Face it Redbros, this is the only way to take the final game in the series
>Set it in the 60s so Jack is still alive and in his 60s/early 70s, have him be one of the OG outlaw bikers >Set it in the same map as the 2nd game but add Mexico back in so we can see how times have changed and have an entire opposing club across the border ala the SoA and Mayan rivalry >Have Saint Denis and a Mexican city be the 2 largest populated areas but on opposite sides of the map and the rest is still relatively wild country with smaller towns scattered throughout, some familiar, some very new >Make cars mostly drive like shit as opposed to bikes being the iron horse of the game, keep horses because why tf not >Extensive motorcycle customization system >Updated arsenal like WWI and II surplus mixed with Old Western guns, experimental Vietnam stuff as Easter eggs/late game rewards, expand on the customization system from 2 >Slightly more hopeful story with it being a new era for outlaws but also you can have multiple endings that lean in a happy, bittersweet or bad way >Have extortion missions ala The Godfather game, motorcycle theft runs, payphone assassinations and drive-bys on other clubs and gangs, beatdowns, truck hijackings, robberies including heists and burglaries >Rival factions are at least 2 clubs, one from Mexico primarily, along with the Italian mob, Dixie Mafia, Spanish/Cuban gangsters, a corrupt police department that's more a gang than an official institution, local military base doing its own thing away from the prying eyes of their bosses, maybe bring back the cult from 2 but they've become a legit threat >Expand on the clothing and personal appearance customization from 2 as well, have a set main protagonist but how he looks is entirely up to the player
>Just play a 4-hr long DLC from a 12-year old game, user
Jose Gray
>rdr >not set in the wild west What is this retarded shit and why are we already speculating about a game thats 10+ years away?
Connor Allen
>gays gone without zombies that game was shit even with zombie hordes
Lucas Campbell
Because it had no substance beyond the same tiresome "sneak around enemies until one of them spots you and then shoot your way out" formula mixed with "go from point a to point b and try not to wreck your bike"
Elijah Lopez
John Roberts
Weren't motorcycle gangs not really popular till after Vietnam?
Aaron Anderson
stupidest shit ive ever read
Ryan Bailey
Nah they blew up after WWII, it just didn't get publicized as much but there are multiple outlaw clubs that have been around since the 40s/50s or even before
Caleb Jackson
Zzzz boring.
Adam Rodriguez
Fuck off then, faggot
Oliver Cox
>game revolves around riding a bike to point a and b back to point a
lmao fuck off zoomer
Angel Harris
Gavin King
stupidest shit ive ever read
Robert Gutierrez
that would be some dumb call of juarez the cartel shit right there
Anthony Davis
Reading comprehension must have fucked you up in school if that's what you got out of it
William Smith
Theres no such thing as modern wild west. Rdr is all about the death of the wild west ffs
Evan Brown
no they're not you dumb dick sucker they're worthless fat LARPING meth junkies pretending to be le epic badasses like some cringey reddit fedora wearing katana twirling faggot imagine granting any sort of 'credibility' to people who aren't even on any sort of law enforcements radar in any part of the usa not that they would last long since they have no real organization
Dominic Phillips
A linear shooter where you play as 3 different cops has literally nothing in common with what's described here.
Parker Rivera
too original and interesting for modern R*
Levi Sullivan
I'd rather play as young Dutch
Jacob Cruz
Stay in school son
Michael Parker
dont speak for me but i agree; no
Xavier Watson
>not on law enforcement radar >have no real organization
Holy fucking kek are you stupid. Keep living in dreamland.
Jason Smith
>no such thing as modern Wild West
Nigger there is literally an entire subset of Western films about people living in Modern day Wild West lifestyles.
Jace Johnson
why dont you just do a new game instead of making it RDR3? god, enterteinment industry got so fucking garbage that now even faggots like OP exists and think about doing the 9494 ass creed/fast and furious version
Sorry, I'm not talking about the local HOG chapter, I'm talking about real outlaw bikers that are basically the Mafia on motorcycles, except they actually managed to survive the last 50 years of Fed bullshit unlike the Wops, ironically while being more open about being in a club/gang.
