Why did the digimon franchise managed not to reach global stardom like pokemon?

Why did the digimon franchise managed not to reach global stardom like pokemon?

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it all came down to the animes and how they treated things
>Pokemon is an endless adventure of episodic episodes with some loose plot
>Digimon wraps all its plot up every season with little filler
>Pokemon is easy to show to 5 year old kids
>Digimon has parents beating and abusing 5 year old kids

It needed better games


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They tried too hard to do too much and it hurt the overall quality of the product.

Digimon is too complicated, also not remotely as child friendly as Pokemon is.
Early on Pokemon was pretty basic and easy to understand, Digimon was always a big wilder and creative, especially in the story telling.

their mother knows

basically this
also stuff like the titty monster in cyber sleuths
Pokemon was much more marketable. When I was a kid my mom loved Gengar and Jigglypuff I still buy her Gengar merch for her birthday sometimes but absolutely hated digimon

digimon has a start and an end to their adventures

pokemon is the endless adventure of catching [marketable design] monsters

digimon deals with more mature topics with substance. pokemon is souless and 0 substance of any sort. just insipid, blank , no themes. go catch monsters and that's it.

pokemon is vapid and catered to the lowest common denominator of demographic

digimon tells a story, with themes, and it finishes when there's nothing else to tell. not afraid to go on darker themes.

It came out after Pokémon, and most kids just thought it was a dumb ripoff. It isn't, of course, but you can see why they'd think that.

Why do you ask this same fucking question so much? Find a better way to start a Digimon thread, nigger.

>>Digimon has parents beating and abusing 5 year old kids
The episodes where they went back to the real world, and everything was kinda bleak and "silent" were some of the most haunting episodes for me as a kid.

Much later i would see a similar atmosphere in fucking Lain of all anime. The first season of Digimon was really something else.

Plus even there card game wasn't that good from what I remember.
Hell even when I was a kid people used to buy pokemon cards just to show their collections off to people at school and not even play the card game whatsoever.

Slightly more complex storylines probably filtered the young demographic.
Pokemon is very simple and straightforward, it’s like catnip for kids.

>It came out after Pokémon
dont the actual toys predate pokemon?

>Much later i would see a similar atmosphere in fucking Lain of all anime.
Funny you say that, Lain and Digimon Tamers were written by the same dude.

All this is true, except the "complex" storylines aren't actually complex so it also filters out anyone with an above average IQ as well.

I live for Renamon's Beans.

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Makes total sense now. Because the thing I connect the most where the moments where they totally emphasized sounds like water drops from the faucet.

Why do you keep posting this every thread so much? Find a better way to tell OP that he is a faggot, you tranny.

No, the first Digivice came out about a year after Red and Green came out in Japan.

complicated evolutions

>tfw never get a digimon game catching that feel from the show as all digimon games cater to pokemon kids

The Anime is the main advantage Digimon has over Pokemon though.

Digimon was pretty much exclusively an anime for a while, while Pokemon much more than that starting with some of the most groundbreaking and memorable games of all time with great supplementation with an anime, cards, and all the other shit they came out with. Not to mention that Pokemon came first, so Digimon was kind of just seen as a copycat/bootleg version and people already had attachment to the Pokemon creatures, not wanting to have to learn a whole new set of them.


You are my nigga. I was hearing the Bolero in my head as I wrote that post.

You know what I'm talking about.

post more of her beans

God I love beans

Digimon always catered to more advanced kids, while pokemon was just "hey catch bugs and trade them with your friends wow!" marketing.

Toei is the most retarded company that has ever existed.
Imagine owning multiple golden egg laying chickens and treating them like absolute horseshit

i thought this said benis and now i'm disappointed

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Name a single clone series that did better than the original.

Because Bandai didnt really care about the franchise and didnt a shitty job managed it too

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Because the company behind Digimon is an incompetent fuck.

Pokémon had good games to push their fetish into a thriving community of gamers that were rising up. Nintendo did right.

