Tifa Lockheart: Restored

Let’s take a moment to thank god for the creative minds and modders that were probably (on payroll) that made an original Tifa mod. Not only that, they added several of her other outfits to the game, including her Advent Children design and other fappable outfits. If you’re a real TifaBro and not a TomCluck (or Pigcnt) you’d get your dollars ready to buy your SECOND copy from the digital store front pc!

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Her tits and that shirt look awful.

Now here’s the kicker, what if. Wait for it… what if square only released this to tell people to STFU and that they know tifa is going to look just as terrible in the FF7 part 2 remake? Shot in the dark but.. maybe?

The mod is really well done too. Makes a man think, why the heck didn’t they just add this as a collectors edition thing? Or like.. a cash shop tie in. Think on this, how would have been better if it was like a bonus for PC players? The game its self is already $80 american. For the silly Yuffie dlc, she acts so goofy but so loveable.

Breast look small

This. Tifa never showed cleavage either.

Yeah, here breasts are a bit small, the recent version has her breast look like.. they are supposed to in the new outfit the dev said?
To be honest its a step in the right direction but regardless of what OP said, it needs more time in the kitchen.

It really doesn't matter. She looks better than the REMAKE slaughter of her design.

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It still deserves the trash can, stop shilling shit mods.

They brag about it.

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there's a new version of that shirt i think? there is a crease in the middle of her tits for some odd reason
correct, but considering how they gave her a wonderbra thing. its better than nothing maybe.

That's pr, we cant find a single game that encountered this and all of the poor stunts from squaresoft later enix they never made a movie.
If 2b can be released in all her 'glory' tifa needs to be sent to the lynch mob? smels bullshitty.

still looks like shit

Epic troll thread. Her tits are still average/above average. They are supposed to be BIG

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user, 2B is from 2017
just one year after trump and the reeing beginning

This is the latest version, its pretty good.

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They'll fix it one day i hope. Big boob mods on the way? With giggle physics?

Not trolling, just being grateful. What does twitter have to say?

Go to your nearest park and walk around for 15 minuets youll probably see a real girl with a pair about like that. Its not enough.

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ff7 remake was outsorced and in development by the time nier was released. if they had polices such as these they wouldn't have green lit the high heeled boot sex worker robot.

lmao, the only catch with that is although its shit, its better than the default remake ver.

No, shes supposed to be busty
Not cow tits

A nanny department

It's slightly better but still garbage.


Well they are doing something over there. VII didn't hit sales goals by any means. taking a detailed review of the game it was a spin off title and not the meat and potatos of what fans wanted. They even botched the PC release on EPIC.

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those arn't cow tits. just large breasts.

Now these are cow tits >>

Maybe it’s a way to wrap up the whole “outfit” saga, if you noticed no one could give a straight answer to the whole affair. No one knew why the changed it, no one could tell us who made the decision. The whole “ethical group/court/department” thing was a lie when theres like over 12 games that came out that all magically has sex appeal to various degrees. This has Sony written all over it. I didn’t know for the longest time that Sony of Japan HATES Sony of America for their forced polices and agenda.

They aren't supposed to be that big.

We made it bro, its okay its over now.

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that seems about right actually. Look at her artwork from the past 10 years.

Before she looked sporty. Now she looks like a prostitute. Great, I guess.

Do u Tifa Lockhard?

Well considering how Asia has turned their back on her new appearance en masse? I think they would agree with the modders in this case.

>my mom on the left
>my crush on the right

i don't think so, i think whats going to happen is:
> They are going to add a world map and have the story follow the canon closely as possible
> Do more of a big show of the game
> Perhaps add the actual old designs and leave the sudden change to the timeline shift
> cut down on the busy work

Square got P L E N T Y of feedback to work with. They aren't so hands off with the west any longer.

I’m not in the Her tits are never big enough! camp. Its kind of silly. A girl with gigantic tits isn’t going to be a brawler. I prefer Yuffie anyhow.

I was replying to the words not the gif

It was never really about her tits, it was about staying with her design that fan has known her from by a simple glance. So the size is really whatever. But no one should be doing anything as they are in this fantasy game anyway. Cloud wouldn't be swinging his sword without cutting his friends or the monsters, barret wouldn't be able to shoot at night with sun glasses, nor would they blow up a reactor without having masks on to hide their identity. Nothing is going to make sense.

Is Tifa the video game character with the most obnoxious group of autists spamming shitty threads about them on Yea Forums? If it's not threads crying about how they "censored" her it's spamming threads about mods "fixing" her or about her race or the shitty Italian edits that were unfunny months ago or Blacked posting. Seeing a picture of her in the OP is almost always a sign of a low-quality thread at this point and that's pretty sad

but i enjoyed all your Italian posts. You even took the time to google translate silly phrases!

