>normal enemy is harder than nearly every single boss in the game
Normal enemy is harder than nearly every single boss in the game
just roll to the side, rtard
i just block his entire meme combo with my greatshield lol
rats need to chill, dawg
casting basic aoe heals staggers them
just respect to faith lol
>Hold R2 on horse with flail
honestly, yeah kinda. there's an 70% chance i die if i encounter one of these regardless of where i'm at in the game; could be level 40 with 15 vig, could be level 140 with 55 vig, it literally doesn't matter. their attacks along with the one that godskin noble does where he rolls around until he hits me are undodgeable for me personally and i don't know what to do
i just watch a youtube video of someone else killing him lmfao. no idea what the big deal is hes so easy.
Just keep your distance and use ranged attacks and roll to avoid the poison.
you DO have a ranged weapon in your build right? You're not some kinda retard that built a melee only character?
revenants are this game's equivalent of DaS3's pus of man. Annoying squirmy spastic bloodborne reject that is basically a parody of all the questionable aspects of modern souls design. But at least with pus of man you could throw firebombs or kill them before they spawn. But with the revenant? I guess there's heal spells if you're a faith build. Assuming you can even pop it off before it rapes your ass.
>invade elphael inner wall
>host and his buddies jump down to escape me
>wait one minute
>revenants are this game's equivalent of DaS3's pus of man.
nope that's ulcerated tree spirits
it only takes 12 faith to cast heal. You do not need to be a faith build to use it, you can just but on faith buffing equipment
True as well, at least in terms of the giant wriggly enemy where the camera and not being able to see shit is the actual main enemy.
>Just keep your distance
move away from it and it just teleports behind you, filthy ash summon user
godskin steamroll isn't undodgeable, it just goes on for like 40 seconds if it doesn't hit you
How about they design an enemy that isn't cancerous bullshit that requires exploiting one incredibly niche weakness to overcome?
Why the fuck does the bell bearing hunter in caelid deal so much damage. He needs two parries to actually riposte and has over 20,000 hp. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Protip: no one, because no one beta tested these fucking enemies while playing solo.
Just turn around? I play with mouse and keyboard so needing to move the camera around rapidly is not a handicap for me.
Which effectively means it's undodgeable. I've managed to dodge it a few times legitimately, but it's so fucking ridiculous that it's not even really worth discussing. The only real hope is that he gets stuck on geometry. And even that isn't a guarantee, because there have been plenty of times he's ended up slipping through the pillars in the Volcano Manor fight or over the big pillars in the Farum Azula fight.
just put a pillar between you and him when he does that
Fatboy roll can be entirely avoided by locking on and walking back/left. He'll just roll circles around you.
Im more pissed that shitty sword ignores walls and whenever you try it, enemies inout read it perfectly t dodge it.
Nigga, dragonbarrow is a completely different area from caelid.
Fuck those niggers, I just cheese them with rot/poison/pestilent mist and run away until they're dead.
There's a lot of enemies like that in the game. Some of the knights in Godrick's castle are legit harder than Godrick.
The funniest thing is that their movesets never change the 6 times you fight them. They just get more and more HP bloat with each encounter. Not even dark souls 2 did that.
Because he's in Dragonbarrow not Calid, which is way higher level.
I literally had 12 faith and it took 2 spells to kill one of these
Considering there is a rune that gives you 5 faith that means literally every class can 2 shot these things with 0 effort. Imagine being this bad at Souls.
The banished knight in the dark room guarding the first key killed me more than Godrick. Then again, Godrick is kind of a joke, Margit is the wall.
same reason the godskin in the tower, night cavalry, and gargoyle are built like brick shithouses, dragonbarrow is scaled close to endgame
you can cheese the hunter with ranged though, if you're far enough away he just spams the same attack over and over and you can kite him indefinitely
That entire corridor is bullshit desu. Crstallians in a cramped room and like 5 revenants spawn around you. It's a total shitshow and I just run through it now.
