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God bless heterosexuality.

Based Saudis. Truly our second greatest ally.

I hear rumor this guy is based, and has attended comikets and shit. I don't feel bad about him owning SNK. better him than the chinese

I hope he decides to give them some actual budget on projects.

Congrats, guys who just want their shit recycled are going to continue making SNK make shit that goes nowhere.

I wouldn't be pissed if they at least made a Metal Slug but those take imagination, effort, and heart. Plus who would they fight?

Evil towelheads ought to burn in righteous nuclear fire. As well as the rest of the Middle East. God forsake that land.

>Give us more money to lose!
SNK is basically totally incompetent. They need to prove it can even make a game that will sell over 10k units. These are the same people that refused Tim's gorillian dollar offer to make Samsho exclusiven to Epic because SNK thought it was going to sell like hotcakes. Naturally, it sold like shit.

The DOTA 2 cartoon was funded by a Saudi Prince as well. Who apparently hosts a shit ton of international DOTA tournaments.
They must be bored over there

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>is rich
>is a weeb
>hates fags
>top taste in fighting games
>kills journies
holy mother of BASED!

They're diversifying their portfolio. Oil is obviously their cash cow, but as the world works towards one that is way less dependent on oil, they're moving their money into other areas.

then why did he buy the company

They make plenty of games that sell well over 10K units though. Their last game before KOF 15 did.

>but as the world works towards one that is way less dependent on oil
lol lmao

>These are the same people that refused Tim's gorillian dollar offer to make Samsho exclusiven to Epic because SNK thought it was going to sell like hotcakes
It did, it's one of their all time best sellers. They then sold the PC exclusivity to Timmy and it sold like shit because nobody likes him or his store.

The price of owning a Neo Geo these days.

It sold 40k bro.

Sand niggers have low IQ, literally. They're like 10 points short if a white person.

How many threads are you going to make of this

10k was literally a joke number. The more accurate SNK number is 50k, which is abysmal, and most of their games don't break.

and it's going to sold less if they decide to make it epic exclusive

Nice B8

>The DOTA 2 cartoon
What the fuck is even that cartoon?
>Invoker is some mopey dude instead of a narcissistic asshole
>Luna dies
>Winter Wyvern dies
>Lina dies
>All those garbage OCs

No shit, but they would have gotten paid more.

>pol loves arab and slavs now
I hate this place

Everyone is better than the mentally-ill bitch-ass subhumans who live here in America, yes. I'll be sure to cheer on China too once they buy shit and censor more here.
average world IQ is 84 sandniggers can't even crack 90

Didn't think KOF 15 would flop that hard.

Ladies and gentlemen, your new Mai default outfit.

Good thing is she can finally be in Smash now.

Attached: mai.jpg (1176x1500, 50.51K)

shitskins countries are basically subhuman niggers and mutts of america but with no upward pull of whites

>trying this hard
got back to your espn 6 champion edition ultra season 3, little cuck.

>average world IQ is 84
user, that's not how IQ works

He bought some percent before it even released though.

All the Saudi princes fund is "terrorism, 9/11, oil industry"
>I just wanna game for Allah's sake

he funded KoFXV new buddy, that features this perv with his hot arab mother

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Does that include all the Africans and SEAsians living there though? Like 90% of the population in the middle east is retard level indentured servants.

Did SNK show the number of KOF 15 sales?

how does it work

Did Mohammed from Qatar move to Saudi Arabia?

You first take the average score of the group tested and that score gets assigned an IQ value of 100. Other values represent how much your test score deviated from the average.

IQ is specifically modelled on a bell curve with a score of 100 being the average. Saying the total average is 80 or whatever doesn't make any sense.

Attached: iq-score-and-normal-distribution.png (856x764, 27.03K)

that doesn't really change much when whiteoid and asian countries test close to 95-105 and sunhuman sandnigger countres are 85

She could easily have been in smash if they used her FF3 outfit.

Not sure why they included it in the chart

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No, but it does imply something about you if you didn't even know this much about your own argument.

I didn't make the argument


Kek, lmao.

what are the implications of this post?

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The site doesn't even load for me properly so I have no idea, but one guess is that they may have used an old test and didn't adjust the average as scores got higher. I wouldn't put any weight on this site. Cross-national IQ tests are incredibly difficult to do since you have to adjust for a lot of confounding variables, otherwise you just end up measuring how well nourished each population is and other such lifestyle differences.

Keep trying, cap-cuckie.

What do sand niggers know about making games?

based weeb prince

>Buying a comoany that flopped twice
>Not buying a relevant company like Bamco or Squareenix to set those nigger Japs straight
Not based

>The DOTA 2 cartoon was funded by a Saudi Prince as well
Yeah and it was absolute garbage

sportswasahing worked, now its time for animewashing and videogameswashing

based oilers

>Implying he could buy them
>Implying he wants to buy them

The chad MBS
The cucked Uncle Phil

Attached: I love Phil's safe space.png (722x719, 243.59K)

>women and pajeets take over
>every studio in turmoil with half finished products and terrible microtransactions all stapled with a F2P service


Better than being bought out by a western company

KOF bros we keep winning...

Why did KOF become so popular over the past few years? They're even doing free DLC now.

Why would someone likes Capcom cry? He also have Capcom shares.

All their games sell way past 10K, even KOF XIV outsold Stranny, Samsho7 was profitable even from preorders and KOF XV is the biggest release in SNK's history.

Next year we're getting MS8, and i don't think a bigger budget would make a difference since they already were going to support KOF XV for years.

Samsho7 sold 40k on it's first weekend. KOF XIV sold close to a million units. XIV...

It didn't, it's the biggest success in the history of SNK. It easily blows the last two KOF games out of the water.

>try to cover up Mai

>still makes her look hot

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