Time to face the music Yea Forums, you were lead by the nose and memed by outsourced PR peasants to believe that this “game” was going to be something. Not only was Alloy made to be “mangelia” but the game itself was a hack, cut and paste snorefest with virtue signaling all around.
Horizon: Forbidden Failure – Of biblical proportions
Yea Forums hates this game. Reddit tourists love it
>Yea Forums
this guy is a reddit tourist
Well.. considering how it was a typical hypocritical bullshit fest from Sony of America, you know things went wrong when they had an outburst from their pet funded Gorilla games then all of a sudden went dark. Like you don’t see promotion for the game, hear about the game or anything of the sort.
>owning a gaystaion after 2
Is that Avocado Joe?
I just died from all the memes about the game. Who actually thought that having any character look like that was going to fly or be okay to promote… where they serious? This was a million times worse than the memes for uh.. Andromeda. The face is tired nonsense? Good stuff
Game sold well and it's the #1 game being played among my normie PS5-owning friends on PSN. You can pretend it's a failure as long as you don't skip your meds
no its not. It didn't even break a quarter of a million games and was so bad currently on steam they are promoting the original game. Complete with her glamor shots and make up. LMAO. you can make this up.
The game wasn’t flattering that’s for sure. It was just more of the same, considering how they did a full U-turn on her design then made her attempt to be human. Then put her back in make up and everything else to ‘appear’ normal. They stated that they didn’t want her to not to be taken seriously so they toned down the glamor…
> girl team created the project
> girl. Team.
And in the nature of a super woke woman, no women characters can be viewed as beatful, only how they act. Which has cost companies millions but the old sayings of get woke go broke is still alive and well it seems
Well i mean its not like your paid to spread lies or have little fake conversations. You're a honest stand up person. Please, tell me where i can buy 2 copies of your puppet show.
I think it all may have begin here.....
to be 100% honest the game itself wasn't bad or good to any real note. It was just... there. Like something you would get for free on the PSN network then forgotten about in the week. I think they simply marketed the game wrong from the gate. Now everyone looks like fools now.
It's another Ubisoft open world game. Nobody had any expectations.
I have no idea what mangelia means.
All I know is aloy is ugly and the people in her game never stop talking. Sony can call me when they make a real "fighting robot dinosaurs" game.
The game is on steam currently and is "trending" at "number 2" for the best selling slot. How true this is considering scores and spots can be brought.
>last of us 2
its totally a bunch of baloney. and as you say, she's pretty again.. or something, (was a 4/10 on tinder desu from day one).
you wrote all of that as if anyone cares about your opinion OP.
You mean that a console with an install base the size of the remaining population of galapogos giant tortoises is desperate for shit to play on their FOMO box? Shocking.
The last couple of months has been pretty stacked dude I only just started Elden Ring
Attempting to do crap like this..
Is what caused the game to be a target probably. Not sure why they would want to make a game a social talking point for talking heads. There's so many good female protags in entertainment and media. I'm not sure as to why she needed to be placed on a pedestal. If sex is bad, Disney wouldn't own alot of the dating apps through 3rd party companies.
not really
>Not sure why they would want to make a game a social talking point for talking heads.
I wonder if they were just trying to stir up controversy because it was the only way to get people to talk about this game at all, good or bad.
glad you care? Don't care? sure.
For some reason I get the impression that OP doesn't like Horizon lads
>the people in her game never stop talking
I was listening to the E3 presentations last year while I was at work, so I didn't have the visuals to be distracted by, and my big takeaway was how retard-proof modern games are designed to be. I was like "holy shit, shut the fuck up" during the Guardians of the Galaxy demo. They literally don't stop talking for more than 10 seconds. Video games have basically become a safety net for people who can't hack it as real screenwriters.
I have moot on speed dial. Want me to buy you several burner phones so you can call and complain? He may just think all phones are actual people, when in reality its you, cluck-o and a expired jar of peanut butter.
Or get the landwhale to do it.
They did that with "HATRED" and GTA a few years back. It wasn't a "this is bad lets talk" thing, from playing the game (the 1hr that i watch) you can tell it was crated to be a female leaning adventure story. nothing attractive about alloy but she's going to win the world with her determined personality and spirit. IE how a woman would talk to her fat friend.
>80% of the PlayStation user base are faggots.
Looking at the state of Yea Forums I believe it.
>not sure why you would try to market your game
you're not the brightest, are you? we've also had other gaming whores on magazine covers before, did you also piss and shit your pants over that? oh wait, you probably weren't born yet
>the only way to get people to talk about this game at all
dunno about that, it sure seems to live rent free in Yea Forumss head alright
HFW is literally GOTY
>you're not the brightest, are you? we've also had other gaming whores on magazine covers before
Never to push an agenda though like they do today. she was meant to be a STUNNING and BRAVE female character. the article itself was even on the nose and in your face about it.
>Why did [company] try to hype up their thing???