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not anymore

no friend that would be the Chongers (chun-li) and the new fappable Ringers (Elden).

where's loli Tifa? I'm pretty shocked that no one has done anything with that character model.

no one wants the fbi at their door. just like no one here has the balls to post "those" re2 mods.. of a .. character..

not even close

You knew something didn't past the sniff test when: she was the last to be revealed, she was never featured in the primary pictures of the game, always kept at arms length from alot of the promotional videos until the 11th hour, and square has only made about 3 public excuses why she changed then avoided the topic like the plague.

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she's always off on the corner or some shit lol. Square knew what was coming.

I still see the retarded am-I-kawaii-uguu gook face. Call me when it's fixed.

Her tits need to be almost stupid huge, no clevage.

You niggers should try looking at FFVII official artowk or any of her appeareances in the next 20 years. Tifa never had gigantic boobs. FFVII models were simply dogshit.

Well to keep in the TifaBro tradition
Is tifa white? Asian? Or halfu-gooku?
An angry korean told me she's Japanese who drowns herself in whitening cream.

the dirty artwork did that more or less but she without a dobut did have larger than average breasts. they gave her a major reduction for remake. take off her 9 shirts or whatever? she's flat like an ihop pancake.

Here's Tifa from Dissidia. I won't waste a second more. You're all retarded.

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Fucking low T soi virgin homosexuals. Seethe all you want. You will never be a woman with huge tits. You will never stop me from enjoying women with huge tits.

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Honestly, if SE was determined to change her outfit so drastically then why not give her delicious leather hotpants. It would have made a lot more sense than spats under a pleated skirt. We could have also seen more of her shapely legs and ass that way.

Like this?

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Look at KH, AC, CC, Dissidia, official art etc... The original models were dogshit.

Dissida was a re-imaging of the old design. So of course they made it more approachable.

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this was in 1997 during the early days of PC and 32 bit gaming. So its to be expected. But was she a fan serviceable character? Yeah.. she was.
not entirely. but they were a good base of the idol she would become.


The Dissidia 012 CGI model looks the most accurate to the first two drawings.

and yet the jasposter is always there in every stardew thread without fail

Ok i just come here to say that. I once came to a tifa thread and i would buy the game if they ever made her look as she always have. And they did.
So yes, this weekend ill buy the freaking game and install the mod. I've done my duty as a Tifa fan.

Nobody gives a fuck faggot. The tifa we know is the tifa from the game. With big tits. Thats the tifa who is famous and everyone knows her even people who never played a final fantasy game.

Do normal fags know who selphie is? do they know who rikku is? nope. They know Tifa. You know what the one thing is that separates Tifa from the other pretty girls in final fantasy? Her big fucking tits and that is ALL. Im so mad right now. A slack jawed retard like you shouldnt even be allowed to communicate with anyone. You should be alone, totally and completely.

I don't think they'll ever change the face.

user is right you know...

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People still care about stardew valley? Markiplier hasn't played that game in ages.

It's not enough for you because you're addicted to porn.

I cry everytime.

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probably right.
I liked the fighting game models personally, but nothing one with the orginal from that one psx fighting game. I had that as a kid.

Oh god.. oh god thats TERRIBLE! Don't say that user!

Too small. They were bigger than her head in the OG.

Nope. I have been attracted to women with exceptionally large breasts my whole life. Before I ever saw porn I liked boobs. Its just called being a heterosexual male.

They play it every time it gets an update. People will probably go back to it when CA's weird chocolate making game comes out.

The mod is unofficial, right?
So will be my copy of the game then.

Looks like shit.

God bless Anastasia

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anything is better than the ground floor. and this was an insult to the ground floor.

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I think the tits size isn't so bad here, whats worst is that shitty looking texture. Not to mention the mesh doesn't look right somehow.

See, I was saying Tifa looked like shit.
The outfit is meaningless in the face of such a bland and worthless character.

Those are real tits, incel.

If I could find who was responsible for this and I had to defend myself from that person I would beat them so fucking thoroughly that whoever came to clean up the mess would be puking at the sight of it.

kys bitch

Just glad to see her back to be honest. The game is crap but almost anything that's remade sucks donky balls. So its a silver lining.
Getting hyped for remakes is like waiting as a child to open up your christmas presents and getting upset because the 'whatever' wasn't under the tree.
They will ALWAYS suck 9 times out of 10

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Ehrgeiz is peak soul and Tifa was fun to play.