>Spiritual successor game becomes better than the game it was based on
Spiritual successor game becomes better than the game it was based on
qrd? did they change the anime ending?
Gotta wait for Final Season part 3 in 2023. It will likely be the same as in the manga.
Name a single thing he did wrong other than not blowing up the boat earlier.
name one case
I assumed they delayed it because the manga ending was super rushed and the creator expressed wishes to change it.
Author reiterated they stood by what they wrote and didn't want to work anymore like a month ago
what? hahahahahahaha, can't wait for the anime-only retards to get the epilogue and find out that it was all for literally nothing. bravo isayama
>weebs literally can't stop themselves
I cannot believe people still shill this garbage
I have no idea what faggottale is the successor of
>protagonist dies a pathetic virgin
actually what are some games for this feel?
Only thing I didn't like about floch is that he he needed to learn to stop talking and just pull the fucking trigger
Real life
It's the sequel to Earthbound, you'll know this if you actually played video games.
Sekiro started development as a successor to Tenchu, but the game ended up being different that they decided to roll it out as a new IP that stood on it's own
Sekiro has better combat, but completely flubbed up stealth where it's retardedly OP and half-baked
>Story filters a readerbase primarily filled with edgelords and underage fags
Cant wait for the anime to not be aoe at all.
Attack on Titan has been shit since the beginning, IDK why you're surprised. As soon as they went into that faggot ass basement.
>black butler
I hope you're saying the anime is better because holy shit that weak ass fan twist they made cannon ruined everything.
what was in the basement?
faggot ass didn't you read
the twist of the whole show
Information about the outside world
A shark that the cast jumped over.
area of effect?
Eren's dad porn stash
anime original ending
Information that had me drop the series
Implied time travelling shenanigans lmao
I still don't know what made people revile the series other than one panel of "Cuck Eren" but am I glad that the series torpedoed
Well fuck, I hope they say fuck it and do something else instead. Literally anything else.
Zeke was unironically right
>Spiritual successor game completely botches the conclusion to years of buildup
mighty no. 9
I dropped this garbage the second I saw a syringe.
Should have stuck to mythological fantasy.
dunno man I want to see eren happy
Why do so many anime drop the ball in the last act?
>Final Season
>part 3
He had to lose to the diversity squad. Other than that he was objectively right about everything.
Zeke was an incel.
>troon world simulator
>video game
supreme commander
Give me a qrd on what happens? just as brief as possible
I want to know what level of disappointment I'm getting into
Bro theyve had gear that lets them fly around rooftops and trees like super heroes since the start of the series.
If the island had been left alone for another couple hundreds years they would have been full on steam punk.
Plenty of reason, but basically:
The first 2/3 of the story make you follow and root for the people inside the walls, then you have a perspective switch to the people outside the walls, which the story now expects you to root for, it could be fine, except then it makes it so that the near-entirety of the cast inside the walls (with the exception of eren, the main character) start to support the people's outside the wall for very contrivied reasons. Then the story makes it so that Eren basically get god powers and should be unstoppable, but still has the rest of the cast try to defeat him... and then the final battle is lame and eren basically commits suicide so that the rest of the characters can win since the author clearly wrote himself into a corner. Add that the author clearly stopped trying and the execution became worse and worse and you've got a very unsatisfying last stretch.
Bloodborne PC port
>troon world simulator
you're thinking of gta
>Last Gintama game was a mediocre musuo
We're never getting a good Gintama game, are we? For fucks sake, they could just reskin one of the newer Yakuza games and it would fit Gintama perfectly.
Not immediately execute all the kek characters
Don't care.
>they stop the rumbling by killing eren
>eren and armin have a paths talk after he's killed and he reveals that he has no idea what the fuck he was doing, he was just following the future that he saw when he touched historias hand
>he then collapses on the ground and starts crying about how he doesn't want mikasa to find another boyfriend after he's dead and that he was in love with her the whole time
>armin calls him pathetic
>rumbling ends, armin believes peace between the eldians and the rest of humanity is now possible
>extra chapter confirms this not to be true, paradis gets blown to bits
>series ends with some other bitch in the future finding another spinal cord thing
Armin and Mikasa ruined the series
Oh wow you're right. What was even the point then?
Thanks bro
how much of the world does Eren wipe out before going out?
the real rumbling was isayama drawing the rumbling arc
About 80%
80% but it doesn't matter, because after the rumbling everyone loses their titan power, leading them to be exterminated at the end.
cope and seethe
>this ending
man definitely wanted to make sure he never had to work on manga again and they never made a fucking sequel without him either, fucking goddamn this is game of thrones level of salt the earth
>Should have stuck to mythological fantasy.
It still is, the origin of the shit they put in the syringe doesn't make any fucking sense and isnt explained beyond mythology.
Wow, that's abhorrent.
Why the fuck did Isayama's editors let him go through with that?
I feel like there should be a punishment for writers who make unbelievably awful endings or new adaptations of their old works that shit all over the original, the new Higurashi anime also left me completely baffled and disappointed.
And it will never be explained. The focus will still be on personal drama, politics, WW2 allegory, and time travel. Cringe.
It's just a mecha anime with muscle mechs.
hold up so a line of colossal titans about the width of madagascar was able to roomba through 80% of the entire planet earth before they stopped them?
or is the vast majority of human population located in africa in this setting?
that's got to be some 6 gorillion propaganda numbers man
The most developped and powerful country is located in africa but yeah, it's some asspulled unrelaistic number given how the rumbling was stopped in 2 days
wait if it's literally africa why are Marleyans white??
Blacks live in europe, whites live in africa
Let Yelena and the black live
The world map is flipped upside down so Africa is Europe and Europe is Africa.
check this 4