Does Dark Souls 3 really deserve the hate?

Does Dark Souls 3 really deserve the hate?

Attached: Dark Souls 3 Environments Cinegrid.jpg (5760x4320, 2.49M)

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yeah because 2 is better

no dark souls deserves hate, they're all incredible in comparison to your average action schlock

it's pretty but boring and the combat is jank, especially online

yes, dark souls 3 is dog piss

it was the best selling most popular one before Elden Ring

Yea Forums contrarians do not constitute 'hate', the majority of people think DS3 is the best, maybe tied with bloodborne


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name a boss fight from 3 on par with Burnt Ivory King or Fume Knight

Haters hate greatness

No as it's the best game in the series


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Pretty decent for 30 quid

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>deserve the hate?

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Is this really the best DaS2 trannys have to offer?

3440x1440 peon here, i kneel...


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Dont forget

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I love this kind of shit posting. Il make one for dark souls 1 in a few hours

It's very samey, we're just going through the motions. It relied on nostalgia instead of making new stuff up. Dull.

Of the souls games its literally the least jank one, INCLUDING online

based, ill respond to it like i didnt see this post and be outraged

Kind of. I think it gets shit on for the wrong reason. It's a fine game, it has its moments, some fun bosses and cool locations, also I personally really enjoy the bleak grey souls aesthetic and moody somber firelink shrine music. So even though what we got is good, what we could have got would have been GREAT. The cut content and scrapped lore is way cooler than what we actually got.

The game is fine, it just wasted it's potential.

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it's literally the opposite
DS2 chads like the game for what it is, while also accepting that it has flaws
DS3 fags can't stop choking on Miyazaki's cock, no matter what the game is like

idk what you mean by hate. i've seen anons call it mediocre and uninspired, and it is
at least we can all agree that elden ring is the worst

No. The game has plenty of flaws, but for the direction From seemingly wants to take the series, it’s pretty good, overall. Most of the areas are laid out pretty well, as they should be for being linear. The game captures the “dying world” aesthetic better than the other Dark Souls games. It never reaches the height of the beginning of DaS, but it never reaches the abysmal lows either (Yeah. FUCK you. I’m tired of the revisionism). DaS2 is dogshit for PvE (aka the only thing that really matters).

DeS is better than all of them.

Yea Forums is a separate dimmension where everything sucks and absolutely nothing can be enjoyed
Yea Forumsirgins are complaining about DS3 nonstop since launch, just like ER now

Gael, Abyss Watchers, Champion Gundyr, Fride, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder.

Unbelievably based.

Attached: The Pursuer.jpg (1576x726, 69.83K)

Attached: Pursuer advanced move.webm (720x404, 1.51M)

>the tourist's guide to Yea Forums

So this was the inspiration for Elden Ring bosses.

>Does Dark Souls 3 really deserve the hate?

kek looks like something out of Elden Ring

It literally has all the same problems 2 does and some more, people just like it cuz they chimp out when the funny boss looks cool.
>shit world design
>painfully linear
>braindead bonfire placement
>NPCs are barely there with almost no agency
>the least amount of viable builds with PVP being a travesty
>shielding is basically pointless you might as well two hand everything or have an offhand cuz by the end game dodging is your only choice
>almost all the bosses are funny duel with man that does flips and delays attacks
>the game has bar none the most cut and scrapped content out of DS games
Like fuck dude dark souls 2 isn't the best either but if you endlessly shit on 2 but not 3 you're an actual fucking sheep who can't fucking actually introspect the games they play.

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>Called "Pursuer"
>Aggros for a short distance before disappearing
>Gameplay consists of baiting his dashing attack, strafing right and punishing, can do this over and over
>2 basic bitch 3 hit combos
>Literal pushover boss
>muh red eyes and darkness with the spawning animation
What a fucking jobber, I can't take pre DS3 bosses seriously

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>The cut content and scrapped lore is way cooler than what we actually got.
Where can I learn all about it?

looks better than elden ring lol

Didn't he only show up twice in the original version of the game? From the item description of his soul I got the impression this fucker would be pursuing you everywhere you go

it didnt have a single creative thing in it

Does it, though?

