this is a thread made to discuss the various game downgrades:

2013-2015 was the year when we lost gayming

the game (((devs))) took a huge bet and won:

>cdpr made fake trailers for witcher 3, downgraded it to pre 2010s levels lying to their customers, they didnt even release the promised red kit
>onions jacks ate it all up and even thanked them for making such a 'great' game (kek)
>some of them even refuse to believe that the downgrade happened, calling it a 'art style' change

>bethesda made fallout 4, hyped it up but had to downgrade it a shit ton because 'muh consoles'
>you ended up with a shitty story, niggers, thousands of bugs and 4 dialogue options 2 of which are basically the same (again, kek)
>onions jacks again thanked them for it and got ready to coonsoome their new product

>rockstar released gta 5, they wasnt any huge downgrade but the lightning out right sucked (still does) andd it lacked many key features of gta 4 (physics, even ordering tacos on the street and going into fast foods, as well as meny other small quality of life features)
>onions jacks ate it all up and asked for more, they released online so people can play together and retards started shitting on the story asking for more online content
>executives saw the profit and ordered them to make more
>ffw a few years, all story dlcs are canceled and you have a new saints row instead of gta but even worse

those are just the 3 main games, there were many more but those were the most 'promising' AAA games and they set a standard for the industry

they got away with so much shit, that they just did not give a fuck anymore and decided to make shit games on purpose

as over half percent of the 'human' population cant imagine a apple in their heads and the rest is either plain retarded, coping, or just likes to get fucked over they asked for more and barely any of them complained

>w-who cares that they didnt even deliver half of the features promised!!! its still a great game!!! j-just grow up, okay!!!

Attached: EpGSKou.jpg (1919x2104, 987.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based OP

Anons, how did they get away with it?

gta5 sucks so bad
massive map and theres nothing in it
theres nothing to do in this gay game

>2013-2015 was the year when we lost gayming
tell me you're genZ without telling me you're genZ.

Attached: quake shambler.png (426x338, 316.61K)

Ubisoft is a prime example. But that recent Dying Light 2 one was a mind opener.

Watchdogs was a criminal downgrade

Man i was on the hype train so hard when they first started releasing witcher 3 screenshots early in the development. I will never get over the immense disappointment that was the final release visually. I enjoyed the witcher, but my mind was thinking "what if" the entire time. Makes me sad.

You're blaming the corporations when you should be blaming the consumers, they buy the DLC, the pay the online subscription services and they order more of the same thing, what can companies do other than oblige them?

Did anyone mention screenshots from early in the development?

Time to drop my entire downgrade folder, get ready anons

OP was literally shitting on onions jacks every sentence

Attached: pathethic.gif (948x540, 699.92K)

get a beast PC and mod it. it'll look better than those bullshots.

you are retarded, nothing can make it look as good as in 2013 and 2014

>t. bought a 3080 and modded the shit out of this game in 4k

and what is that new buzz word you goys are using? bullshots?

Attached: water.webm (960x540, 631.39K)

Attached: gLQRd7N.jpg (2000x4232, 667.46K)

>>t. bought a 3080 and modded the shit out of this game in 4k
show screenshots of your game and list the mods you installed

screenshots are too big to fit on 4cuck but my mod list is:

Character faces upgraded

And that's just the few that I remember, I have a over 150 mods user

Stop coping, nothing can make it look as good as in 2014

Attached: downgrade.jpg (1920x2068, 657.88K)

This will be one of the last screenshots as most of them are too big for 4cuck

Attached: admvLGj.jpg (2000x2226, 775.84K)

1/2 look how bad this one area kept on being downgraded from trailers

Attached: 1604021551004.png (1280x1801, 3.95M)

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘JImeH45U1pQRxfIxM5rjDA==’. 14 results found.
Post your screenshots in .jpg form or host them somewhere.
>I have over 150 mods
Take a screenshot of your mod manager, then. Pic related is my game with only ~15 mods.

Attached: witcher3_2022_04_05_01_33_39_566.jpg (3840x2160, 3.93M)

But what games actually maintain their quality and look like bullshots?

