Easy/Normal/Hard/VeryHard or Easy/Normal?

Easy/Normal/Hard/VeryHard or Easy/Normal?

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one difficulty

Advocating for fewer options doesn't make sense.


It depends on what changes between difficulty settings.

>that webm
I know I should laugh it off but it genuinely makes me a bit sad to know that devs have to cater to people who just don't like to play video games.

Yes it does.

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Either normal or the hardest difficulty available, depends on the game

Hard and VeryHard (after beating the game once) is the optimal mode

If a game is too hard for you find another game to play, not all people are good at sports yet you don't see sports getting easier in fact womens sports for the past few years have been getting the hard mode treatment.

Option B after you beat the game

I always like to play on Normal since I autistically envision that that's the way the devs intended the game to be played, and then play a harder difficulty if I enjoyed the game/feel that it's worth my time to do so.

>Advocating for fewer options doesn't make sense.

dev time and resources

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easy in all honesty

Have you ever made or done anything in your entire life?

its always a woman...

>should have the option to pick up the ball in soccer to improve the game
>should have the option to pick up the ball in golf to improve the game.
>I should have the option to get out of the water and sprint in a swimming race.
>more option better

Limitations is what makes a game you mong.

MOst of the time, hard. But there are games where i just can't be bothered.

>I have many skills in this life but beating hollow knight mini bosses is not one of them

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Just don't play it? I got Elden Ring but haven't had time to play it because it requires at least 2 hours to properly enjoy a daily playthrough, but it's OK.

Why do people pretend the dark souls franchise doesn't have multiple difficulties when NG+ exists?

>I want a cool interactive story
so women really ruined video games?

>I don't have time to get good a video games
If you're playing them, you're either slowly getting better at them or plain retarded

>enemy do more dmg, I do less dmg
Woooooooooow how amazing. So tell me hardfags, how exactly is having to hit an enemy 10 times more improving my experience with the game?
No difficulty settings should be standard.

When it compromises the integrity of the experience, more options are literally worse. When you have shit taste, forcing others to change their intended vision in order to accommodate your desire to have a worse experience is shameful.

It would be like complaining about not getting ketchup on your steak, and instead of just putting ketchup on it you fucking cry and whine to the restaurant that they didn't automatically include it. So now at that restaurant there's a mandatory small side of ketchup whenever someone orders a steak. People who don't like ketchup on their steaks see this and they never go back to that fucking restaurant. Yes, it's completely optional. But including that options sends the message "this place isn't for you, it's for shit eaters with no standards".

That's what you want, because you're a shit eater with no standards.

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>I love video games! I'm also very bad at video games!
Devs are not obligated to make every game "for you". Every little bit more "for you" a game is makes it less "for someone else".
No game can truly please everyone, and the games that please the broadest crowds tend not to please people who actually like video games any notable amount.

One challenging difficulty. Cheat codes for people who struggle or just want to screw around.

Git gud is not enjoyment.

if you don't have time to spend on videogames why would you need to beat them lol

you are the target audience for horizon forbidden west and i hope you're proud of yourself


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>a wall of text that is almost entirely semantically vapid
>fucking food analogy
Two anons that replied prior to you were able to say far more with far less fluff. You're a fucking moron. Never post again.

For these cunts there should be a 'Streamer' mode where you watch someone else's play.

99% of games are easy by default, how self-entitled do you have to be to demand that the remaining 1% must also cater specifically to you?

Not every option is a good one.

>Shooters and action games
>Strategy games

>easy mode
Never because I'm not a fucking baby that gets victimized by what is essentially a toy.

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I'd tell you if you weren't a shitskin ESL. Probably a subhuman russian too.

why don't these people just play other games?


>I need easy mode cause i dont have the brain capacity to beat it on any other difficulty
why do they always have colored hair? should tell you something about the people complaining. also willing to bet these same people are the minority if you were to ask any casual gamer.

