Master Duel

What are you guys building?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Working on my Quants better wondering if Union Carrier could make it better

SPYRAL or Paleofrog.

>Start playing Altergeist
>Realize I can chain Silquitous to Manifestation to pay the cost of the bounce and keep the monster
I love this deck when it works so much holy shit.

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I don't know what to build honestly. I have 11k jims.

Post decks and we might help you decide


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Why people have such massive hate boner for pends?

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They keep coming back

They are cockroaches

>Newb here
Numerons+ Ra.
I'm trying to wrap around my head on a pure numeronia deck

Testing pure Lunalight unga bunga in EDOPro since I bought that but I keep bricking with my in-game ratios.
Aversion to reading, trauma from PePe, they hate how they go to the ED instead of the graveyard or all 3 of these things.

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Two text boxes is... le bad
Pends were a fun addition unlike XYZ cancer

They were really annoying to play against.

Post decks that got you to plat 1

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You really do show up everytime someone dares to critique pens huh?

Im rolling for spiritual beasts on the next 1k gems batch.

Besides Qli and pepe pends were vastly out classed by other kind of cancer decks.

What should I take out to make it 40 cards?

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>starving venom king
>combos can play through disruption
Under good pilots they can be pretty strong.


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This is literally the first post I've made about pends in all of Yea Forums. user really was right, people have a massive hate boner for pendulum shit

This is mine if it helps

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Nib isn't good for this format. C/Droll help much more with combo.
Reasoning is too easy to nullify if you've seen it/played it before.

no idea who the rest are

True draco
I like rank 4 spam

>destroy a card in ranked duel

Does it feel like these missions take forever?

not today old man
there's a new kid in town

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user, just because they weren't tier one decks dosen't mean they're beyond reproach.

What are some good decks to turbo Fleur? I never played a Synchro deck before and the cup is coming.

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>*BLOCKS YOUR PATH AND DESTROYS YOU while Kizuna blasts at full volume
>blatant reference to Speed Warrior in it's second eff
I love legacy support.

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Anything that vomit synchros aside VW.


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If you like backrow decks & floodgates, golden boy is an easy recommendation I guess and there's the upside that you can literally combine it with anything, even True Dracos.
Otherwise if you prefer something less meta I'd say Lair of Darkness but that takes a bunch of specific URs.

shoutouts to my fellow retarded floodgaters everywhere, especially the eldlich players

>two textwalls instead of 1, compressed down so straining to read
>floaty as fuck by design

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F.A can get it on the field quite fast

They do with how much people surrender now
That one took me 6 duels yesterday to complete

Scythe Lock Pends

i just claim the easiest ones to do
>win 1 duel in ranked
>play 3 spell cards
>normal summon 3 times

Combo fags literally everywhere this season
>nib not good this format

>spend $12 for gems so that I can try to get a Royal Ultimate Falcon for my RRs
>first x10 has a lot of URs and SRs but all shit that I dont really need more of
>second x10 seemed bunk until the last pack has a purple and gold as the last two cards
>flip cards over
>mfw the SR was a Royal but it was a RR that no one plays (tribute lanius) and the UR was a Basic Final Fortress

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I really like reasoning myself but I'll try the deck without it. Thanks user.

Many combofags can play right through NIB.
C/DROLL however crushes SWANEE easily.

What is your current deck?
I might end up trimming mine a bit given how I currently have it titled "Bricklords" (40 cards only though, and it rarely bricks).

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Can I use this in Solfachords?


If you can slap the adventurer engine on it, yes

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I don't like reading and playing games at the same time, I can only do one or the other. It's the reason why I skipped out on the N/R Festival.

Does it count if I destroy my own card?

go away
you dumb onmi negate

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Honestly the new quest just makes everyone want to surrender more to deny their opponents daily.

Fuck that engine

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Thank you for playing Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel!
But seriously you’re a fucking retard for ever spending any cent on this.

Not sure. I've got enough gems from the N/R event to probably build a new something or other.

Is Frogs good? All I've built is old school beatdown decks like Gaia, BLS and Buster Blader and I wanted something a little more gimmicky.

Scythe taking the photo

just save it
you got like 1 month to do it
if you don't claim the mission it won't renew

you can also use personal spoofing(if face down) on multifaker to add multifaker and trigger
also works with compulsory but its rather situational and scream win-more.

Woops meant to quote

>mfw i have the deck because i dug for masquerina and psy-frames.
alright, sell me on S-force.

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They are good as dust

>using dub

Heiratics isn't working out, so I will now make an almost equally nonviable deck of assault mode stardust

also romin makes pp hard


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reading and too complicated bad
pends are one of the most fun mechanics in the game

>get beaten by a Cyber Dragon deck, between he Kaiju'ing me and using Verte to throw even more monsters to my field
>can't top deck Lightnight Storm, my field is empty and I have 2000 LP left so I pass my turn so he can finish me
>starts jerking off by XYZ and fusion summoning for the next minute

Nah, I'm surrendering, I give him the go to take out the rest of my LP and he decides to be a faggot about it.

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Holy shit, I was wondering if that was possible. Thanks for the tip

>8 consecutive bricks across two decks
>the one not bricked hand was no-handtrap going second
>Brick again
Good thing i dont have to do dailies every day now

looks good desu

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How does this look

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So is stardust a meta deck now?

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>Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika Despia
Should i call it Psy-Frame too?

Is rogue, dies to any single handtrap if you dont open at least something to chainlock speeder and cant go second.

I play Endymion but I understand his sentiment.

Sure, the game "tries" to help by showing only pend/monster effect. However; the opponent cannot be sure when you are going to move pend -> monster zone or vice versa so they need to read both anyway, while the half of text box is darkened.

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>no once per turn on the effect

What were they thinking?
I just went against a drytroon player that played incredibly poorly. Ended turn 1 with a 5300 atk accesscode, nothing in hand or field. And he still fucking won. They can get 10 special summons off one card.

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It has been over 5 minutes and this Adamancipator Prank-Kids faggot is still playing his turn. I'll just run the time out, I hope he enjoys it.