Attached: 1649292427720.png (345x145, 69.1K)

No matter how hard you try i'm not gonna be outraged by downgrades.
Literally think before you consume.

>he thinks i will post my mod list or screen shots to argue about a huge downgrade

Do you need glasses user? Literally look around in the game and compare the 2014 screenshots

Nothing will make it look as good

Attached: heh.jpg (2560x1440, 381.39K)

Kek, that webm. It feels almost like a parody or something.

kh3 was downgraded to fuck when it moved to UE4

Attached: massive-kh3-downgrade.jpg (2560x1440, 711.26K)

it never got downgraded though

That's because it is a parody

Attached: cdpr.png (961x508, 840.29K)

You call that a downgrade?

Attached: 1412212803391.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

here is the demo showing more evidence of a downgrade

Attached: downgrade.webm (1920x536, 2.94M)

>zoomer user discovers bullshots
you're going to lose it when I tell you gaming died in 2006 with the release of horse armor.

stop making these threads you faggot

Attached: ff7redowngrade.png (1920x2160, 2.27M)

it's hilarious how Fromsoftware still has an army of simps and unpaid shillers after arguably one of the worst downgrades in the history of vidya, while Witcher 3 still gets flak for years for downgrading.

>bethesda made fallout 4, hyped it up but had to downgrade it a shit ton because 'muh consoles'
>hyped it up
they never hyped shit up, it the audience that hyped it, you're just retarded

That's an upgrade though with them adding fully real time dynamic GI lighting with dynamic weather and day/night, added AF, increased resolution, increased draw distance, increased vegetation, improved textures, better TAA solution, added 10x more combat and animations in etc
EpD had a single static lighting setting with no dynamic weather and still ignores that the sun starting position direction was changed from EpD which has nothing to do with actual graphics, yet all his dumbfuck comparisons only highlight that the sun position changed and EpD has no dynamic weather and no dynamic real time global illumination, EpD used a baked GI because they hadn't implemented the real time version yet which they did for the final game which is why the game was massively upgraded with vastly superior lighting and actual dynamic lighting and weather

7R was massively downgraded while XV was massively upgraded

Attached: upgradeagain.jpg (1920x2160, 2.51M)

You can see how the shills are getting more and more desperate kek

Just look at the number of posts and then at the number of ip's

The biggest downgrade in history

Attached: 7rsoulless100.jpg (1395x1729, 653.49K)

Attached: THI4F.gif (543x319, 171.25K)

ue4 really killed kh3

Attached: KH3-downgrade.jpg (2077x717, 773.94K)

No amount of modding ever brought to that level they showed sorry. I tried my best to make it as good as it was teased to be. Got tge 4k textures, lighting mods. Fucked with the ini. Made it very pretty but sstill nothing close.

are you idiot?
you know every dev wuld make game that look amazing if everyone could run it
but devs are constrained to acomadating the largest % of potential video cards for maxium provit ala chage in graphics
are you new ordumb? or ?
that being said bitcher3 is overrated junk don't @ me but this isn't downgrade its neccessary grade every game gets

Here is another downgrade for XV

the COMBAT got nerfed from something good to Hold O to win bullshit

I know
are all Barry (aka XV-kun) because it's the same shit he posts all the time whenever someone posts facts that FFXV was downgraded

>not posting the worst one
That said, I'd rather take a graphics downgrade than a gameplay downgrade like in CP2077

Attached: FUgNZcN.gif (1280x714, 1.09M)

Nothing tops Aliens Colonial Marines in terms of downgrades, Gearbox stealing money from Sega to fund Boarderlands 2 was the icing on the cake.

That 50min vid they showed in 2018 doomed them

Are you retarded?

They could allow players with better pc's to use higher settings while allowing people with worse ones to use, you know, the worse settings?

But no, instead they should just downgrade everyone equally because we live in le epic gommunist society!!!

When I saw the gif I thought you would say something based but you just had to virtue signal at the end, didn't you, you faggot cuck?

Attached: 87KY9Hc.jpg (1280x1440, 209.69K)

Do remasters count?

Attached: LE Comparison.jpg (1832x5641, 1.32M)

theres a diff between downgrade and fake

the early witcher shots were just fake. composited and rendered using blender or etc not the engine

Don't worry, we'll get the original graphics with the next gen remaster - coming shortly after the Cyberpunk patch which adds all the cut features.