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you WILL include the electrocute my balls until I cry option

why does speeding up clips like this make it so funny? it's like the secret technique to automatically disprove one's argument.

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Outing yourself as a newfag. Sad.

your options are to pick up gear, level up, and get stronger you fucking cretin

>have full time job
>still have time to get good
women are casuals, all there is to it

give me too many options and then i'll have no idea what to choose.

>make fun of the people enjoying videogames
>force companies to make worse videogames that they will never play
when did this become the norm? At least back then it was only the first part

>how exactly is having to hit an enemy 10 times more improving my experience with the game?
Games being more challenging forces players to come to a better understanding of the game and its systems. This is sometimes a detriment, but if those systems are good in the first place it's an improvement.
A good example is Halo. In an interview once a Bungie dev mentioned that there's a common misconception that enemy AI improves on higher difficulty levels. In fact, it was just that by enemies living longer and players being forced to play more cautiously they started to appreciate aspects of the game that were always there.
And that's just adjusting some values. There are a ton of ways to make a game more or less difficult, and devs have done so in some really inspired ways.

easy mode fan is cute and has sex. i'd rather hang out with her than some guy.

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classic technique used back in 1910s vaudeville theatre

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Ill never forget playing halo 2 as a child.

>retard only capable of communicating in broken english and election tourist memes accuses others of being newfags

the guy on the right is the one fucking ez mode chick you absolute fool, you buffoon

If you just see gameplay as something that you have to get through for the story and not the main attraction then you just straight up don't like video games and should find a different medium like movies or books or something. Especially in a game like hollow knight where the gameplay is the entire focus, if you don't find it fun to fight bosses idek why you're playing.

Do tell me what part of it was broken English.

>I don't have the time to bandwaggon on the latest trend
>Think of the cripples
>I don't need to feel ashamed
Why is it always the same arguments?

while he's busying trying to get good, i'll beat the game and have sex with her.

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exploring fanciful environments with cute stuff in it?

Having to constantly duck behind cover because enemies one shot you isn't good game design.

Hardest one i can unless its some gay gimmick difficulty like "die in one hit"

There already is, it's called twitch.
But, as always, that's not good enough.

There should be one difficulty and beating the game should get you a well balanced hard mode

Don't use words you don't understand, illiterate cunt. The analogy is to help you understand. I don't give a shit if you don't like the way I said it. You don't get to pretend like you don't understand it.

Adding an easy mode to Dark Souls would necessitate segmenting its player base, since it's an online game

If difficulty is an issue for you why don't just watch a movie or am streamer?

Art is all about the creator making the options. Not everything needs to be CYOA build-a-pizza nonsense. Some games are great with complete control, others are better if the developers actually made a good game to enjoy. When you watch a movie do you want it to ask you if a character should live or die? Or if their shirt should be red or blue?

Reaction time somewhat correlates with IQ


>stooping low for a dyed hair ring-nose psycho
enjoy that "rape" court case 5 years down the line after one drunk night together
everyone knows to never put your dick in crazy pussy, an actual chad can pick and choose who he wants

you don't sound cool you just sound desperate

A curated experience is better than one that tries too hard to make something for everyone.

Are you asking me? In that case, no. Any more questions?

Prestige is a thing and it's real. It's why dumb clothing brands will sell rags for 10k. Refusing to make an easy mode adds prestige to those who complete it.

option b is literally a cheat menu and doesn't apply here

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I want whatever that sexually abused as a child colored hair woman on the right hates the most.

I play on Normal first , but I know it's baby mode. I'm just trash at games. If I like the game I'll be back. When Resident Evil Remake came out on the Cube I picked easy, but I loved the game so much I do invisible enemy hard runs yearly now.


B is fine if there's a "revert to original settings" option

Based, havent seen anyone invoke the concept of prestige in this argument. Its a beautiful take. Thank you King.

