Why has nobody combined tactical shooter + anime girls? It seems like such an obvious moneymaking opportunity.
Why has nobody combined tactical shooter + anime girls? It seems like such an obvious moneymaking opportunity
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Japs are the only ones who would make such a game and they're incapable of making good shooters outside of a few indie titles. The Citadel and its upcoming sequel might scratch this itch but it's not really the same aesthetic as what you want. Also has guro which I know is what you really want.
Nips can't make games that aren't spreadsheet sims.
That's what the second season of Sword Art Omline was all about tho
Oh hey its this thread again. I agree really.
No I will not learn Japanese to play a turn based tactic game
Easier to count on Korea to do it. I miss Gunz.
How can you go from the god-tier aesthetic and design of the first game to this trash
By losing most of their artists
Girls Frontline 2 is planned to release globally.
I think it looks pretty still and this time around it will have a consistent aesthetic due to 3D over some art looking real "funky" because of countless guest artists.
Making a Battlefield/Mechwarrior anime shootem with 64-256 players would be a pretty cool feat. However what is the audience for that? Anime games don't really sell well still, as well as retards thinking because it's cel-shaded or anime like that it's a cartoon or for coomers.
It'll never happen unless we get mod tools for frostbite or another engine that is capable of at least the basics.
> this time around it will have a consistent aesthetic due to copy pasted bodies
isn't this just Girls Frontline?
Anyway if guro is a concern make it a simulation or make the girls a personification (ala... girls frontline)
If they were all naked this might be an issue yes.
GFL is gachashit that takes itself way too seriously and unironically has a story and setting far too complex for the medium in which it's being told. The story is conveyed entirely through WORDS WORDS WORDS in the worst VN format you can imagine where occasionally a character's facial art might change every 3 slides.
because it only appeals to ironic weebs
too complicated for your smoovebrain?
just kidding I have no idea and it's always acceptable to mock gacha shit. If what you want is a real shooter, idk make the set up that it's digital wargames, or paintball/airsoft
TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children?
>GFL is gachashit that takes itself way too seriously and unironically has a story and setting far too complex for the medium in which it's being told.
Hey I like it for taking it self seriously and not just going kawaii desu route
>anime ugu face
>realistic everything else
Japanese are hacks
It's already an issue because it's incredibly obvious even in where you can see that everyone has the exact same outfit with palette swaps and the big-tittied girls have the same textures stretched over a bigger area which looks like shit.
Only differences otherwise are slightly different accessories eg. the girl on the right having cat ears in front of the headset and the second girl having two compartment pouches on her belly instead of one.
Nippon fucking hates action games with "tactical" elements, they want them to be much more twitchy and impulse-oriented, and and their tactical games have decent tresholds to get into: You'll never see an accessible tactix gaem like XCOM from the Land of the Rising Sun for example.
Which is a shame really, because desu I love The Division 2 and I think that kind of cover shootan+skills/abillites+coop orientation would be fucking GotY if mixed with, say, a GFL aesthethic (a game Div2 has had crossover events with, btw)?
Dutchko is a gook though
Heh you know what a uniform is? Worry not though.
theres Peripeteia but its kind of a huge mess of a design.
So more like this?
I want to like this but it needs several bottles of polish before it's even remotely ready.
>muh realism
I don't give a fuck, GFL didn't do this and it's one of the reasons it had such nice art, seeing copy pasted character models in 2 is incredibly sloppy by comparison.
Duty best faction & best girl
Bandit delinquent gf would be crazy in the sack
yeah, but they are making that frontline xcom like game
the problem is that stylistically it wants to be anime, cyberpunk AND slav grungee all at the same time, it also wants to be deus ex, stalker misery and EYE.
You can swap outfits, it's just they all have a basic bitch "realistic" one as well in addition to wacky anime stuff.
>Anyway if guro is a concern
It isn't.
I dont know why you are chimping out, they all have uniforms and unique clothing.
GF2 is XCOM, not an FPS/TPS.
Why do GFL2's designs look more like Honkai characters than GFL characters?
Glad he's going all-out in the sequel
Kill them all and cum on my AS VAL
I want to fuck Monolith in front of Clear Sky (They used to be friends)
Does every character have a unique outfit? Are they free? If so that's good then, early footage had straight up copy paste character models with no differences at all so it left a bad impression.
Truly the gaming auteur we need.
Nobody wants to see anime girls get shot
Cartoony or realistic, why would you want to shoot them?
>Are they free?
You will roll the gacha and you will be happy
Yes but even anime aesthetic for war games in general with guns and shit is rare so I'll take it.
Because they're women and I fucking hate them.
Speak for yourself
It's so bizarre because you look at Overwatch, Apex Legends, and Valorant and it's all just Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese people. If a shooter game with such ugly fucking character designs can attract Asians that well, imagine how much better a game would be with cute anime girls.
I mean, for fuck's sake, JRPGs are some of the shittiest games I've ever played, yet the anime girls alone keep the genre afloat.
I've fucked up with the second pic
whats weird is that he isn't a guro artist
Monolith-chan a cute
I want that the developers of the EDF series to make a Rainbow Six game.
Oh please, don't buy that bullshit. He's in denial.
Only other one I know of, off the top of my head, is
I bet she stinks like crazy.
The sequel can't come soon enough.