Huh I never realized Draggonbarrow was meant to be scaled differently but you're right htat it sure seems that way. The soldier mobs in the tower for example seem especially bloated in terms of hp compared to the rest of Caelid
that corridor of revenants, holy shit
>okay, glad that's over, let's keep going
>okay, there can't possibly be more than two
>okay, it was a trio, but it's over now
just keep getting behind him, he spams shield bash and is easily punishable.
that said, i had to look it up because otherwise he does insane damage and is hyper aggressive with multiple bullshit moves, worse than some endgame bosses. no idea why they thought that encounter was okay for that stage of the game
The Vulgar Militia give like 1K runes a piece, and the bats in Fort Forah are absolutely jacked in stats. There's no indication really when you arrive how much worse it is, but it's Mounaintops level of difficulty (ie stat bloat). No new enemies either, was really disappointing to be honest. At least Caelid tower was fun.
kek, revenant is basically self-parody. It's like they brainstormed ideas for all the most frustrating enemy mechanics and they just rolled them all together into one thing.
Dragonbarrow or not he still deals more damage than even radagon. Being in an "endgame area" shouldn't justify being 3 shot with anything less than max vigor and the hp great rune. It's maddening how obvious it is that bosses in this game are designed to be aggro traded with a buddy/summon.
you can through the area without going down there so I assume it's supposed to be a punishment area for if you fall down. Better than more bottomless pits at least.
>Rolls to the side
>He literally twists into a L and continues the combo
Only the low level. Great heal doesn't give enough time for the crit.
The vulgar militia are obscenely easy for how many runes they give aren't they? And yeah those bats suck ass. I don't mind scaling up enemies some but I'm really not a fan of scaling super weak mobs up, it's just silly for the basic bat enemies to be that beefy.
sorry what's that can't see you spazzing out over all the staggering that's happening to you right now
>cast regen or heal
>it falls over
Wow so hard.
I kind of hate Caelid tower. The platforming in this game is way too finicky.
Disagree with Dragonbarrow being endgame, more like pre-leyndell/midgame considering you need to go there to get the other half of the dectus medallion.
Caelid overall is really fucking weird with its scaling and trying to figure out when you're "supposed" to do it. It was literally the first place I went after starting the game via the warp trap, and I decided to fully explore it before coming back to limgrave (which also meant no leveling or horse but that's another matter). Plenty of parts were totally reasonably doable at base level, like Sellia Town and the Nox Twins boss, as well as plenty of the other side-dungeon bosses and such (except fallingstar beast fuck that thing).
But then the main boss of the area is Radahn who seems to be significantly harder than the areas around him, including Redmane Castle itself. So what's the intention here? Are players supposed to clear out Caelid, then come back later to do the main boss of the area? Why is dragonbarrow so high level? Why is Godskin Apostle the main boss of Dragonbarrow if you're not supposed to go to that area until late-game? I went there earlier on so having Apostle as a main boss made sense. But apparently if I did things the "correct" way then I would've encountered him after already fighting a random Godskin Apostle hanging out in the windmill village. Which just seems weird, usually when content is recycled like that, it's the main boss that's the original that's meant to be fought first, and then the side content version is the rehash. Not the other way around. IDK, very weird.
The shit in Dragonbarrow hits as hard as Farum Azula yet they put a fucking Dectus Medallion there. What a joke
Dragonbarrow is absolutely post-leyndell difficulty. Dectus medallion is optional.
Caelid is a totally optional area isn't it?
Feels like mobs have more health than those in Leyndell, though. Fort Faroth in particular is nasty with the fucking harpies and the phantom niggers that hit like trucks.
Try using a shield dumb dumb.
People like you died in the past.
It's not too hard to just run though the area and grab the medallion
>Dectus medallion is optional.
By that logic all of Caelid itself is optional. Clearly the Dectus Lift is presented as being the main intended way of getting to Altus plateau and proceeding through the game. Going through the cliffside is supposed to be the alternative for players wanting to find a way around the lift.
