Dark Souls 1 Gargoyles

Dark Souls 1 Gargoyles
>one is aggressive, one is passive
>one is prefers melee, one prefers range
>small enough to fit on your screen
>low enough that you can reliably hit them
>reward for aiming at certain parts of the body
>not particularly fast or agile, which makes sense because they're fucking statues

Elden Ring Gargoyles
>both of them are aggressive
>both of them are melee
>do not have any meaningful design considerations to make them work as a pair
>do not fit on the screen at attack range
>have skinny little legs that are difficult to hit with thrust/spear weapons
>both of them are fast and dextrous in just the way you would expect a statue not to be
>twinblade spinning attack because FROM is out of ideas
>dps race to kill the first as fast as possible, but the first can jump super far from you and cover the area underneath him with large areas of poison

How did things get this bad? Put the Demons Souls combat system out of its misery already.

Attached: elden-ring-valiant-gargoyles-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 78.91K)

Dark Souls 1 gargoyles
>easy and forgettable
Elden Ring forgettables
>slightly more difficult, but still easy and forgettable

All your problems come from the fact that you're trying to melee down your targets.
Ranged just makes sense.

Do you want the game to be hard or not? Maybe go back to Skyrim or Nintendogs Terriers

I just finished Elden Ring and I loved it. I've had Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition in my steam inventory for years and I plan on playing it after work. Anything I should know before I start? What am I in for compared to Elden Ring?

>I've had Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition in my steam inventory for years and I plan on playing it after work. Anything I should know before I start? What am I in for compared to Elden Ring?
a joke of a game. the dark souls franchise is miserable.

i remember i just jumped attacked the first one and critical him to death before the other even showed up

Don't bother if you played Elden Ring first. It's too archaic and simplistic.

Forget it. Skip to Dark Souls 3.

DS2 Gargoyles
>There's fucking 6 of them

> What am I in for compared to Elden Ring?

Maybe you should kill yourself

>Elden Ring Gargoyles
>both of them are aggressive
>both of them are melee
>do not have any meaningful design considerations to make them work as a pair
Only one of them is aggressive at a time. The other one will hang back and spit poison. They switch roles periodically.


youre going to get tripped up over how simple all the bosses are. theres no delayed attacks, combos are only 3 hits long, and the boss doesnt jump 10 miles away

>How did things get this bad?
git gut memes
Devs thought why put in effort when shitty coded enemies with spaghetti code, 360 no scope animations, fuckhuge bodies with shit hitbodies and multiple enemies in a boss fight are good enough for drones?
They still havent fixed enemies ignoring walls and terrain when attacking.
They still havent moved away from the shitty DaS2 magnet enemies.
They still havent made boss fights with summoning being less favourable othat then "boss has more health".

Really? That's a shame I thought it would be more or less non open world Elden Ring

I'm hoping I enjoy it as much as Elden Ring

Kinda late to complain after DS2

Just hang out by the cliff. The dumbfucks love to jump off it. I was having a good fight when the other night and finally took out the first one, then while I was working on Twinblade he decided to leap over me off the edge. Anti-climactic as fuck.

You're a retard for listening to anyone on Yea Forums

Hey anons where do i fight these gargoyles? I killed the elden beast already

Expect a boring ass time. You fucked up playing ER first. Now the others will be so easy you'll be falling asleep

Well you won't care for the gameplay. It will be so laughably easy it will pull you to sleep. All of your deaths will be from gravity.

Kill the dogs first

Sounds like somebody was too much of a grug to invest in his spirit ashes or any ranged attacks! Next time try strategizing instead of expecting them to design the AI to let autists that willingly ignore core game mechanics win.

Bringing just a sword to a fight is stupid.

>git gut memes
This and Bamco really hammering home that "PREPARE TO DIE" bullshit. They doubled down on the "our games are HARD and for HARDCORE gamers, faggot!" campaign for a long time.

>dps race to kill the first as fast as possible
but 4 kangz was fine when it did this?

