What's the hardest game you've ever played?
What's the hardest game you've ever played?
I bet he pirated that equipment
I like to imagine a tiny spray of red dots underneath his skull when he pushes himself against the cage towards the end
getting strong is based but thats a bit excessive unless hes competing, the stress on your body doing that shit is ridiculous
he does compete
Dunno, I don't play games to be challenged. I play them to have fun.
>ruining equipment so you can do ONE (1) rep
Why are gymfags so fucking stupid?
>thats a bit excessive unless hes competing
that's Joe Sullivan, he holds a squat world record in his weight class
Would it not be more effective to lift half that weight for double the amount of time to spread the load over a period, rather then all at once? I don't work out at a gym or anything, but it just seems like a smoother way of doing things.
what did he mean by this
a squat bar is not supposed to bend like that even with that much weight on it you dyel faggot, lmao, it's a defective shit steel bar
He's competing for world records
remember when liking bacon was a personality trait?
and now eating bacon is considered haram in most western countries
Dunno sounds like autism
Effort and stimulus are not proportional to the amount of work generated, squatting 150kg twice is trivial compared to 300kg once.
Jump King, in particular Babe of Ascension and Ghost of the Babe, those fucking levels were maddening and one fuck up and you basically restart
This is just stupidity, why are malets so desperate to compensate for their height?
long term yes, it’s about how much weight you lift overall as opposed to how much you lift at once. If you do 1 rep of 80 lbs, you lifted 80 lbs, but if you do 20 reps of 10 lbs, you lifted 200 lbs. The more work your muscles do the better quality of workout you get
I never know what to answer because video games are not "hard"
Stop posting.
please post body
Elden Ring. I'm completely new to souls-likes. I enjoy it a lot tho. Unlike e-sports, where losing leaves me wanting to fucking kill myself, Elden Ring either only leaves me thinking "if only I had done this" or "I have trouble with this specific thing and could probably ask for help". Elden Ring believes in me and trusts that I can beat it.
>seething gymcels that grunt hard lifting too much weight at once
kek, lift as much as you want, I’m sure you’ll get gains natty
Not if you have enough muscle to bear that load. I used to lift, those massive weights start legitimately feeling light as you progress.
not only its safer but it actually would get you ripped, reps are king for aesthetics
powersharters have the 'tism you see
as retarded as you are you wouldn't even make gains on roids
People who do these retarded exercises really don't like the idea of being mobile in their 50s
>as retarded as you are you wouldn't even make gains on roids
Not even him, but
He literally looks like he's 5'4" or shorter.
natty means without roids, go to /fit/ for more info
Kek nice bait bro
we wuz kangz
the most jacked dude I ever met in my life worked wheelbarreling concrete all day. He smoke a pack a day and never went to the gym, gymfags are the fucking worst I swear
I suffered an L1 vertebrae fracture squat lifting like this without a spotter
>don't be me, use the squat safety bar attachments
the only L1 you should be breaking is on the control son
You do less weights but more reps for toned muscles, more weights bulks you up.
powerautist bars are designed to bend, not sure what happened there. either it was worn out and bent too far or he used the wrong type of bar for that weight
Ironically there are 50 and even 60 year olds who go at it hard like in the OP. Just gotta be consistent at it like anything that requires practice.
starcraft, if you think youre good youre not, but theres nothing unfair about it. if you lose you were outplayed,esspecially in mirror matchups. theres no greater test of skill.
I used to eat bacon and sriracha together because I thought it was delicious.
>toned muscles
Literally a meaningless broscience term. Muscles have endurance, and size. Fat has presence, or less presence. Choose your poison.
when i was reading baki i used to think it was an exaggeration of just how easy it is to knock someone out with the right kind of punch to the jaw, but no people just fucking crumble from the softest looking hits
got him in a glass jaw.
I've been on here too long to not expect his legs to shatter or guts to fire out his ass.
Yeah, consistently destroying your joints and bone marrow
no one cares manlet
lifting cant lift you above 5ft
Doesn't matter, that shit shouldn't bend into damn near a noose around your neck, fag.
Just gotta hit the button
lmao a thread full of people who don't go to the gym pretending they know about lifting, love it
Wrong one
Looks more like around 5'6 or so
t. 5'4
they're both kinda just flailing around, aren't you supposed to keep your hands up for some defense so that sort of thing doesn't happen?
welcome to the club faggot
no I do go to the gym, people like you reek of insecurities, mmmm
i dont go to the gym because i hate driving. i just lift my 25 lb dumbbell and walk to the park
go back to instagram
Heavyweights don't bother with defense
oh sweet it's the "i can bench TWO PLATES and that means i'm a big strong boy, mommy!!!" guy
More weight = bigger muscles
More reps = better definition
What is that belt around his stomach for?
To keep his organs from spilling out
so his legs dont run away
Reduces stress on the lower back and helps prevent injuries
Karma for hitting in the nuts.
it's called the poop belt
very important when squatting to avoid making a mess
It just looks sad when they're both so exhausted like that...