Elden ring lore general

R-redmanebros? edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Mending Rune of the Death-Prince
eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Godslayer's Greatsword
eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Godskin Apostle Hood
eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Remembrance of the Black Blade

The entire world lost to Mohg, there's your lore.

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>And you say you seek power of the Rune of Death, too?
>The Rune of Death goes by two names; the other is Destined Death.
>The forbidden shadow, plucked from the Golden Order upon its creation...

eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Mending Rune of the Death-Prince
>The Golden Order was created by confining Destined Death. Thus, this new Order will be one of Death restored.

The Rune of Death was part of the Elden Ring and taking it out was what created the Golden Order. No amount of sophistry, seething, or coping will allow you to escape this simple fact.

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Haha it's real schizo hours

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Rykard threads are the only ones schizo free, because it's just carefree memes
Fuck it, where's my TOGETHA thread

eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Godslayer's Greatsword
>Sacred sword of the Dusk-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.
>The black flames wielded by the apostles are channelled from this sword.

eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Godskin Apostle Hood
>The apostles, once said to serve Destined Death, are wielders of the god-slaying black flame. But after their defeat by Maliketh, the Black Blade, the source of their power was sealed away.

eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Remembrance of the Black Blade
>Maliketh was a shadowbound beast given to his Empyrean. Marika's sole need of her shadow was a vessel to lock away Destined Death.

The Rune of Death was already sealed by Marika before the creation of the Golden Order. Its origins before being the tool of GEQ are never stated. No amount of being gay, sucking dicks, or ignoring facts will allow you to be a real woman.

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miniaturized radahn gear was issued to soldiers. likely high ranking ones

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>Ranni=Hillary Clinton
>Lands Between=Libya
Hear me out
>She has us join her spooks and go Gadaffi Marika and her whole family.
>Immediately after we announce the age of the Stars and the Stripes and fuck right off. Job well done.
>Meanwhile the country is in ruins, in the middle of war and we tell everyone they can sort themselves out.
>Warlords start wars for territory
>Crimes against merchants drop 400%, ruptured crystal tear attacks increase 600%.
>20 years later the best in the continent is a 3rd world shithole, half ruled by giant insects half ruled by giant rune bears.
But at least evil GW is no longer in charge.

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yea marikas the gloam eye tho

Is it? Where did you find that? That would simply disprove the theory that it's Radahn in that pic.

That pic doesn't need disproving, that Redmane is a fraction of the size of Radahn
I don't understand you people

If the top part of the Elden Ring is really supposed to be the rune of death, then what's with the elden ring on the left in that image? The top part looks exactly like Marika's fucked up elden ring

>this again

Attached: Radahn.jpg (3960x1169, 888.39K)

Even if this is the case, literally who cares then?
That a young Radahn lost to Morgott (who looks exactly the same) and walked away? I STILL don't understand you people

Well, he didn't necessary lose. He just got knocked down. That's LITERALLY all that picture tells us ultimately, Radahn fought with Morgott when small, has soldiers around him got knocked down... That's it. For all we know, he got back up and beat the shit out of him.

It's pretty stupid to talk about how the ring fits together, there's 2 runes we know exist but haven't seen because they were possibly cut. If we can't explain what we did get what's the point trying the more complicated version.

I think the top part is meant to symbolise the host rather than DD, which is why it's above the runes and why Marika is in that position. DD has the arms (for lack of a better word) pointing down rather than up.

>the red banner
I'm moderately convinced by this. The opening still does not depict Morgott stabbing Radahn, though, and this has been repeatedly demonstrated in every other thread.

>The Rune of Death was already sealed by Marika before the creation of the Golden Order.
Disproven by the prior two quotes about it's removal being synchronous with the creation of the Golden Order. And to be clear, none of those descriptions of the Godskins or the Black Flame dispute the idea that it was part of the Elden Ring - In fact the Rune being removed from the Elden Ring, the very Order of reality, explains directly why the Black Flame lost it's power of death even though the Godskins could still use it.

Continue to seethe.