You're a retard. Only one focuses on you in Elden Ring, while the other one hangs back and spits poison. There's a lot of things wrong in ER and the bosses aren't one of them.

>it would be more or less non open world Elden Ring
Not even remotely similar. Think about them as Dark Souls as the original Mario Bros (not the platformer, the one before it) and Elden Ring as Super Mario World: completely different games and the older game being anemically simplistic.

DS1 gargoyles have more thought put into them than all Elden Ring bosses combined.
No, telling your animators to just fuck your shit up doesn't substitute for good design.

>Elden Ring Gargoyles
What you're describing is DeS Maneaters. Which is a superior fight to DS1 gargoyles.
It's more focused and more linear, less content overall but the experience is pretty tight. Definitely worth a play, the atmosphere is really good even if the combat is lacking in many aspects compared to pretty much every other Souls game. The level design is bland and simplistic at times but the world design overall is amazing and it has good variation between them. If you liked exploring Elden Ring's "legacy dungeons" you're gonna have a good time in DS1.

Word of warning, PTDE needs mods to work properly, DSfix is pretty much mandatory, google it, it's an easy install and very tweakable.

kill radahn
enter nokron
progress through area

They're AI is actually different with the two of them, one is set to passive, it just changes periodically. Which would good if they weren't shit solo. They're not death rite bird levels of bad, but they're not far off.

This is the only legit boss I've had trouble with that felt unfair, even the double crucibles were bitches compared to this battle, specially if you end up here a bit weak, which was also my case since I've barely set foot in Altus before doing this boss, and their size made camera management in this battle a fucking chore.

What are you smoking? Everybody remember the DaS1 gargoyles.

This was the only boss where I was actually pissed off. the fucking endless waves of ministunning poison mist made me want to blow my fucking brains out

>both of them are aggressive
you're already wrong on your first point, they behave the same way as the gargoyles in 1. the one in the back does their breath move or stays passive. they way I beat them was by keeping the garg I was focusing on in the front.

Using the world "Soul" means that the game is mediocre or shit and you're appealing to the person's emotions.

Four Kangz are easy to hit, don't have lingering AOEs, don't run away from you. There is no RNG to worry about.

Prepare for a bad time. I played Sekiro first before going to Dark Souls 1, and it was awful.

Slow, clunky, and dark. But once you get used to the pace, it really is the best one in the series. Best world design, best ambient noise, best story, concentrated fun, and great dlc.

Better comparison would be the first phase of Demon Prince fight as that's the closest thing to the double gargoyle fight

I remember the DS1 gargoyles fondly because I beat them 30 times. OP has a point. The combat system could have gone two ways and they chose a weird fast game hybrid that kind of works but not really. Part of it is moveset design. The alternative was build on DS1 pace, increase move management and positioning, increase physics and response, develop the poise system, and get the same difficult/careful balance that they are looking for. Oh well.

The most egregious part? You later stumble into a fight with Twin Omens and they legit just let you fight them 1v1 after a really kino intro, showing that from actually COULD make an encounter with both enemies having different considerations and ways of engaging the player.

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They're shitposting, it's a (flawed) masterpiece and one of the greatest games of all time.
Just don't expect Elden Ring prequel edition, you should try your best to approach it as a completely new experience.

You've really got to play passive and kite them around the room, taking the rare opportunity to hit them. If you can't burst down the first one from 50%, it's really your only option.
Fucking boring and dull, especially as melee, but it's manageable. Try to stick close to them and you get fucked by poison. What a shit boss.

DaS2 gargoyle fight was kino and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

Don’t listen to anyone else. It’s the best in the series

i literally forget them consistently. you've no clue what you're talking about.

Demon Prince was the best bat duo fight. Not as annoying anti-fun as Valiant Gargoyles, but still a challenge. I only played DS2 for two hours before quitting, but I assume the gargoyles sucked.

Attached: Demon_Prince_Concept_Art.jpg (2709x1917, 714.55K)


PTDE secondaries are the fucking worst.

