Play Touhou

Play Touhou.

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Make me

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neko miko reimu

I will play touhou h games but that's it

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I will, once I graduate college this semster.
Have already 1cced EoSD.

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They are too hard and not fun to play.
I wish Touhou's main games were in a different genre because I suck at bullet hell games.

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which one though
1-2 EoSD
3-4 PCB
5-6 IN
7-8 MoF
9-0 SA

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fairies got what they deserves

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I feel like other 2hu players will immediately be able to out me as a newfag and I'll get gatekept, so why try?

later... maybe

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Is this the thread or is it >

people are generally supportive of any new player as long as you're willing to put in some effort user

then just don't be a newfag, simple

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Sex with cunnyhous.


From my experience as a fellow new fag (1 year in), proving that you can 1cc a game at the very least shows you care and no one is gonna gatekeep you if you prove you've done so.

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Are you ready to get filtered?

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>not the [sound] file

Touhou is full of secondary trannies who dont know anything about the series besides the "LE CUTE ANIME WAIFUS", so no.

Prove you're not a secondary. Post your chart and a vocaroo of you saying nigger

Draw Touhou

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>You have to be racist and play our games to be part of our sekrit club
Hm, no I'll continue posting cuties though :D

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I only play the fighting games and fan games because I suck at shmups.
I'm sorry for not being a real Touhou fan.

sorry i'm not a tranny so i'm not going to play touhou

you can keep doing that but you wont be in the sekrit club

I'll stick to the Touhou fangames for now.

Thats cool, your insults of calling me a secondary are lame anyways. We're not equals though considering your a racist moron

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kill yourlself fp and kill yourself 22th
I fucking hate you you stupid faggot

Low tier bait.

Touhou is dead.
You fags need to move on and let it rest in peace.

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literally just play IN easy, and work your way up from there


oh wow I made that image edit some 2 years ago, didn't think id run into it today lol

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I already do that on a daily basis

Great now also do it on a nightly basis.

my night schedule is reserved for banging your mother

watch out Akyuu that's a bakeneko

I do that too. My sleep schedule is fucked as a result but I don't care I love Touhou

You'll only get gatekept if you attempt something out of your current understanding. You need to learn how things work before posting. Start small, attempt/get a few 1ccs, ask for help with certain sections, report on progress every once in a while. You'll eventually learn some names here, catch on to inside jokes, learn what is and isn't a good thread, etc. Just give it some time and effort. Some people will be dicks, but thats fine. Once comfortable, start shitposting
t. been here 4 months

Touhou makes me leak precum

I already do that

yeeeeep, this is a shit thread alright

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This isn't the LGTB board pal

I finished my drawing AND I got my final commission back! Time for Tewi to fucking die.

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>1 year in
>no one is gonna gatekeep you if you prove you've done so
chart now
>t. been here 4 months
you too


What's stopping someone from just faking a 1cc chart?

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nothing, its why i dont even bother having one

>comm and drawing are exactly 1000 uploads apart from each other

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dumb FAT whale

>last thread autosaged

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The last time someone tried that it resulted in mild testicular torsion.

were you the guy who commed all the recettear queen of Yea Forums porn

Replays and/or screenshots of 1CCs. People can ask for replays and if you don't comply then you'll look like a shit posting liar

They get thrown in the spooge river when they die.

I heard that IN was supposed to have phantasm stage with a relation to Sakuya's backstory
Is it true and what do you think would have happened ?

Because there really is no way to tell from a screenshot.
I think I have a recording of my 1cc replay on EoSD.
Though I wonder how I would be able to upload it anonymously.

At least the thread started off talking about the games and still is. Much better than the yukkuri thread from yesterday if you ask me. That thread got ruined by gore posting from the very begging and it wasn't until halfway to the bump limit when it stopped and it become okay. Hell, this thread seems better than most as of late. How many threads within the past two months started off talking about the games?

I got the normal 1cc

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You should have seen the Marisa one
Just be careful as to what you name your replays

Not Video Games.

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kk, I got to record it first.
brb. :p

in this life? nothing
in the next life you would be punished by the removal of your tongue.

Yeah! I also commissioned a ton of porn of Kaban-chan. I'll add it to the gallery probably next month, but here's the PSDs in the meantime!

you're actually so fucking based

I've 1cc'd PCB IN MOF
pd'd LoLK
beaten about a dozen fangames
So what now? I mean EoSD and SA are kind of on my radar but i just dont feel like it.
Fuck fightans, i hate em, even worse than i hate broodwar.

I guess you could, but most people here play for their own reasons and don't clout chase. Plus you have replays and people asking for advice. It looks really bad on you if you can't give a replay, screenshot, or just something that indicates you completed it

Um, user, you do realize there's a folder that contains the replay files for each game?

2hus need to pee on me in order to show their ownership of my body

this but unironically

I love cunny and the one thing I've learned is that if there isn't anything you like currently existing, do something about it.

Nobody would actually do that

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6 or 7?

do share your tastes, masochist 2hu-user
which girls did you want to mark you or step on you?
please dont be a boring one and say only the flower autist


>0cc progress
>clearly says 1cc chart at the top

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Get some sunlight.

I already get that several hours a day

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