Digimon has good games but only on the best selling console ever made, but lacked the portability of the tendie competition. A portable digimon World 1 with more content than the measly 50 digimons in-game versus the 150 spriteshit of Pokémon would have helped generate a stronghold for Digimon. But Bamco Bandai, aka, one of the most incompetent companies ever made, only surpassed by Konami, opted to continue to support tamagochi, a literal dying entertainment media even when Digimon came out.

What happened next is just that Tendie surfed on its original success and Scamco Bandai suffered loss after loss after loss because they literally had no idea what to fucking do with the IP. It's baffling IMO.

Even Yugioh, with all its incompentence, handled their shit better.

isnt that what the cyberslut games are supposed to be?

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Since they're digital monsters, does that mean in the card game they are no longer Digimon as it's not digital?

If it was named anything else, people might not have perceived it as a rip-off of Pokemon.

Yugioh was too big to fail. All the spin offs crashed and burned because that series was carried through pure social popularity.
Most kids didnt even know how to play the game properly or the "plot" of the show after battle city.

Bolero kino coming through

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Also that 02 episode where Hikari finds herself in that bleak alternate reality with the mud men and how in the end they want to make her the hive queen with some implications of group rape thrown in.

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should have focused on it's greatest asset, feet

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digimon never even tried. zero input equates to zero gains.

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I want to suck each toe

digimon is carried entirely by a few surprisingly great kids anime but everything else about the IP sucks ass. there are like two good digimon games out of several dozen and one of those is the original digimon world which is a gitchy janky mess of a game even if it has its very soulful

post renamon ass

based as fuck

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Several factors:
>Digimon's main focus was V-pets, which only really caught on for a while in the west and by the time Digimon arrived it was on a decline
>As a result of the first reason, videogames, one of the quickest ways back then into global stardom, was never their focus and thus Toei never really tried that hard
>The anime, although much better than Pokemon's, wasn't nearly as "accesible" to young children as the almost braindead plot of the Pokemon anime (plus the english localization of Digimon got fucked even harder than Pokemon's, specially the movies)
>Toei in general is just incredibly retarded and even to this day still continues to fail miserably in almost everything Digimon-related, while GF knows really fucking well how to appeal to the braindead pokefags

Funnily enough however, we've found ourselves in a bit of a paradoxical situation now:
>Cyber Sleuth, despite its many big flaws, is a better monster fighting game that all the Pokemon games released in the past 10 years
>The Digimon TCG, although not as popular as the Pokemon TCG, actually has people playing it because it's genuinely a good TCG (for now). Even my locals is dropping Yugioh in favor of Digimon
>The current Digimon anime, despite not being nearly as dark as Adventure or Tamers, has more poeple hooked on it than the Pokemon anime

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I think that the biggest weakness digimon had is the lack of a single core gameplay on they games. Digimon had a diferent gameplay for each game, while Pokemon has the same gamplay forever.
Every Pokemon game is pretty much the same, the only thing that really changes is the location, characters and the pokemon designs. All the main line Pokemon games play the same way, if you played one you can play all of then. The gameplay is also really simple for kids and casual, just catch a pokemon and use it's abilitys against other pokemons.
Most Digimon games worked completly diferent from eachother, there were too many spin-offs and it confused people. There is value in having a new experience with every new game but that also prevented the franchise from developing it's own unique identity that custumers could easily indentify.
In the end the big public only saw digimon as a edgier pokemon cknock off. This guy explain the rest

Animation in digimon looked like shit aside from the first OVA and the movies

Also, if your favorite digimon wasnt part of the main roster, it was probably gonna get MERC’d by the heroes or never show up

>I don't get the appeal of human feet
>But I like big paws on anthro girls
Why am I like this?

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god yes

For me it's the official TCG artwork portraying him as a ripped bodybuilder.

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I love thigs that look like they're able to bend steel.

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I don't know, but i'm in the same boat.

I like how paws and sexy shoes look. I dont want to suck on them, dont want to be stepped on, dont want to be a footslave, etc. I just think they look nice. Hate naked feet too

Who else wants to fuck Gatomon?

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That is a comically big penis