1.-Start as Pyro
2.-Get the master key as starting gift
3.-After the tutorial, you'll end up in the "HUB" area, Firelink shrine
4.-In there, explore the graveayrd and RUN because enemies there are immortal, just get the damn Zweihander from a tombstone
5.-Back in Firelink go and explore the aqueduct
6.-Raise STR and DEX enough so that you can two hand the Zweihander
7.-EZ mode unlocked

Attached: 1589818511444.gif (500x473, 3.77M)

>and get the same difficult/careful balance
>careful balance

The duality of man

I take the opposing approach: if Yea Forums praises a game, I stay away from it and if Yea Forums shits on a game I give it a try.
Works 100% of the time

>more or less non open world Elden Ring
You thought right, don't listen to retards talking about difficulty. Dark Souls as a series still holds up well even after Elden Ring, you'll notice the gameplay fits the pacing of the games well. It is more straightforward and it's a good thing.

it's worse than the game that came before it, and primitive compared to the games that came after it. miserable bosses, ho-hum enemies, arguably the worst levels, ho-hum atmopshere, lame gameplay, etc.

Don't forget how the game takes a massive nose-dive halfways.

4Kangz and Belfry Gargoyles are an actual DPS race since the 2nd (and 3rd, 4th, and even 5th) Kang and 2nd Gargoyle spawn after a certain amount of time. If your DPS is good you will kill the first one before the second one spawns. In ER (and DS2 as well, it's the standard of Tanimura games) duo bosses spawn at 50% regardless of how quick you reach that point. You have to be seriously over leveled to be able to chunk the 1st gargoyle down from 50% before the other one walks over.

gargoyles in ds2 were the ds1 gargoyles copy pasted and put into a boss room with like 6 of them that stagger spawn or some shit

Here's your (you).

The problem with dual fights in Elden Ring is not that they exist, its that weren't designed around being dual fights in the first place. You were meant to fight two gargoyles to start, you were meant to fight O&S, the 6 in DS2, Ruin Sentinels, twin dragon riders and whatever from 3.

>no argument
not surprising. enjoy your dogshit levels and baby gameplay


Did not play sekiro
DaS is my 2nd favourite after Elden Ring user
ER>DaS1>DaS3>>>Bloodborne>>>Demon's Souls>>>>>DaS2

Bloodborne didn't quite connect with me, don't know why, felt too pretentious at times (Yes, even more than usual)

Erdtree Burial Watchdogs stand out to be specifically for the way they come off as statuesque. Weird, awkward movements, hovering unnaturally, lumbering towards the player slowly like some fucked up fantasy automaton should. They're not particularly difficult, but are still more memorable than the gargoyles in my opinion.

Much slower paced combat, for one. Bosses might be easier just on virtue of them having easier to learn patterns, not that it's a bad thing. Levelling up isn't nearly as tedious either. It's not exactly open world, but the world is pretty big and interconnected, and you'll be running on foot for the first half of the game, so there's that.

Don't forget taking a trip into the catacombs to turn the zweihander into a fire zweihander so that it can be later made into a chaoshander

It is a knock-off Demon's Souls but it's still a good game.

DS2 gargs sucked cocks. Like all DS2 enemy design, their method to spice things up is to throw more enemies in the mix so now you can have 4 gargs active at once. Very obnoxious fight.

Duo bosses should absolutely never be enemies that you also fight solo. They should always be designed with fighting multiples in mind, which the gargoyles clearly werent. Same thing with every other duo fight in this game

Would not really tell the user to do this early on, specially because getting out of there without being able to teleport at low leves is a fucking pain in the ass, but do what this user says too later on.

I’m actually unsure of how you will enjoy PTDE after starting with Elden Ring. It’s good. In fact it is my favorite game. But it is a very different pace.

should have been dual dragonkin knights

>Full melee colossal sword build
>Get to the valiant gargoyle duo
>Fuck up multiple times by killing the first one and getting the second one to like 5 % hp and then dying
The only boss that has made me seethe more was the black gargoyle in Caelid that I was trying to kill underleveled to get that halberd for my twink build.

>light rolling
>simply blocking