You really need to stop overthinking dude. Sony paid a magazine to put her on the cover. They've done it before they'll do it again
hmm, no, that means it would actually need to sell first. They probably wanted to quiet the game down alot to cover up its failure then do a big steam PC release with it out with extra bits to recope the losses. Like how a movie flops but sells well on DVD or streaming services.
Yeah, and was it a empowerment article or was it... you know, just a game add. Get over yourself. They didn't give fathering tips in that issue. I recall reading it while stuck at my crappy part time job years ago.
Stacked with multiplats. Sony can't afford to go full PS5, because nobody can get them, unless they get lucky, or want to spread their cheeks for scalpers.
This was an attempt at attempting to pull in 'female gamers' to the ps5 and install base. It failed dramatically, because we know that girls never have and never will give a rats ass about gaming as a whole.
They only complaina bout it because the girls on the screen are more attractive than they are. "unrealistic" they say
This dude here actually reading Vanity Fair kek
I really wish that they would have redesigned her stupid fucking hair. It's like a pompadour mixed with white girl dreadlocks, and it emphasizes her disgusting fat face.
It's time to face the music that your an obsessed little faggot whose addicted to shitposting
its a story that writes itself. Why does this thread exist?
I played the original, so yes I know its overrated shit. Seriously how the fuck did this get rec for game of the year? Its like a open world thats super fucking lazy in every aspect. Why the fuck do people continue to praise the shit out of the story. No seriously someone please fucking explain why the story is so "good"? It was literally just big secret past slowly revealed and half of it was easily predictable.
>Why are there big fucking robots?
prob humans made them
>why did past humans get wiped out?
prob the big robots everywhere
>why did the robots wipe out the humans?
probably war usage or malfunction
>why are the bad guys targeting aloy?
game keeps telling us she's super special
Aloy has retard ass character development as well, where she fumes over "who am I" and "why am I an outcast" then easily gets accepted by her bigot tribe when she saves them and gets over being a clone 2 minutes later. Seriously horizon fans, fucking explain why this damn story is good.
Still trying to force this?
? What do you mean?
because it isn't?
I'm so glad that Elon Musk is taking over Twitter. It's basically been MegaResetera for years now, and a bunch of faggots and commies agreeing with each other nonstop tricked so many corporations that this what people wanted.
>resorting to ad hominem
Kinda cringe, desu.
I think that it isn't malicious intentions, its just incredibly bad design. Take a copy of this picture out on the street to any person 15-25 and ask them what do they think after seeing it for 5 seconds.
They released the first one against Breath of the Wild, and then this one against Elden Ring. Sony's not very bright.
Exactamundo. The ps5 experience are multiplat games and they only have like... 3 first party titles over the course of the year? and they aren't even block busters?
I hate AAA console gaming because they no longer take risks and try new things. They want big returns fast as possible. This leads to stagnation.
To be fair Elden Ring was supposed to come out in January
The over dose of wokeness didn't help any. Games have still sold well enough during the windows of BOTW and Elden.. its just that Sony are fucking idiots. They should have had their best foot forward if they knew they were going to the "play offs" of AAA titles to sell that quarter. Instead we get bacon woman.
Game is fun. Tendies seem extra upset about it lol.
It looks so natty and dirty too.
and yet nintendogaf logged more hours in horizon threads then they did in kirby and the 3 hour forgotten game. KEK
I think there's just cultural stagnation in general going on. Video games, comic books, movies, fucking tabletop games, you name it, everything is in this weird holding pattern with perpetually diminishing returns because everyone's too chickenshit to take a risk. It's why I appreciated Dune.
If it weren't for Smash Bros, Kirby would be Nintendo's Parappa the Rapper or Jak and Daxter or some shit.
Don't be such a noob. Keep the pig on a muzzle in stead of making messes and such issues wouldn't have existed. Or you know... just leave the board 2, 3, 4, even up to 100 times. Or was that a lie.. or that a lie... ? Too many lies!
I'm on a horse
NANI?! She looks like a human and has perfect teeth?! A woman can't look THIS good in a vidia guame! what is this.. 192000?
are you ok...?
the question you should be asking is...
dune was totally before alot of our times but was a good.. universe you could call it? Seminal science fiction a lit teacher once told us. I thought it was about the middle east or something lol.
>devs make fun out of Elden Ring ""UX""
>the next patch they add animation skip on collecting items like in Elden Ring
"game is fun"
its a clone of any 3rd person SONY the FIRST PARTY game experience. Played one, played them all. only at sony would they spend development dollars to ensure all the women look like sub human mutts then worry about the actual game's development.
I don't even really mean Dune as a franchise, but the movie itself. You can just look at it, and see all the money spent on the screen. Compare it visually to the latest Marvel schlock. I don't have a lot of love for Warner after they called me an asshole via Toonami for not liking BLM rioters, but I will admit that I'm impressed that they were willing to take such an expensive chance on a cult sci-fi book series that's been considered borderline unfilmable for decades, and most normies associate with the Lynch version that even he himself has disowned. It's practically a modern Lord of the Rings, in that regard.
yup this tendie is seething