I think it's because speaking VERY quickly implies desperation, so you don't seem very convincing

why was this woman allowed to talk for so long without being hit

Whatever you want faggot, I don't give a shit.

Watch a video

It never is, because no matter what excuses they make, what they really want is the sense of achievement that only comes from "beating" a game, even if it's on easy mode. Not being part of the club is unthinkable and unacceptable to these people. The story, music, artwork, etc. can all be "experienced" without actually playing the game, so this is the only explanation for their anger at being told to do so.

As video games more and more become cinematic in presentation or more like interactive experiences rather than video games in a traditional sense, I can kind of understand people asking for easy modes. Like if you forget all the gameplay in Elden Ring for just a moment, there is so much about the game to enjoy and take in, just in terms of the art direction, setting and atmosphere, music, etc. None of this stuff is really gameplay but is a heavy part of the game that they surely invested countless hours and money into crafting. Same goes for almost any big budget new game now. I think people insisting on the git gud are holding onto a warped or outdated view of games from like the NES era or something. They're not just gameplay any more, gameplay is like 35% of the overall package. Having said that, I don't think the baseline level of difficulty should be reduced for people that want it. I just don't see the harm in including an easy mode for people that just want to walk around and take in the sights and sounds.

Who the fuck cares. It's up the developer. If their game is hard to the point of feeling unfair, I simply don't play it

There are other reasons to play games. Here are some reasons why women play games:

>to feel included when your peers are playing the game
>to feel smart for beating it
>to add to your social credit if it's a game that allows it
>to micromanage the lives of characters in a simulation
>to be in a space with few women, increasing your relative value

gameplay isn't everything.

imagine destroying her pooper

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So remove gameplay so that people who don't like gameplay can enjoy a series famous for its gameplay?
I hope this is b8 because otherwise you're a genuine fucking idiot.


>I don't have time to be intelligent
there it is

this could make a good pasta.

It's really weird how your first two reasons also perfectly describe Yea Forums culture. Is Yea Forums mostly women?

i dont care

Doo doo doo dooooo doo doo
Doo waaaaaaaaaaa

I think both sides are stupids. The
>dark soles difficultie is muh experience its supposed to be hard
is pretentious as fuck. The other side needs to git gud and look up guides at least and try to beat the game and not give up after one deatht. Stupid argument, it depends on the game.

nor do you get any women

that's why i would hang out with easy mode. keep up.

Versus mode against humans only

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Reminder that hard mode just making enemies do more damage is perfectly acceptable if the enemies already have good AI. It just means you now have to make fewer mistakes. Enemies having more HP is also acceptable as long as it's not too bloated, because you have to avoid mistakes for longer, or have to do more advanced actions to deal more damage.

Yeah I agree bro. I also think movies would be better if they were just a still image desu. The idea of needing moving pictures is such an antiquated idea of what a movie is, I don't have time to sit through a 2 hour movie, just give me a screenshot and allow me to appreciate the visual aesthetic and storytelling in my own time.

Following up on An alternative would be simply cheating. Get some god mode cheats that let you do whatever you want in the game, then you can "experience" it as easily as you want. Yet, somehow I think this would elicit the same angry responses as telling these people to watch a video.

An user above used the word prestige, and that is a great word to explain what these people actually want. Everything else you/they are pointing out is just secondary and an excuse.

The atmosphere of dread and overcoming epic enemies wpuld be totally lost without the difficulty. The mixture of fear and excitement upon viewing a distant fortress is lost without the challenge. The creepy music and grotesque enemies mean nothing if beaten in a trivial manner. Pretty games with no immersive gameplay that requires focus and immersion to beat become empty very quickly. Its the difference between looking at a photo of a pretty mountain or getting out there and hiking it. Its a different level of experience that cant be match by taling the easy route. Also get gud

Options come with costs in dev resources.

>Make "Normal" mode
>Just rename it to "Easy"
>Normal becomes Hard, Hard becomes Very Hard etc...

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I want to violently facefuck the girl.