The west is creatively bankrupt

the west is creatively bankrupt

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Can't even remember the last time I played a western game.

No shit the only thing the west cares about is fag sex these days

>creatively bankrupt
Worse, they're greedy.

as opposed to japs making dark souls for the billionth time this nanosecond

hopefully they don't change the tone too much, and they somehow sort of keep the feeling of the comic strip cutscenes.
I played 1 for the first time a few months back and loved it, I hope you can still dive to reset the fire rate timer too

companies don't want to take risks anymore
they'd rather stagnate and die slowly instead of trying to make something great


Or the same yakuza game with recycled assets for a decade.

Corporations cannot make good videogames because the suits always get in the way. Developers are hired in bulk to develop a game based on specifications given to them, they're not really allowed to pour their soul into it, that's only for the "game designers".

please don't bully remedy fmv is very expensive these days they need the money

They changed into being an rpg last time i recall

Literally everything you liked and got bullied for liking as a teenager is now under the control of the very normies who bullied you. You have no place anymore. All your safespaces are falling like dominos.

anime is next.

The creators of Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Max Payne grew up and were inspired by mutltiple different sources in their childhood. The kids who grew up with Star Wars. Harry Potter, and Max Payne are now just making more Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Max Payne.

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>anime is next.
They been trying, at least Japanese people are softly based. I also only play indie games.

there is very obscure dead media that i will never reveal nor tell about

Anime has been garbage for almost a decade now. It stopped being good in the mid 2000s and stopped being decent around 2015.

And it had worse combat than pokemon.

Anime became garbage once It went the colourful isekai route

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I never got bullied over video games. It helped me make friends actually.

me neither, I think bullying is just an American thing tbf

Well at least it's the original studio for once

Max Payne 3 is one of the worst games ever made, there, I said it.

Now they can shove a shitty TV series in Max Payne that nobody asked for!

I wonder if it'll control like a Rockstar game. I really hope not. 16 frames of input delay sucks.

I thought remedy was swedish or some shit?

>People complain that new games are bad and old games are good
>Remake old games that people liked
>People still complain
You retards don't even know what you want

I suppose I should download the originals and crack the steam drm just in case they add cancer like the rockstar launcher to the classic versions.

"West creatively bankrupt"
Meanwhile in the east:
Remake of FF7
Remaster of every fucking Zelda, some remake, some lazy ports
The bullshit Mario 35th anniversary
Resident Evil Remake HD Remaster/ RE0 HD/RE2Remake/RE3Remake and leaks about RE4Remake
Nocturne Remaster
Persona 4
Not a single fucking studio want to make a new IP or try new things cause either it'll be shit, or no one will speak about it.

I want more games like the old ones.
I don't want to be sold those same old games I already paid for.

>remaking old games is good
Why not make good new games instead of having to rely on old stuff? It's lazy, fuck you.

How about just making a spiritual successor that's like the old games instead of just remaking themfor no reason?

>Why not make good new games instead of having to rely on old stuff? It's lazy, fuck you.
Because people like playing it safe and not gambling with a new ip that people may or maynot like

>Max now has to take the knee if he comes across a black person and let them kill him.

8th gen was already the remaster generation, a bunch of glorified ports being sold at full price, and your plan is to be lazy again.

That`s because old good and new bad. Every new ip hey tried to push failed miserably.

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>Remedy developing
>Rockstar funding and licensing
>Remedy isn't a complete American shitshow
I would prefer an new game, but I'm not completely pessimistic
I'm more amazed that Remedy is big enough to do this and make Alan Wake 2

It is less that people don't want to make and watch those movies as it is the studios don't want to product those kinds of movies.
For the major studios, the only way they can make money is by bigger and bigger tent pole productions because the way a studio makes money isn't by box office returns, but by securing investors for their NEXT production.
It creates a feedback look where movies get bigger and broader until general audiences just stop giving a shit and the major studios and distributors collapse.
They major studios don't make low and mid budget movies anymore. Billion dollar budgets or bust.
The same thing happened with the fall of old hollywood and the rise of new hollywood, a generation of film defined by outsiders taking chances on economical budgets and having huge audience responses, which means big profits, which lead to them giving these guys more money and freedom.
And now, the barrier to producing and distributing your own film is also lower and cheaper than ever.
Sure it might not make it in the theaters, but so what, who goes to the movies anymore?

1910 Silent movies.
Little Fighter 2 with custom pictures of you and your friends being edited in.
Watching TV in the far behind 1000-1999 channel section where commercials are showed but are overlapped with a foreign radio channels.

So, how fucked up is this remake gonna be? I don't expect anything good to come out from Rockstar ever again so...

You know, it's gotten so bad it's better to stay inside a past bubble than being around ''modern vidya news''

Remedy in 2020 is way shittier than Remedy in 1999 so it's gonna be worse in every way except graphically.

How is Control? I love Max Payne 1 and 2 but after Alan Wake and Quantum Break, I decided to not play that because those two were so shit in different ways.

I am only leaving the house to visit my brother or hit the gym with 2 friends

It's funny but Remedy is not a very good dev. Alan Wake was their last 'okay' title. just cringe and all in all they seem to like doing the same exact game again and again: a third person shooter with bad cover mechanics and linear levels. Even their gfx engine looks shitty and grainy.
Max Payne 3 still kicks so much ass it will be very funny to see their remake plunder in action.

We're also talking about modern Rockstar here, user.
They will probably just slap everything on UE4 and send the translation work to their Indian division. Wouldn't be surprised if they commission War Drum again for this clusterfuck.

don't act like japan isn't getting to the same stage

> just cringe

>You retards don't even know what you want

I know exactly what I want.
I want NEW games that are made with the same creativity and drive and genuine love of gaming as old ones.
I don't want new games that are made by committees consisting of dangerhaired feminists and racial sensitivity consultants.
And I don't want old games repackaged and resold to me by those same dangerhairs and consultants.
I don't want anyone allowed in the gaming industry who does not truly love games, and men who play them.

max payne now has mandatory story moments where he kneels before black people and defends trans entering the women's bathroom

An unattractive female main character is bad, yes.

Japan is even worse. People give Square enix a pass for doing one of the most cynical things a publisher has done: split a remake in parts, fill the first portion with a shit ton of padding and sell this garbage at full price.

I want good new games

Yes, otherwise you'd be able to come up with an argument to defend it.

It's literally already there. Nintendo just releases a bunch of Wii u ports. Remade links awakening, Xenoblade, and now advance wars. If Sony hadn't just completely abandoned their Japanese studio. There's be lots too but one of their ps5 exclusives is a dark souls remake. Capcom just keeps shitting out REmakes, Square is about to release a remaster, and has 2 hd2d remakes on the way. Those are just the bigger jap companies

What pass, FF7R was a major flop and the only people still invested in Square at this point are just whales.

You're saying that because you only pay attention to major successful Japanese releases that attract interest over here. For every "kino" Japanese game, there's a dozen hollow gacha husks.

I hope Max is a black trans woman in the remake after all we're in heckin' 2022

chuds are mad lmao

Concession accepted, suicide expected.

This is basically what I said would happen after SJW stuff.

Their name is remedy entertainment, not the west. Silly boy. Isn't everywhere the west from somewhere?

Captcha: SSADD

Don't worry, the remake is handled by current day Remedy and they're great. Everyone remembers pic related, the latest game they made that just released the other day

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It has nothing to do with the character, dumbass. Go back to twitter.

Max payne 1 and 2 are both classics. They will still exist after the remake. I see literally nothing wrong with this. Nobody wants max payne 4 anyway

That was made by Remedy? I tried it when it came to game pass and thought it was a chink clone game.