Publishes countless games every year

>publishes countless games every year
>not one of them has ever been good

Attached: Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png (255x170, 6.94K)

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Can't expect every country to be able to replicate Halo 2. At this point, actually, can't expect any country to be able to do it.

Korea is based tho
It mogs Japan constantly in media now

>feminist nigger loving cuckolds are based
ok gook.

>t. gook
Have you discount chinks ever tried consuming foreign media?

They are too busy publishing best girls like Miyeon!

Attached: Miyeon6.jpg (1366x2048, 408.78K)

they are basically just america 2, but somehow even worse at producing quality products

korean games all have been made exclusively for one reason: money. they dont get big budgets if they arent focused on sucking every possible dollar out of everyone playing. they are all packed with microtransactions and outdated american trends. it's pretty much the same situation as k-pop, but without the freakishly fake girls. conservatism is heavily stifling creativity out there.

>>feminist nigger loving cuckolds are based

At least they make good movies.

Korea is the antithesis of actual conservatism, it's the most soulless neo-liberal, capitalist hellscape imaginable.
They have no culture or traditions, they're hyper-atomized, their gender relations are in the dumpster, they were literally governed by members of a feminist witch coven that sacrificed children until recently.
A conservative traditionalist movement would massively improve the quality of things coming out of that husk of a nation.

Nepotism still rules the government so nothing is being done. Korea only managed to pull itself out of absolute poverty and become a country in the past 40 years so their inherent culture is practically dead and replaced by more soulless, modern, and capitalist tendencies.

>i-it's not real conservatism!


Yeah it's quite sad really, but so are most of the outcomes of the WW2.

Glad we agree.

I like their comics.

>Korea is the antithesis of actual conservatism
one of the few countries to literally ban porn
keep coping, /pol/tard

Library of ruina and lobotomy corp were pretty good

Just please just shut the fuck up you amerishart.
>let me tell you about your country

Attached: I love her.png (850x1445, 677.85K)

LoR and LobCorp were international projects, retard.

They can only copy Japan superficially. When it comes to actually inserting soul into their media, the Coreans are hopeless, because soul can't just be stolen from neighboring cultures.

>project moon
pick one

I admired their 90s RPGs on the PC
Their music talent is pretty notable though, it's the one bit of soul they have left.

Do you consider the liberal party of Australia to be real conservatives despite constantly going along with progressive wishes?

they're too busy bio-engineering uncanny valley-looking females and making TWICE threads on Yea Forums

Skul's pretty good, even though it's a generic roguelite platformer a la Dead Cells.

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t. retards who actually know nothing

If you even had a superficial knowledge of the country you'd know is basically right.

>"B-but they banned the heckin pornerino!"
Yeah, and as a result all of their musical performances must include women shaking their asses on stage so the men can tug their little dicks to it and not have sex with them.

Nigga, have we listened to the same tracks? Korean music is also just an inferior imitation of Japanese produce.

Didn't some gook Trump get elected as president recently? The pendulum always swings around when one side goes too far.

Wait, that's a Korean game?

Every time I get Rock Star I throw the run by trying to make it work regardless of my items
It's too fun I can't control myself

Further cements the fact that gooks are just discount burgers

>Library of ruina and lobotomy corp were pretty good
Yes, but this is a chinese shitpost thread so why bother.

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>not one of them has ever been good
Ragnarok Online
Black Desert Online
Lineage 2
Granado Espada
Dragon Nest
DJ Max

Find a new cope. Not our fault you know nothing about East Asia but still feel the need to roleplay like you do. Waking up one morning and believing something to be true doesn't make it so, as much as most Americans beg to differ.

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Nah, even the japanese respect soundtemp

Are you people fucking retarded? The game having patrons doesn't mean the game wasn't made by gooks. Holy shit, this baord gets dumber every day. The games development was not international.

>muh chinks
Are you off your meds?

>brings japan out of nowhere
damn, why are gooks so obsessed with nippon?

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why are you including greedy garbage in your list
it just makes all of it look fucking awful

Been enjoying their free MMO Mir 4 and started making money off it since you can mint crypto from it. The issue with Korea not being more well known for games is that they produce no consoles as Nintendo and Sony will always exist even if PC remains superior.

Prove it.

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You forgot Kingdom Under Fire, Seal, Arcturus and War of Genesis. The vestiges of Korean soul before money laundering mmos

Holy newfags, Batman!

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this was good until everyone started abusing the game's buggy movement

Troubleshooter was pretty fun but bullshit but enjoyable enough that I can recommend it if you like autism, unfair difficulty, and xcom

you think your gay liveservice games are good? LOL

korea is mature in the industry yet they're getting mogged by china who is just seriously getting into the industry

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No one gives a fuck, this isn't a thread about them.

It's where all the honorable pure-blooded East Asians settled, whereas their ancestors were too addicted to getting ass-raped.

Yeah because feminist shadow cults are peak conservatism

because their souls are as plastic as their faces

>pure-blooded East Asians
What does that even mean?

Do you even know what this game is user?
Its a boss rush game. Its why the trailers only show arenas with one enemy and nothing else, people saying this is Chinese dark souls are not listening to the devs and just assume that thats what it is, and the developers only other game is a literal mobile game.

Korean games are good as long as they are not MMOs in my opinion. Pointlessly infinite grinds or cash shop baiting shitshows are a disaster and they should be ashamed of them.

Did you not even watch any of the trailers? This obviously isn't the case because we see moments that are the exact opposite of this.

Such as?

It also looks more like Nioh than anything, PEople just screaming Dark Souls at every new game that comes out is getting annoying.

Yet we are supposed to view abuse of quakes ot counter strikes buggy movement as a good thing