Attached: Elden Ring Environments Cinegrid (2).jpg (4000x3940, 2.57M)

>linear 90% of the time
What could have been...

I remember there was an image floating around here that was of a text file that detailed what the lore was going to be, but I don't have it.

>>shit world design
>>painfully linear
Why "painfully"? All From games pre ER are linear after DS2
>>braindead bonfire placement
Even in the few areas where it applies, it's never an actual issue. It's concern trolling by hater trying to find excuses
Yes, it's anactual sequel, thank God
>>NPCs are barely there with almost no agency
Objectively wrong, best questlines since the original, better than both DS2 and BB
>>the least amount of viable builds with PVP being a travesty
Wrong again
>>shielding is basically pointless you might as well two hand everything or have an offhand cuz by the end game dodging is your only choice
Learn to play issue
>>almost all the bosses are funny duel with man that does flips and delays attacks
Learn to play issue
>>the game has bar none the most cut and scrapped content out of DS games
Wrong, the original Dark Souls has far more. The second Dark Souls had the literal open world ditched and areas tied together with no logical proper progression

Attached: DS3 world.jpg (1920x1080, 268.42K)

Yes, and you just posted proof.

no, given it's better than Elden Ring.

>>linear 90% of the time

They both look like shit but this looking like fucking ass

>Commit absolute travesties and atrocities in pursuit of power
>is responsible for absolutely everything in the game
>master manipulator that uses a living blob of mass that devours gods as a weapon
>pulling everything from behind the scenes
>is a boss you fight not even half way through the game with no cutscene
I will never forgive Miyazaki for this. Fuck the memberberry boss that is Soul of Cinder, Pontiff Sulyvann should've been the final boss of the game like it was intended originally.

Attached: Sulyvann.jpg (2500x1700, 568.97K)

If you hate 1 and ER just say so.

No. It has the best bosses overall out of the 3 Dark Souls games.

bruh it's just a dude swinging magic and fire swords who creates doppelgangers
imagine being a lorefag

People hate DS3? But it's so good. I love that game.

It doesn't, despite being a B Team game, I still enjoyed it a lot more than Elden Shit Ring.

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I hate 1 and ER.

It has the best bosses overall of any video game period.

No one here can name one game with a better collection of bosses. Not one.

>You don't get it! It's the aesthetics!

Only retards that misinterpreted the game think Dark Souls is about Linking the Fire believe this
>Pontiff Sulyvann should've been the final boss of the game like it was intended originally.
He never was, Lothric was always the last Lord of Cinder, but instead of being alone Kinozaki introduced one of the best "duo" bosses in Souls

Attached: Dark Souls 3 Twin Princes.jpg (1028x1920, 260.67K)

It relies on nostalgia for a 5 year old game

Ive definitely had more jaw drop moments with elden ring, but i think ds3 has better graphics technically. Mostly because its not as big or open so the design is more carefully tailored.

Wouldn't know, tried playing 2 three different times and dropped it before I got to the dlc. game's too shit. Only good area in that game is the Bastille


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no, but you do

Sekiro and bloodborne have better bosses

Gael is the true final boss not Soul of Cinder. Literally the perfect end to the series.

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>If you hate 1
1 is not combat focused, the bosses are shit, and the combat is not as interesting because the mobs are basic, it's a different kind of game.
DS3 is linear because it's different from the first
>and ER
ER being open world is what caused a good 90% of the game issues

Attached: DS3 friends made along the way.jpg (1242x750, 1.48M)

you should try the convergence Pontiff really got a well deserved new phase with the mod


>Only good area in that game is No Man's Wharf
NMW plays like a DS3 level
Enemy placement makes sense and encounters are actually interesting.
New mobs introduce new fun movesets instead of just shitty telegraphed 2/3 hits combo.

>>is responsible for absolutely everything in the game
When will retards understand that Pontiff indirectly helped the Ashen One? At that point the Cathedral encounter is just cutting loose ends. The Ashen One BTFO Gundyr first and stopped the Chosen Undead mechanism

Attached: Ashen One vs Pontiff Sulyvahn.jpg (1920x1080, 905.98K)

Please kill yourselves already