
My dog is very clean, thank you very much. She smells like soap for over a month between baths.
my cock
fuck off Niggerman
>Cats are the ni-*ACK*
was there more of this guy? I only saw the one thread
Does he turn the faucet on himself?
Cats are great pets, when you don't neglect them and raise them from a young age they're really affectionate and attached. I don't let my cat go outside but I might put her on a harness in the back yard this spring / summer. She's just over two years old, got her around 7-8 months old from a crazy cat lady coworker. Loves belly rubs and waits for me to shower. Then she screams at me and gnaws at my ankles and hands lightly, she seems to love the goat milk soap. It's like she thinks I'm disappearing or in danger. She really helps me not feel alone when I'm at home, and she's not much work to take care of. Egyptians were based for loving them too.
Why would I want anything to do with a subservient beast?
Rent free
your opinions, Yea Forums?
All cats are useless niggers
turn her around
Thankfully not. He does lock himself in rooms though, and explores in the pantry.
Made for human cock.
>Buy the rose for free because you didn't list a price
>Open unity and open the 2d basic map thing
>Make a quick sprite of that cat and put it in it
>Cat is now in a game
>Make pictures of that cat that can allow me to blackmail it (as the rose works regardless of content, that means it can make this even if I don't know what the specific pic would be, just that the content would be 'enough to blackmail it')
>Tell it that this was a lesson and its lucky I'm not a pervert who'd do anything weird
>Give it the rose back
for what purpose would need her to turn around for?
Little Kitty, Big City:
I love this little dork
Trump frequently has used lion iconography.
the cat ass, user. THE ASS. I live for it
You should control the gnawing, I guess if she's already that age and the bites are not excessive there is not much to worry about, but cats get too comfortable biting humans because other cats don't really feel those playbites, if she bites you either stop playing or swap your hand for some toy.
Other than that, absolutely right. Cats are not cunts, neglected cats are cunts because they are depressed/bored/angry.
Treat a cat well and it will want your companionship as much as you want theirs
it seems you and i are not so different
They really are. Women are the biggest cat fanatics and women are naturally socialist parasites. And it's women who keep inventing the parasitic idea of Cat Colonies for unwanted stray and feral cats. What are Cat Colonies a place where unwanted stray and feral cats usually though not consistently get castrated and then fed. It's a breeding ground of disease the cats will roam the neighborhood infuriating neighbors as they piss and shit everywhere which spreads disease and the food for the cats? It attracts other vermin like rats and roaches. And Cat Colonies are created thanks to the tax money of citizens. So yes cats are Leftist parasites because their biggest fanatics, crazy cat hags, are Leftists themselves. Cats are shit and women should have NO rights.