I'm level 180 yet in this area specifically, every enemy 2-3 shots me and they have health bars 10 times longer than anything I've come across.
What the fuck is wrong with it? Not even the snow area or the capital feel this overtuned
I'm level 180 yet in this area specifically, every enemy 2-3 shots me and they have health bars 10 times longer than anything I've come across.
What the fuck is wrong with it? Not even the snow area or the capital feel this overtuned
Other urls found in this thread:
are you level 99 in arcane, faith, and INT or some shit?
>be lvl 180
>still only have 25 vigot
>use marika's soreseal and Radagon's soreseal making you take 24% more damage
reddit tier behaviour
post your vigor as well as your defence and damage threshhold
You do realise that at a certain point it's not about stats, it's about tactics? Hell even since Level 1 it's all about tactics/dodge. Fucking retard.
Are you joking?
true that area is extremely bullshit
it made me think i was so underleveled when i got to it
and the rest of caelid is much easier too
>health bars 10 times longer than anything I've come across
Problems not known to bubble chads
You know you dont have to kill everything right?
>dumping his points in Vigor
Oh dear
you didn't beat the game
>in order to find the redmane painting you gotta do some insane platforming where every drop might result in an instakill
>at the bottom there's one of those constructs with insane hp and dmg that's harder than most bosses
>it doesn't drop anything besides a paltry sum of runes
>the reward for the painting egg hunt is some shitty ash of war for greatbows
t-thanks Fromsoft
git gud
Then what's the point of having any enemies around the world? They don't exactly block your entrance from getting to certain items, you just run past them, pick up the item and go.
And sure, all bosses around the area are optional, but the items they offer are interesting.
That one is so funny because that Golem is actually unique. It drops FUCKING NOTHING
>Balanced stats
Why bother?
now post defence
no one did.
whats the point of having anything in the game?
The real reward is the fun you had along the way.
>camera keeps fucking me over because the bear is two thirds the size of the cave
>grabs me, almost killing me
>glitches through the floor
Haha, fuck you, stupid carpet!
>Balanced his stats
>Dumped faith
whoops, meant for But anyways, I have "balanced" stats so i can wear specific weapons
I could minmax it by only getting the exact stats I need, but for the time being, I don't think I need that.
>Good old seal of getting killed with 2 shots
Fucking retard
You either dump faith or you dump intelligence. Never go both intelligence and faith.
>Not able to mog the vulgar militiamen AKA the rune-bank until blood palace
Why are you getting hit by the vulgar militiamen. And you ain't getting two shot by them unless it's NG+, I can get three shot by them with 40 vigor.
I literally go there at base level for the sick ass rune boost every run. What the fuck are you having problems with? The bridge dragon? The Bungie jump knight? The assrape gargoyle? The godskin fag? ultra darth vader?
but then how will you use the skeletons?
>ditch the seal
>now you can take 3 whole hits before dying
that 10 or 15% damage doesn't matter
the seal doesn't magically make you take twice the damage
>but then how will you use the skeletons?
Retard. The Seal is OP, but I guess for retards like OP it doesn't work.
Have you thought about using a shield?
Why did you balance your fucking stats then, you fucking retard?
That ain't me, I don't do quality builds.
shields are for pussies
It's OP for low level builds so that you can use certain weapons and spells. It's completely useless later.
>45 vigor
>2shot seal
>3 talisman slots
Nigga at that level you should have at least 60 VIG, drop the fucking seal and level up more since you don't care about multiplayer with that level
the seal is not fucking op, it's a bandaid fix for early game builds to use items with higher stat requirements, there are a gorrilion other talismans that will specialize to any fucking build in the game. those stats you get from seal are so negligible later into the game it's not worth the damage taken increase.
> 30 endurance
so you're taking extra damage, have shit vigor, and are fatrolling in heavy armor, with no stat high enough to give you decent damage
must be the games fault
>WHY am i taking so much DAMAGE!?!
every FUCKING time.
>has the damage seal
>gets constantly hit
>uses no shield
>gets instantly killed in caelid of all places
Kill yourself
Every time you kill one of the basic black dragons around Mother dragon Greyoll, she loses 1/6 of her health until the last 100 hp then you can slap her in one hit just fyi
It's extra stats regardless unless you're maxed. This guy isn't maxed.
lmao how is that even possible?
Both seals?
>this guy
>get's constantly hit
I'd like to see who you're quoting
and shield builds are total horseshit, you sit behind a shield, lose no stamina and simply can't die, I already experienced that in Dark Souls 1 with shield of artorias
How the fuck did you achieve this? Radagon's Soreseal alone can't pull that off, I don't think you could hit those numbers with both soreseals and a scorpion charm and the crucible dodge thing. What the fuck?
Is that naked with every seal and a scarab hat?
i hate newfags that don't know how stats work in souls games. this isn't dark souls 1 fap ring, the ring is fucking useless later and you are just wasting a talisman slot for what 5 points into fucking strength that gives you barely any ar in the game where upgrading your weapon will give you astronomically more damage?
I swear to god if people actually think that's me
Your build is fucked up. You're spread really thin.
You're wearing a talisman that increases the amount of damage you take considerably.
You're literally missing a talisman slot.
I thought that worked like Calamity Ring and just flat doubled damage taken.
Oh well
My weapon is maxed.
Yeah that made me stop playing for the day when I did it
You should only use the seals as a bandaid for equip requirements. I know that one post on fextralife told you it doesn't really increase damage taken, but that's because it was tested on one of the weakest enemies in the game. It gives some flat defense from the stats, but greatly reduces your percent based damage reduction.
then take off the sorseal and stop spreading your stats so thin and wear something that actually compliments your build, also get ur 4th fucking talismans slot.
Offensive stats are kind of a mess.
Arcane is fun, sure but cut out the fat.
what the literal fuck is that build. What weapon are you even using nigger.
I have 4.. I've maxed STR/DEX working my way on the rest. NG3 at the moment.
That Golem is a total badass, the reward is fighting him not the shitty Ash of War
which retard told you this and why did you believe them
you can go hybrid int/fth it's pretty good
user, why are you letting yourself get hit? if its that big of a deal why dont you max health and deal with doing no damage.
What even uses int/fth?
I know dragon incantations use fth/arc
2 seals with 2 ele rings+ no armor?
I'm level 150.
Wear protective talismans and eat some crab if you're getting 2-3 shot.
I'm doing all the side content possible and as little main story as possible
I only recently beat radahn for that third talisman slot only so I could get further in nokron
quite a bit actually, some incantations have a high int requirement and some sorceries have a high faith requirement, and you get some skeleton ghostflame shit inbetween for the dual stat shit.
already posted it earlier in this thread, I wear two antspurs that inflict 3 different statuses, I need to find a way to get poison to the mix as well
the trash hex spells aka 'death' sorceries of course, fuck you miyazaki you better fix this shit with dlc
meant for