>Game's dying
>Put out a cookbook instead of addressing the issue of having lack of content
Game's dying
I don't get it, didn't the game had a gorillion budget?
what the fuck happened? money laundry?
What kind of alien would eat a burger that tall?
munch munch
its sad honestly. really really sad. games have gone so far downhill
The same thing that is plaguing damn-near all major game development these days: Incompetence. Poor leadership, poor project management, lack of vision, lack of technical understanding and lack of learned, properly trained talent. They all lead to an inferior, bloated development where the focus is no longer on proper gameplay and enjoyment of product, not due to malicious intent overall, but due to ignorance of proper methods. Once too far down the path to course-correct, or apply proper knowledge in all aspects, in a reasonable amount of time (delays considered) it becomes a game of laying blame, instead of taking responsibility. And it just keeps spiraling out until the end result is a poor product.
Add in the ever-growing demand for maximum profit from way on-high, no matter what damage it does to the company reputation, and it becomes a disaster entirely rooted in incompetence.
>have a solid f2p multiplayer launch
>all of your competitors shit the bed so hard you basically have no competition
>still fuck up supporting the game post launch
The absolute state of AAA games and 343 industries
no content. They made the game and expected people to be happy that it had less content at launch than a 15 year old game did.
Not only that, they deliberately locked content AWAY, despite it being in the game files and accessible with some very light manipulation, to try and pretend they were adding content later on. That being fiesta and swat and stuff.
There's no excuse for the game not having co-op and forge at launch, but the longer it goes without that stuff being in, the less anyone is going to care when it finally gets put in.
I played up through the first half of jan before I got bored. Finally hit onyx after dealing with a ton of faggy hackers, and realized there was LITERALLY nothing left for me to do.
What does Halo taste like?
Haha funny jok-
>April 5th
>what the fuck happened?
When you build a company around forced diversity instead of focusing on making a fucking video game, you basically get modern vidya. A fucking perfect example is World of Warcraft.
I legitimately don't understand how you make a cookbook for Halo. WoW and XIV make sense, as there's the novelty of creating fantasy meals and food/potions are part of the gameplay. Fallout I kind of get, bunch of 30s-50s meals. Halo and Destiny and the other cookbooks are just...why? I can't even think of a single time food is mentioned in the Halo series besides the grunt food nipples, and those probably aren't even in the cookbook.
Microsoft is a revolving door of contract workers by design. The higher ups would rather save a pittance by not paying an actual team what they're worth than putting out quality products. Given Microsoft can literally buy and sell countries, this should tell you how little they really care.
Quit eating like a noob
That Microsoft guy keeps buying studios so zoomers love him then does nothing with them so of course MS have no money now
the person they contracted this project out to thought it said master chef instead of master chief.
>not eating Halo Food
Why is Microsoft allowing this to happen?
Only Anita Sarkeesian's consultings cost $100k+
>muh content
the problem is shit game design and godawful performance on midrange pc hardware, you'd know this if you actually tried to play halo
MS has the opposite problem of EA.
They buy a company, tell them to work on a project, and then fucking ignore them while pumping in budget.
What 343 legitimately needs a producer to get in the studio and breathe down their necks.
We may as well get something useful out of this disaster
How can a company be so bad for 10+ years and still not be dissolved?
>Gaylo Kikebook
How has it come to this.....
A Halo cookbook doesn't make any sense
How do you go from an industry juggernaut, literally one of the biggest IPs ever, to this.
its amazing at one point, halo dominated the space. from 2004-2008, halo was everything. it ruled colleges. it ruled high school.
it really takes a special team of people to destroy all of that in record time
Holy fucking SHIT and people keep fighting games trash for being so low population.
This is honestly embarrassing and I feel bad for anyone that hasn't moved on from Halo by now. The red flags were there but I didn't expect it to be this bad.
>Game's dying
>Put out a cookbook instead of addressing the issue of having lack of content
Since it wasnt written by Shit4Free it could be actually decent.
Never cared after Reach or Multiplayer in any halo in general.
Event to this day I play Halo 3 & ODST with my homies on our 2 Xboxes every 2nd weekend or so.
Custom Games, Firefight and Campaign with friends is and always will be the true halo experience for me.
Fellow Halobabbies... I don't feel so good. Kids call me sir now, I can barely finish half a bottle of soda, I willingly get to bed by 10PM, people on Yea Forums call me zoomer when I have over a decade on them... it's over.
How long till it goes to 1k?