Malenia is a hot waifu who needs to be saved and that attracts a ton of raving autists and Radahn is the biggest most strongest most powerful most coolest guy around and that also attracts a ton of raving autists. It's like if there was a crossover fight between Asuka and the Incredible Hulk, cities would crumble in the wake of the arguments.

Not at all. You don't understand basic English and you will never be a woman.

Interesting theory I read was that it could be Radahn's son or him when he was was young

That picture literally says he was growing too large for his horse long before the Shattering, user.
The other guy posted the picture proof of his claim, not that it matters because the gauntlets AND helmet are different from Radagons, albeit similar. The gauntlets have a completely different design on the metal, and the helmet has no horns.
All you have is that the guy is red-haired, which could have been any demigod from outside the Golden Lineage, or even just a random dude with fancy helmet tassels paying homage to Radagon.

>"What's with you, all that "No Greater Will" shit? You upset your mother very much!"
>"It's not "no Greater Will", it's just "The Greater Will is dead"
>"Who said that?"
>"The Formless Mother, she's an Outer God from the Void"

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Keeping the names straight for these discussions is harder than reading a Russian or Chinese novel. What was he thinking?

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Just play the game and the names become very easy to keep straight.

There's only a handful, it's nowhere near as bad as Zhou Yu, Zhou Tai, and Zhao Yun walk into a bar.

>Not at all.
>upon its creation
>created by confining Destined Death.

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There is a snek thread up atm

Based regime change waifu
And I, the tarnished, am the man that Hillanni will fuck to get back at her husband Billdd who is a cheating manwhore

I beat the game within a week of release. Guess I'm just retarded.

Yes. You don't understand basic English and you will never be a woman.

This one item description made me love the character

Funny how people can't agree on when the rune was active and when it wasn't. We have all these dead demigods in the walking mausoleums did they not die when death was still on? Everyone who's dead dead died when the rune was on.

That's a good explanation; you rushed through, likely without ruminating on the lore too much.

>That picture literally says he was growing too large for his horse long before the Shattering, user.
Yes, but not a 5 story golemn rock monster. The best piece is that it acknowledges he was small, and that's all it's used for.
>The other guy posted the picture proof of his claim, not that it matters because the gauntlets AND helmet are different from Radagons, albeit similar. The gauntlets have a completely different design on the metal, and the helmet has no horns.
>Red hair frills
>Similar Gauntlets
>Top of the helmet is the beggining of the lion snout
It's fucking him bro, horns idk, I think you actually can see them but they come out at wide angle, it's hard to tell.
>All you have is that the guy is red-haired, which could have been any demigod from outside the Golden Lineage
I have yet to see any proof there are any demigods other than the big named ones that Radagon and Marika sired. I'm chalking that to unsupported, but if I am wrong I would love to be enlightened by evidence.
You also find that picture next to Rykards pictures in his manor, and it is most certainly not Rykard.

>LITERALLY says the Golden Order was created when the Rune of Death was removed
>simply can't stop seething about it
What about this hurts you so much? Does it interfere with some hyper-autistic headcanon?

>plucked from the Golden Order upon its creation
>The Golden Order was created by confining Destined Death
These are contradictions. You can't pluck it from the Golden Order if the Golden Order was created by not having it. If I make a house out of wood you can't steal its bricks.

Is this "formless" girlfriend of yours in the room right now?

>I have yet to see any proof there are any demigods other than the big named ones that Radagon and Marika sired
>what are the mausoleums
>what is the fact that Vyke had to get 2 great runes

It doesn't literally say that. You don't understand basic English and you will never be a woman.

The rune isn’t “on” until we kill Maliketh
I’m not a fan of the rampant speculation on the mausoleums, there’s relatively little to go on with them

His sword in the image is also different

Killing the other empyrean is how Marika bacame the rulling god/vessel of the ring, sealing death, establishing the golden order, becoming god are all the same event

The way I see it the "runes" and the "ring" were a construct imposed on reality with the coming of the golden beast and the greater will taking over the world.