Aaron Campbell
The point is literally nobody cares when theres soulless concrete everywhere. Thats not what anyone wants or thinks of when they hear wild west. Moron. Impending doom of civilization is a big deal in red dead. If you want a biker game dont name it red dead.
Jace Baker
Because it wouldn't get made without a guaranteed selling IP attached to it. That is the basic reality of the modern entertainment industry, unless you're an industry juggernaut that gets a little bit of wiggle room for original ideas occasionally.
Caleb Gomez
LMAO the fucking delusion, I can literally tell you're an inbred autistic white trash zoomer, that's why you can't come up with anything to say. Sons of Anarchy is a shitty show I don't know why you're such a zealous defender of it and a biker gang fanboy.
Ryan Perry
>originally wild west cowboy shit >wanting to do some fancy more modern take because the wild west eventually ended >its shit because it's not the fucking wild west anymore if i wanted biker faggotery i'd play GTA or some shit
Jackson Carter
Bitch did you read my post? What about it implied having the entire game set in a 60's version of Los Santos? Maybe read the fucking post before responding, genius.
Tyler Hill
I don't need to come up with anything to say, I know by your responses that you have no idea what you're talking about or any clue about the history of this shit. Fuck that show, it just clued all the fags and larpers into a new thing to play pretend with.
Brody Myers
>cars >motorcycles Do not care. You dont even seem to understand why people like westerns in the first place.
Angel Ross
>I'm talking about real >duh real outlaw bikers dude >they're so real that they're literal phantoms in the wind you can't catch them they're too fast on their shitty little glorified mobility scooters >they're like the mafia but instead of discussing their criminal activities in a restaurant they do it on the road while riding their bikes and eating burgers I have heard this exact same phrase across multiple different topics and subjects in multiple different conversations and arguments and it NEVER works. The reason why you can't see how your statement is stupid is because you're underage.
Ethan Hill
No response, gotcha
Brayden Hughes
yeah seems kind of silly. the only thing I could see is maybe like a 1920s-30s midwest thing with prohibition stuff maybe.
Jose Torres
I'm thinking it's actually you that doesn't.
Zachary Hill
go ahead, explain why I'm wrong. Elaborate on the history of these epic badass bikers you love so much. We both know you can't. Because there is no way for you to prove your point in the first place. You zoomers sure pick weird hills to die on.
Josiah Thompson
Jonathan Hall
KEK people seriously exposing how disconnected rockstats little fiction world is to reality. In reality tartarian old world buildings litered americas non in game. small little brick cities open planes and this is supossed to be 1899. They were slapping up buildings every year according to the narrative. Big lies in our recentstimes
Translation: I was just destroyed and have nothing to say, so instead I'll pretend like the guy who absolutely annihilated me didn't just end my whole career.
Luke Jackson
Not a zoomer but what would you care for me to elaborate on?
Logan Lee
the appeal of outlaw freedom just doesn't work in modern day why the fuck do you want to take a setting that is unique exactly because of the era it was set in and make it modern so fucking desperately?
Ryder Howard
Holy fuck, are you 12?
Tyler Murphy
The 60's isn't modern day tho, shit was still wild in the more rural parts of the country for a long time despite mainstream narratives to the contrary.
Kevin Howard
now you're stalling. >I don't need to come up with anything to say, I know by your responses that you have no idea what you're talking about or any clue about the history of this shit. you're definitely a child, even if you're not physically one. there is a reason retards like you get treated like kids.
Kevin Fisher
I sure do. It does not involve bunch of cars and motorcycles and automatic guns. Ill let you have your last little petty reply and last word. Good thing this shit idea will never be made under the name of rdr.
Parker Sanchez
At most, the game should be set in the early 1920's, anything further ruins the whole western theme.