I'll say 6 months. games with low population can stay in the 5-10k range for a long time
Where are the shills now that shouted "WE ARE BACK BABY! HALO IS BAKC WE ARE GOING HOME!" all the time? Game was popular for around 1 week and they lost their shit. Dumbasses wont learn just like 343.
>it's gonna be real
Reminder this wasn't Microsoft's decision to make this game free to play, this was entirely 343
The only thing more embarrassing than liking Halo is actually caring how much it sucks. If you're old enough to remember when it was good then you should be doing better things with your life by now.
I've been keeping an eye on it because watching the playerbase evaporate was the only enjoyment 343 have ever given me. It's holding somewhat steady on approx 8k-10k peak on given days, but it's still overall trending downwards. A month or two back it was dropping 1k players at peak time a day, so the people that are still playing now are significantly more invested I would have to assume.
>SEASON 1 is bigger than the actual name of the game
Where did we go so wrong
>Huge fucking burger
>Shitty soft drink
> Etc
Why is it so fucking americanized? And what the fuck does any of that have to do with halo?
Accomplishing this with a goddamn Halo F2P is enough to get a badge for the most incompetent company in the world
>these numbers
You gotta be fucking kidding me
So like I said, they need someone from Microsoft to actually tells them to get their shit together.
>343 has had halo as long as Bungie
This is mind boggling to think about
Quick question for modern halo fans
What do you guys think 343 do with their sales earnings share and production profits? Not talking about salary, just company fund
What the fuck do they do with all the money that gets scrapped from users expenses and collabs?
I can't remember doing it in the threads but I know I felt this way when the MP came out, I figured it would be updated quickly. I then couldn't fathom, and I still cannot understand, why 343 would announce a game as a live service title then have no actual live service with the worst "schedule" to cover up that they had nothing. All the issues at launch I truely believed would be sorted out quickly given it was live service game, who announces a game as live service with no live service plan? Even writing this post now it actively confuses me, I just cannot understand how they announced a game as a 10 year live service title before they even finished the actual game, and before they had any live service ready except running Fiesta for 6 weeks, failing to produce enough content for both after 6 years total development, 5 years dev for single player total given BOTW was 2017, 3 years for the single player in reality after they had the content cut into what the game is now, meanwhile the MP and live service team are doing fucking nothing apparently.
It literally does not compute with my brain, I legitimately do not understand what the fuck happened. Bungie made 10 maps for Halo 3 in 3 years, all of which felt different from each, meanwhile 343 made 9 maps which are kneecapped by the extremely on the nose and physically crowded 3-lane design and then tossed in Launch Site.
tl;dr: For the past 10 or so years, the video game industry has almost exclusively been hiring faggots of all kinds. Competency and actual drive are almost gone.
They literally thought they could cycle events every 3 weeks with game modes like fiesta and people wouldn’t stop playing
May is gonna see a larger jump in players because it'll be the second "season" even though they've pretty much said "don't expect anything". After that, depends entirely on how long the seasons last. If they keep to 6 months, I think it'll hit 1k come september or october.
>tfw no scargot flood recipe
>no forerunner soups
>no elites rice and lamen based foods
if only
>large jump
It’ll hit 20-30k for a few days. But it will die quick. They are only adding 2 maps
that's what blows my fucking mind, until people starting screaming at them in their subreddit they were not going to have fiesta/swat/fucking slayer as a playlist option. They thought live service meant giving as game types would could go play in the MCC right now rather than in 3 weeks, this is what I mean I legitimately do not understand. Sometimes you see dumb shit and there's a variety of reasons for it, but how the fuck 343 thought they could run Fiesta as a headline event for over 2 months is just insane.
at least we got the classics on PC with modern resolutions and adjustable FOV. idgaf what happens to the franchise now.
Funny as this is its not the devs making that cookbook. Microsoft has its priorities out of whack though.
what do they eat?
I don't know about you but 10x player numbers is a large jump from how I've always seen it defined.
>All the issues at launch I truely believed would be sorted out quickly given it was live service game
Its 343. They cant do anything right.
> who announces a game as live service with no live service plan?
>failing to produce enough content for both after 6 years total development
They are incapable of doing basic shit like gamemodes. Stuff players could do in Custom games. All they have to do is to put them on a list in Mulitplayer. And they have 5 main series titles where they can easily copy and paste the most popular maps to fill the gaps for next season. Or if only they gave the players forge so they could make maps on their own but no 343 is the most incompetent shit studio thats out there.
>meanwhile the MP and live service team are doing fucking nothing apparently.