This "ruleset" was in effect and Marika decided to tamper with it.
My guess that before the tampering, the "gloam-eyed queen" was perhaps a demigod and a part of the pantheon, but Marika wanting to remove the rune of death essentially removed the gloam-eyed queen's role so they clashed over it.
Marika won, obviously, and had the gloam-eyed queen removed and the rune of death sealed with Maliketh.

The greater will had no input on any of this because it takes like a thousand years for it to react to anything going on, if it even cares after the initial takeover.

That way it kind of all matches up.

>>what is the fact that Vyke had to get 2 great runes
Sec, looking it up.

Its so simple to understand and it doesn't even diminish Radahn at all.
>Younger and naive Radahn gathers the redmane and invades Leyndell
>Morgott, under the guise of the Fell Omen, kicks their asses back to Caelid
>Radahn decides that he needs to git gud if he wanna be like Godfrey
>Goes to Sellia and starts training gravity magic from the alabaster lord
>Bulks up, and this inspires the redmane knights who burn their crest to show their resolve
>Radahn gets so big he can't ride his little weak horse anymore without using gravity magic to reduce the burden

Who plucked it from the Golden Order then?

>I use my giant fork to open blood portals and poke her fat ass until she bleeds, dad. It's our thing, you wouldn't understand.

>even the item descriptions agree that Malenia was undefeated

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Marika and Maliketh

>uh I was unconscious so technically I didn't know about being defeated

Nah, Radahn somehow got his own rune when shit went down so he was already powerful.

Doesn't make sense.

The Golden Order is Marika's specific Ordering of the Elden Ring. Therefore when the Rune of Death was removed, that new Ordering of the Ring became Golden Order.

>plucked from the Golden Order upon its creation
This is poetic. The Elden Ring is the collection of runes which decide on the laws of reality at any given time for the planet. We know it existed before Greater Will arrived, or at least Marika showed up, since Placidusax was explicitly referred to as an Elden Lord.
The specific organization of the Elden Ring is called its Order. All of the endings (except maybe Frenzied Flame) involve changing the Order. The Golden Order is simply the name of the Order created by Marika/Greater Will.
When Greater Will arrived, it just sent down the Elden Beast which became one with the Elden Ring itself; to allow this, Marika removed the Rune of Death. Removing the Rune of Death/putting the Elden Beast into the Elden Ring is what made the ring into the Golden Order, in a sense. So it was both removed to create the Golden Order, as well as plucked out of the Golden Order.

The golden order is the elden ring without death, Marika sealed death when she defeated the queen and became god, thus establishing the golden order

to be fair user it says her wings have never known defeat
But I agree anyways undefeated champ

>some claim

Why? I haven’t been following this particular argument sorry desu

>Some claim
Sounds like a cope to me

Malenia's entire character is katanafaggotry and as such belongs in the trash.

>We know it existed before Greater Will arrived

Do we though? Based on what?

>Placidusax was explicitly referred to as an Elden Lord

A lot of the lore fluff is written in an unreliable narrator tone.

And item descriptions say Radahn was stronger than Malenia and the other demigods.

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Destined Death and death aren't the same thing. Destined Death is a specific type of death, but there are still other types of death (can't be resurrected if you can't die). From the Eclipse Crest Greatshield
>The eclipsed sun, drained of color, is the protective star of soulless demigods. It aids the mausoleum knights by keeping Destined Death at bay.

There's literally a black knife assassin outside of Morgott's room, they probably work for him.

Sending the Elden Beast most likely created the Elden Ring to begin with. I don't think this necessarily clashes with the idea that other races had their own Orders and controlled the Ring before Marika did.

>Radahn goes to highschool in the middle of the Shattering
Do you realise how ridiculous you sound? He also explicitly went to learn magic BECAUSE he was getting too big for his horse, you can't put his size increase after his learning magic in the timeline.

>We know it existed before Greater Will arrived
We know the exact opposite, GW sent elden beast to the world which would later become the elden ring

Why would Marika need to pluck it from the Golden Order if it's not a part of the Golden Order in the first place?