Attached: cc1.png (1333x1500, 3.39M)

It's because we all know that DS2 got massively downgraded, there's no need to discuss it any more
DS2 is both my most played and one of my favs, and even I know it's shit

>b-but someone replied to
So? Ignore the troll

Attached: 1510603325301215232.jpg (2048x1818, 237.41K)

One of the first things OP mentioned were fake trailers user...

We surely will user! maybe if we will suck their cock even more they will be glad enough to release the red kit!!!

>Openly being a cuckold which doesn't do anything when he's lied to or gets something taken away from him

Just kill yourself user

Attached: YBFivwp.jpg (1278x1400, 571.6K)

I enjoyed DS2's PvP
Cry about it

Attached: ZomboDroid 20032022220720.jpg (1440x3377, 917.84K)

I believe they were mostly in-engine (just not the one that was released :^), you can see the shadows fucking up in some shots.
There were massive color grading and lightning changes (I agree this was "faked"), and the geometry (especially buildings) got raped probably to get it to fit in consoles.
But it's less bullshoty than other games. In some scenes even the debris are exactly in the same places.

Attached: lk.png (1333x1500, 3.04M)

it was so the game would work on the old consoles. Money is always the reason. More consoles running it means more sales.

>dithered 3mb png

are you the retard who made this

doesnt look faked to me, they just wanted to force it onto the xbox coom so they nerfed the fuck out of it. All for the sales. Its not like the top pic is an unreasonable level of detail. still looks very gamy.

Because the demo was never a real game, you can see how barebones the distant terrain is in the top image, it's a "vertical slice" same shit they did with Cyberpunk, everyone does it now because it takes so long to make a game and they need funding during development which usually comes from investors and pre-orders

Attached: 1645975196113.png (785x1000, 1.25M)

It's a capture of a 10 MB GIF. I didn't bother to optimize the PNG, so it's 32-bit color despite only having 256 different colors.
Maybe this one will be more to your taste, at least as far as filesize is concerned.

Attached: lp3.png (1333x1500, 1.08M)

It's getting a next gen upgrade this year aswell as an updated PC version. Raytracing among other additions will be included.

saber interactive user

saber interactive...

w-what does that mean...

Attached: dyinglight2.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

I sensed this one coming. if it had looked anything like the left they'd have been flooding us with previews nonstop

>2013-2015 was the year when we lost gayming
Try 2007. The writing was on the wall for years by the time the shit with Witcher 3 happened. Problem is half the zoomies here are nostalgic over the 360 so they lack perspective.

what lego game is that

Every single thing noctis does in 2011 trailer was holding one button and the warp in 2013 was one button too
It's two buttons in ffxv and attacking with directional inputs is 2 buttons, parries are two buttons, dodge roll is two buttons etc
You just proved FFXV is upgraded

Meanwhile 7R was doing to being one button action and has a mode that requires no buttons

Nathan you're seeths again because 7R and KH3 was objectively downgraded while XV was only upgraded

Attached: Balan Wonderworld.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

oh and it was postponed for almost 3 years... that is counting the time when they will release it so in around 5-7 months

look up who is making the 'next' gen update user...

>Every single thing noctis does in 2011 trailer was holding one button and the warp in 2013 was one button too

or so you falsely claim

the real problem is people like you, who hate vidya, try to infect others with your retarded braindead ideologue. like, honestly, you claim vidya died in 2007, so what are you doing here 15 years later? what's the possible explanation for someone to be so retarded he stays on a sailing ship to constantly scream that it sank years ago?

it's embarrassing that a 2020 game with baked lighting in a coridoor that took 7 years to mske on ue4 looks worse than a 2016 game with fully real time dynamic GI lighting and dynamic day night and weather in an open world that took only 3 years and 4 months to make on luminous

Attached: 7rxva.jpg (1920x2160, 2.99M)

no nomura literally said weapons were automated in versus and that in ffxv it's manual switch
so it literally requires more button presses to switch weapons in ffxv than it literally being auto mated shit in versus