So it seems.
>meanwhile 343 made 9 maps which are kneecapped by the extremely on the nose and physically crowded 3-lane design and then tossed in Launch Site
Dont forget BTB being broken for 2 months.
They looked at fortnight and thought it would work the same.
It doesn't even fucking make sense to have a cook book. food isn't even a topical thing in it?
At least with shit like FFXIV you can actually make fun recipies based off of food you can fucking craft in the game.
the fuck does Halo even have?
sad to say but yeah aside from all the microtransactions and paid cosmetics the game is on life support. I only play when they weekly rewards are worth it, same goes for the shop I dont buy anything unless it fits my fancy. I am now more focused on getting time and money into the account in case the game comes back
2 maps and a battle pass, I'm guessing a 40k spike at most on PC with a fast drop as the Battle pass is finished. But then again given the BP isn't time limited maybe it'll be less of a jump.
It gets 3-10k players daily now.
I can't remember any on screen depictions of food in the halo franchise. Think about it, chief never takes off his helmet, Cortana doesn't eat, and everyone else is an alien or an NPC marine. The closest thing is Johnson smoking a cigar.
Canonically: Meat [In ODST Hivenest you can see eat dead police officers on the ground.]
Headcanon: My dick cause I love Space Insects
People on the staff have wives who talk together with the few female devs and they pushed it.
>Moa went Extinct when Reach was Glassed.
Retards cant even get fucking chips right.
Why would Halo NOT include American food? Literally every human character is an American.
Lol fuck halo
They gonna teach me how to make gruel or whatever the fuck spartans eat?
343 (and every Microshit owned studio as it is their mandate) outsources almost all of their work. The Halo Shitfinite credits has a huge list of Indian and Chinese names. Only the management and few core people are actually permanent at 343. Ironically these people lie publicly about their 'priority zero' and how the employee health is the most important thing in the world for them but truth is, if they really cared about it they wouldn't outsource most of the work to 3rd world countries with no human rights. 343 is shit and has always been. They ignore their only job they are supposed to be doing: their game. They have literally 0 other projects than the halo infinite and yet they struggle more than a small indie studio with five guys. Fuck these faggots and fuck the western AAA games too.
Spartans dont eat nor drink.
But unlike them Fortnite actually updates the game regularly and on schedule
In Reach there are Hungarian Moa Farmers.
>1. 3 pints of femboy cum
Lol excellent
I just want halo to die so wont get raped anymore
Halo is the Star Wars of videogames.
We're in the sequel trilogy era right now.
>343 admits most players want player collision back
>they say they wont do it
What the literal fuck is wrong with this company
controlling this game is weird as fuck
both mouse and pad felt bad and no setting felt "correct". the MCC was fine in comparison bar the overkill aim assist on controller
>gorge whilst you wait for forge
fat xbox niggers gunna be even fatter now fr fr
It's a billion dollar ip those greedy fags at microcock will never let it die
I really hoped for a nice story corridor shooter with some open parts. I refused to keep playing Infinite when you got into the open boring map and the Far Cry towers tutorial popped up. Fuck. Off.
The implication being the IP will be raped even more down the line? Got it.
>billion dollar is
>shit game
>shit paramount series
Mate it's worth like 20 bucks now this franchise. They killed it. Noone wants to touch it. Old pedo Jews will be selling their halo stock.
It's have a good Spin off game, then get raped on it's sequel and the game after will be a returning beloved character but it's dogshit.
MCC had a much more graceful decline
remember this little tower thing on behemoth user? this tiny 1 person hallway? now with that in mind think about just how narrow all the Infinite maps are, and compare that to just how wide the walkways in Bungie's were.
Does a hallway like pic related even exist in a Bungie map? Point is, they designed the maps around no collusion.
Even Destiny makes sense to me considering the multiple ingredients for crafting shit you get in the game, especially for seasonal events and such. The different cultures within Destiny also could leave the player wondering. Such as the food the serve in the Last City, maybe what cabal rations are, or Fallen scavenged food.
Halo makes no sense at all though. You hear about food on maybe a couple billboards at most. Outside of that, almost all focus is on military/political conflicts. I've never once wondered about those aspects of culture in Halo.
What is his recipe?
Sadly that is a very fitting comparison
A billion dollars not for long when 343 is still in charge of raping it.
What the FUCK does cooking have to do with Halo?? Who the fuck is this for??
Absolutely retarded.
Is this their desperate attempt to grasp at straws and make back money on their colossal failure?