Elijah Turner
rdr3 is obviously going to be when the gang starts and end where rdr2 began
Hudson Jackson
Believe what you want, guy.
Jayden Johnson
are you retarded? infrastructure, easy available communication like telephones and stuff like fucking IDs were around in the 60s, all of which basically ended the true sense of freedom that appeals so much to people who enjoy the western trope
Liam Rivera
No just waiting for a particular argument you have that I can address beyond YOU'RE WRONG, FUCK BIKERS
Christopher King
Wouldn't mind playing as Hosea, but there's no way since his death wasn't dramatic enough, even though it clearly hurt Dutch visibly.
Joseph Wood
>what is the wild bunch
Adam Anderson
>hey! lets make a sequel to our western games, that are known and loved for beeing westerns, that is set in modern times instead of pre 1900s! >Ge Bill! Thats a wonderfull idea! Now lets huff some more glue! Where I heard this premise before... If you think this is good idea you would had better time trying to make lost and damned prequel spinoff
Crazy then how there's a whole sub-genre of Westerns set in the Modern day that has all that stuff but even more advanced yet still managed to tell compelling stories with Western themes and environments.
Camden Walker
Yeah anyone who doesn't see this coming after playing both games needs serious medical attention. it couldn't be more obvious that the third game is going to be built around robbing the bank in that city and we see how it went so wrong
Blake Russell
>Completely different style of game and developer >Yeah fuck it, never gonna work. Are you retarded>
Austin Miller
A movie set in 1913. Fucking retard.
Mason Jones
if they dont see that, its best to assume that you're talking to a kid who didn't grasp the narrative and they're a few years older and now are talking on here.
Nolan Nelson
With cars and automatic weapons and still was a great Western, you dumb fuck.
Zachary Clark
LMAO cmon now who the fuck are you trying to fool literally everybody who see this shit can tell you messed up and are now just embarrassing yourself
because they are their own fucking sub genre you dumb mongoloid, do you see a prequel to a fistful of dollars with a motorcycle gang? my god you are a dumb spastic
Xavier Ross
No I literally have no idea what your disagreements with me are beyond not believing that bikers are on law enforcement radar and aren't organized, all of which is easily proven by a simple Google search. So yeah, still waiting.
Jeremiah Lee
What about Red Dead set in colonial Africa >looting villages and temples >hunting big animals >european powers proxy wars >diamond mining >shooting niggers
Rdr 2 had automatic guns in the form of gatling guns. Why are you being so fucking retarded? Theres a difference between those and smgs and assault rifles
Joseph Richardson
Yeah and nothing is preventing a 3rd game in this series from falling into that sub-genre.
John Bennett
damn that would be fun as hell
Mason Thompson
You are a mongoloid autist who cannot read between the lines
William Campbell
Like said, you thinking surface level shit like "OMG the guns aren't single action revolvers, its not a TRUE Western!" is some basic bitch shit.
Justin Morgan
i just assume you're baiting or genuinly mentally handicapped at this point, here is your (you)
Gabriel Hall
Kevin White
Eli Wright
what story would need to be told though? each game had themes of regretting past lives and dying trying to leave it behind and atone, what story could be told that would fit that them in a younger Van Der Linde Gang story?
Jace Cruz
what the fuck is that supposed to mean? are you running out of things to say?
Caleb Hall
Bro I could totally picture Jack becoming a Prohibition Era mobster getting fucking rich and becoming R* version of the Kennedy's.
Henry Foster
Exactly, this whole concept of "the 3rd game will be the gang in their prime and we get to fuck shit up!" is some Tumblr-fancanon level bullshit that shows a lack of understanding of the themes of this series. Our "Day in the Life of The Van Der Linde Gang" game was the first 3rd of RDR2. That's it. We don't need a prequel where Hosea still has color in his hair and Dutch doesn't have a mustache.
Brody Ortiz
OP wants to suck biker dick so bad he would dedicate a game to them if he could