why wouldn't they put borderlands in the title?
no gives a fuck about Anthony's stupid OC he made for his sister
Why wouldn't they put borderlands in the title?
It will sell less purely based on the fact it doesn't have Borderlands in the title. Casuals are fucking dumb.
Just unlocked my subclass and 3rd weapon. I’m a Clawbringer/Spore Warden. Feels so fucking awesome.
>Want to like this.
>It's the same cringe writing as every other Borderlands.
I'm a normal guy. I'm not some bitchy little Yea Forums-tard. Why can't games just appeal to me, man? The Lego games make me laugh.
When the FUCK will westoids move past this cringey self-aware marvel quippy grandstasnding """"""humor""""""
It amazes how people spam the Xenoblade 2 webm as if there western games like Redditlands aren't 100 hour cringe compilations
Dude just turn the subtitles and dialogue volume off. If it's like bl you'll have quest objectives on the screen. That's how I survived bl3.
I tried that with BL3, but turned it off
Damn you chose the exact same classes as I did.
why do people that hate borderlands only respond. this game is the wii-wii u, alll over again. isnt this just dlc? is a question i asked myself till a month before launch. the games a good borderlands game but not many will ever know that, would it have killed the studio to call it borderlands, bunkers and badasses. no? well you missed out on a ton of sales you fucken retards. everyone thinks this is the tiny tina stand alone dlc they already played.
fucking awful shills, mediocre writers, game, and shills. Shoulda thrown a badass in there.
>Play Spellshot
>Stupidly dumped Crit buffs for status damage and spell cooldowns
>Try Clawbringer
>Find out it's unfocused garbage
>Trying Spore Warden now
I hate "nature" themed characters but the obvious gun buffs are so good.
This place is filled to the brim with faggots from reddt, who are all desperate for attention and approval. They will parrot what ever is copied here by the brainlet mass of like minded troglodytes. It's a desperate attempt for them to vent their frustration, and not get their social media accounts banned, or worse, getting looked down on by their tranny friends from what ever echo chamber they are coming from. In total, it's all reactionary faggotry devoid of any individual thought.
Spore warden is hands down the most powerful class
go stabbo as your multi & you're basically playing zane with how fast/damaging you will be.
Does anyone understand what these retards are saying to each other?
>Entering threads of games you have no interest in
We are hitting levels of retardation that haven't been thought possible before
randy just because you avoided saying "badass" this time doesn't mean i can't tell it's you
>Druids dominate again
They can't keep getting away with it!
i liked it a lot but goddamn are they stingy with legendary drops
i guess that's a good thing after bl3 showered you with them every 4 kills, but i beat the campaign & only found like, 2 legendary guns and 1 ward.
they should have named it zanzibart tales
nah i got halfway through both posts and stopped reading
>in the year of our Lord 2022, Yea Forums has become so normalfag infested they unironically try to shill (for FREE) a game where this is a character
can you even imagine anything other than endless ridicule here if this had come out 10 years ago?
Reddit moment
What's the problem here?
>this post
faggot moment
I've been here for more than ten years and people wouldnt have given a shit apart from baiting people with bailey jay pictures.
You must be a nufag.
should buff brrr-zerker and especially clawbringer. buff melee in general but nerf stabbo. As of now you're basically forced to go stabbo for melee to keep up with spellshot and spore wardens builds.
It's like if Bitchford made a bot
Spellshot is so fucking good
When it comes to shooters, and perks or attachments that buff reload speed are my favorites, spellshot has reload speed buffs and an ability to instantly reload your gun. Makes me NUT
>and perks
Any perks*
Do flame throwers and heavy weapons in general have enough ammunition this time around? I remember in three that some types went try too quickly.
>"Druid" and "Wizard" are strong
>Melee classes suck
Sounds like D&D to me
crack when
>First NPC your character meets is a tranny.
You didn't play the game
it's not good as a primary for an actual melee build. It's good at supplementing other classes, but is completely outclassed by stabbo as a primary. It's one good build is just using your spin ability and abusing the spore warden skill that buffs ability damage. You don't even melee with it.