It's like in DaS1 technically you can fight Quelaag before Gargs, but obviously Gargs are intended first.
it's a literal heal check
How are people dying to the cave boss of the begotten mob? That guy is easy af.
>Fight random dungeon boss
>Fight random field boss (Its the same boss)
>Fight random story boss (Its the same boss)
Lazy as fuck
Just run in circles.
Bell Bearing Hunter is scary the first few times when you have no idea what the fuck is happening but he's not that bad, even if you're getting 2HKO. All his shit is trying to catch you mid range, the startup of one of his close range combos is easy to parry, and anything that isn't that spastic telekinesis combo is easy to dodge. If all else fails just walk away from him and he only has two moves, the combo or that shield bash which is free damage.
I guess in the same sense that like 90% of the game is optional since you just need 2 great runes and then get through the capital and snowy peak
>THAT Runebear
What were they even thinking? I know the Scarlet Pussyjuice Tree outside drops 90K souls but holy fuck it has so much health. More than most bosses I think
user literally just circle strafe him while he rolls
it's boring as sin because it takes forever if he doesn't hit you but it's guaranteed to not hit
>these niggers backed up by crystal niggers
>rot trees backed up by knights
Anything else I should know about this shitty Haligtree because I am not having fun.
It's not even that bad. When he starts it up prepare to roll to the inside then start running towards his back when he's rolling and there you go, you just avoided the whole thing
The guy in the OP can be easily countered by not running away from him cause it activates THAT move, just roll to the side
What's up with revenants anyway? They seem to be grafted scions that are somehow undead now? And they have little faggots worshipping them and summoning them?
Just circle strafing to the side while he does the donut roll? I'll try that next time.
Regardless, I think my point remains. The issue comes down to just how absurdly long the attack lasts.
ulcerated tree spirit in a lake of rot, that you have to kill for milcent's questline
it's easy to cheese at least
You know you can just hit the rolling fatdude to stun him out of the roll and get a crit in, right? Literally just whack him before he rolls over you.
You just have to heal 2 times and they die, don't bother with going for the crit
I think the idea is you do lower Caelid and Radahn after Liurnia and meeting Ranni. Then you do the upper dragonbarrow area in the late game.
Honestly this place is just so fucking bullshit i'm probably not even going to get there I've just about lost any desire to continue. I don't know if there's any loot here that I even want.
>By that logic all of Caelid itself is optional.
Are you retarded? The point is that Dragonbarrow doesn't have to follow your supposed difficulty convention because the dectus medallion is optional, and the game makes it very clear to the player that there's an alternative way to Altus. Your original post suggested Dragonbarrow was pre-leyndell difficulty because you had to go there to get the dectus medallion, but you don't need the medallion to progress the game so that's irrelevant.
>getting my shit kicked in by Alecto
>I can keep her pinned to the ground with spells but the second I try to drink some mana she stabs me in the dick
>friend tells me that if you hop on the rock to her left, it breaks her AI and you can get some free hits in
>hate to cheese a boss, but this shit is just frustrating
>hop up on the rock
>Alecto stands still of a second
>oh shit, it really work-
>she just hops up onto the rock like it's nothing and stabs me in the dick so hard I fall off the cliff and die
Well, all right then. Guess I'll come back later.
But Radahn is significantly harder than the rest of the main part of Caelid. I think half the reason there were so many people complaining about Radahn was because they had an easy time clearing out Caelid and then suddenly here's Radahn with this ridiculous difficulty spike compared to all the surrounding area. That's the part that's weird.
So either you do Caelid at low level and actually have a modestly challenging time, and then a boss fight that's clearly meant to be done a couple dozen levels higher, or you go in appropriately leveled for the boss and just faceroll through Caelid on your way there like it's nothing. Or you do all of Caelid first and then come back later only for Radahn, which is also weird. I just don't get what they were going for.
there's items down there though?