The great debate

The great debate.

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I like both equally.

Why did they make Isaac talk.

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They're both good. Sure you may lean into one over the other but only someone with no taste would outright hate one of them.

Slight preference for 2 because aside from a little bit less horror, it’s an improved version of 1 in every aspect. 1 is still great though.

2 is easily the better game, the only thing DS1 does better is the atmosphere.

>First suit is an futuristic industrial suit that looks cool
>Second suit is a cool looking futuristic industrial suit
Isaac Clark was kino in the first Deadspace, then they tried too hard and ruined what made him good
Being a trade-wagie thrown into the shit.

i like both but i prefer the suit from 1 more because it just looks like the cheapest shit that CEC would give their engineers

>t. zoomer that enjoys soulless western re4

Because it's better than him being silent

He's a character, not a self-insert.

2 has more satisfying combat, physics, better graphics, more intense moments, better weapons and suits
1 has better atmosphere, is scarier, better story
i think 2 is objectively better but personal preference 1 because i like horror
i've finished both of them like 5 times, easily could've been one of the best game trilogies of all time if EA didn't fuck 3

Both 1 and 2 have infinite replay value for me. I've played through 2 like 8 times and it still hasn't gotten old

he angry
the police armor looks really good have to go with 2

yea i get urges to play them like once every 1-2 years, i've only played 3 twice and will never play it again unless a friend wants to co-op. i wouldn't say i hate it, just dislike. as a stand alone game its meh but as a dead space game it sucks

I wasn't bothered. The voice actor does a really good job. He legitimately sounds like he's burnt the fuck out when you flail and stomp for a moment. Getting him back for the remake was legitimately one of the smartest decisions that EA has made in at least 8 years.

2 edges out for me. I think that's not quite as scary as the first one. But, what's there kinda creeps me out more sometimes. Isaac feels very satisfying to handle and I really like the game's presentation and combat.

Despite having been desensitized to every form of gore, eye damage still makes my skin crawl. The part where you jam that needle in your eye still gets me going.

2 cause the story and universe got bigger and better, not to mention all the weapons and armor choices

DS2 is the only game I ever played through completely in one sitting from beginning to end, it was so riveting I couldn't tear myself away from it.

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Both are great for different reasons next fucking question.

>You just lost the game

1 got the atmosphere but 2 got everything else better. Even the story slightly cause at least we saw the consequences from part 1 on Issac.

Because it gave us Fuck you and fuck your marker.

left looks better the right looks like a spartan 4 out of halo

2 is one of the greatest games even made
Horror games work better when the characters are more human, as they become more vulnerable. This is the reason why most good horror movies have women protagonists, as they are inherently weaker, making you worry about them more.

Besides, his voice actor is pretty cool and does a good job. Isaac is a good character just sick of bullshit.

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Nah, I think the Security police suit is by far the best suit in the series. Cool as fuck, even if it deviates from the more mechanical suit from the first game.

The advanced suit in 2 is low tier though

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the original captures the concept far better
It was a good move.

it's only slightly cool because of the sillitoe and even then it's fucked up and in random little strips instead of proper banding
I hate that goddamn helmet so much why does it have torpedo bulges around the back

>Play dead space 2 in hardcore
>Haven't saved yet
>At the end of chapter 6 when the first guardian is
>Shoots a fucking failed abortion out of his stomach, I'm too busy shooting the tentacles
>It explodes and instakills me at full health
And there goes 2 hours lmao

2 had better gameplay, everything else 1 does better

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Me too. Even though I prefer the first one I won't deny that DS2 is one of the most masterfully well paced video games ever made.

Now excuse me while I shill this YouTuber who does a really good job at describing DS2 biggest strengths.

2 > 1 > CBT > 3

Dead Space 2 does everything better than Dead Space 1 fucking face it

>better gameplay
>better story
>better characters
>better environments
>Better protagonist
>better Necros
>Better lore
>Better replay value
>Better atmosphere
>And yes even better scares

Dead Space 2 is the perfect sequel you can go fuck yourself and your marker if you think otherwise

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R-Remember me?

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i think dmc2 is the only game ive finished in 1 sitting because it was so bad i never wanted to launch it again

i think the suits fit each game. 1 is just isaac doing his job on a work ship, 2 is about isaac fucking shit up

chubby balding Isaac > incel power fantasy Isaac

I'm not sure what is but something is just missing in 2
DS1 has this grit to it. that I only ever found in DS1 and Alien Isolation. this sense of total hopelessness

The Ishimura had character and it felt like a giant metal beast that wanted to eat you. you felt truly alone too in DS1 cut off from all help with zero chance of surviving.

DS2 just feels like a dumb resident evil game like RE5 or 6.

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Why did they completely butcher Ellies character in 3

i love ds1 but honestly i hate how ugly isaac is lol, 2 i wouldn't say is power fantasy he just looks like an average guy.
ds1 has a better story in my opinion. learning what necros are for the first time and realizing that its all part of some insane cult about aliens is more thrilling than
>the cult is back
also all the characters dying or betraying you (before dying) creates a strong feeling of isolation thats way less present in 2

neither true or an answer to the question if it was true

>If pic related is successful they're going to remake 2 and 3 as well

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you're not wrong the setting in 2 feels weak, you can tell how good ishimura is when you dread going back in there on 2

I bought the first 2 on halloween in 2020 and played them back to back. the first one is way better than the second one

For me, it's the bumblebee suit.

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>tfw u played 2 and 3 first then wondered why the fuck he stopped talking in 1
I thought my game filed were corrupt

can you teach me how to percieve time non-linearly too

just say dead space 2 faggots. i dont care if this is a dead space thread, i keep thinking dark souls 2.

Fuck off retard

if i fucked off this thread would be dead. eat shit faggot

>Yea Forums actually posting on a mobilefag thread
what a shame.


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Because the psychological horror aspect would have been really weird if there wasn't some response to it other than some shocked animation. Even Vandal responded to her losing her mind.

The flamethrower fully upgraded is borderline overpowered in 2

I didn't hate 3

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>Ellie and stross are cornered in the Sprawl while Isaac is doing solar panel shit
>shoots himself into the fucking station
>fucking iron man lands into a random room like a fucking boss
You’re gonna make me ignore DS3 and just play 2 again.

It's less hate and more disappointment.

Yeah I played it recently after 2 again and I didn't hate it but there's a bunch of things that I didn't like very much
>Shitty love triangle plot
>Ellies character gets butchered and her character design is off
>Forced Co-op, some side missions you can't even play without a partner
>Weapon crafting system is cool but inferior to the system they already had of base weapons you upgrade with nodes
>Weapon upgrade circuits feel like garbage until you get the +3 ones, which you can only even use on New game+
>Dismemberment matters much less now, enemies like the axe wielding faggots go down easier with body shots

both are great, but they should had made the fake ending on 2 be the real ending.


It's one of the few times where I'll allow it, the VA did a great job.

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It wasn't a bad rail shooter. I also like the continuity at the end.

How do we feel about Isaac being voiced in the remake

Because people bitched about him being silent in the first game for some retarded reason.

I think it's the ambient background noises, you can play the first dead space entirely without music and the ambience will carry it through to the end but it doesn't work in 2

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+2's are still very overpowered and you can get them the instant you get to the Roanoke just by entering the training mode. +3 is only if you want to break limbs in like two hits and kill with two or three body shots on the chaingun/carbine.
>enemies like the axe wielding faggots go down easier with body shots
All enemies go down easier with body shots later down the line. It's more ammo efficient to do it later on in the game. Only the early game is really better to aim at limbs, sadly.