Only pistols and rifles are good, SMGs and shotguns are only decent half the time, while heavies and snipers are useless. But Heavy does have giant anti-tank rifle type weapons that would be good if they didn't gobble ammo like an ameri-fat at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
>clawbringer is shit on as the worst class on here
really? I played thru solo as clawbringer/stabbomancer and I had a lot of fun and it wasn't particularly difficult or hard for me. didn't think clawbringer was that weak 2bh.
it's noticeably weaker than the others at higher chaos levels. Can still work, obviously
Damn, that sounds semi heartbreaking.
Morticulturalist bros where we at? I love that little demi lich nigga like you wouldn't believe.
I agree it's action skills are ass but it's got decent damage and solid survivability tree wise. It's synergies are also really strong unlike clawbringer.
SMGs are good and especially with broken buffermeister they have the craziest fire rate.
gay and wrong
>ftm tranny wants to voice a male after voicing a female in 3
>after enough bitching her coworkers relent
>make the character she voices an effeminate 11 year old boy with autism and retarded design
absolutely devilish.
Got a couple of hours in it co-op'ing with my boyfriend, never was really into BL but this is pretty solid so far, getting to the point where the game is opening up more and offering side quests so it's looking even better.
I was surprised how limited each class is though, you got like what two actual active abilities are the rest seem to be mostly just number changes like +2% damage and shit, pretty underwhelming
>you got like what two actual active abilities are the rest seem to be mostly just number changes like +2% damage and shit, pretty underwhelming
First borderlands game?
Like I said I never really got into BL, even then they should have went the extra mile when DnD is known to give its players dozens of abilities/spells. They could have at least given us four to match assfaggots
>I’m not some bitchy little /vtard/
No. Just a faggot
Seethe and breathe nufag.
its synergies are strong, but the other classes are doing most of the heavy lifting. Like if you want to go pure melee your best bet is to put almost all your points into stabbo with dark magic enchants and just take the damage negation and ice damage from brr-zerker. You won't be tanky enough without dark magic healing from damage done, and stabbo just does way more damage than brrzerker. Pretty much any build that primarily goes down the brr-zerker tree just feels weaker than dipping into brr-zerker while primarily going down a different class tree.
If you want to get real technical guns are basically just active abilities with a reload cooldown. So 6 active abilities total.
it's the best companion but graveborn as a class was underwhelming.
>game made in the borderlands world, by the borderlands studio, written by the borderlands team
>same cringe writing
say it ain't so
No way
>cries about newfags
>spells it nu like the millennial xe is
>muh funnay seethe and sneed buzzword
wojak coming up next, newfriend?
I dunno man i am doing iron man numbers with my dark magic and i'm nigh immortal thanks to lifeleech and demi lich damage mitigation. Not to mention anything that MAY give me trouble is almost always taunted by my shroom pal.
what's the best class to match with graveborn?
I assume it's Spellshot
Borderlands 2 remastered has random frame drops on my pc, but it runs B3 at a solid 90, anyone know why that is? I turned off ambient occlusion already. Oh, pirated both of that's maybe the reason.
You are just the one kind that followed after newfags. That's why.
with the range of firing patterns/mechanics in this game some guns are basically just spells you reload.
Spore warden for MAX pet gains, plus they have very good skill synergy.
>Machine gun
>sniper rifle
they're not even particularly unique weapons, even if they were you are fundamentally wrong
You're wrong but then again that is to be expected from a woman/faggot.
which xenoblade 2 webm
Hey, everybody! It's me, Andy Mitchford, make sure to purchase Tiny Tina's® Wonderlands©™'s Super Badass edition for awesomely badass adventures with the Borderlands cast you know and love, and barghyllions of guns and spells! Tiny Tina rule 34 subreddit coming soon!
cope, seethe and dilate
This is the funniest post i have ever read on this board, you should do standup dude.
Ok faggot
God damn I thought that was Lynch
Because nobody is buying an epic exclusive spin off anyway so who cares. Personally I can't wait to get it in say June's monthly bundle
Hey user, sarcasm isn't BADASS!
No dude you are seriously fucking hilarious. I would totally watch a netflix special of just your posts.
>and it's an ESL to boot
It's EFL. Seethe and breathe brother
I would like to see how effective a vampire/rampage twinsword legendary is in regards to survivability for a brr-zerker primary stabbo secondary build is.
Any other Deadshots out there? Just hit Chaos 20 a couple days ago.