Keep liking bad girls

Keep liking bad girls.

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disgusting thot

>l2d trash
an hero.

You want the good girl
But you need the bad poosy

Don't worry I will

bad at being bad works for me

omg... she is so attractive...

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Thanks I will

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They can be cute :3

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I remember liking Petrine when I played 9 ages ago

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I don't like bad girls. I like malevolent women that are obssessed with being a mother again.

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>big titties
yeah she's based

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Super cute.

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hey look it's the vidya butts thread girl

Shes cute post more

why like bad girls when good girls are so adorable?

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I didn't need your permission

That undulating "animation" looks fucking awful, people who make it and like it should be beaten to death for having such low standards.


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I will, thanks

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based ham

WHAT??.... do you think she is attractive too...??? Omg isn't she sooooo attractive...? Omg... can you please say that she is sooooooooo attractive??

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>Nintendo inserts debt slavery in service to an evil lady in their family friendly rpg platformer
What did they mean by this

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yes i like bad girls, especially if they're petite and flat, a little tsun

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>Best girl has been with franchise since its inception
>Keeps getting pushed to the sidelines in favor of a bunch of new zoomer brats

Oboro is cute and NOT old!

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You got it boss

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Who is the nicest, sweetest girl in video games?

I remember thinking a variation of "I can fix her" when I was 8. Good times

Someone needs to make one those image lists of all the video games where you can get with bad girls in them. I guess I'll have to make it if no one else does

evil hags

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Cleveland from Azur Lane.


Anyone remember pic related?

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psi-ops was a very long time ago, friend.

Man I adore Loly

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>female enemy
>more bullet resistant than male soldiers
>less resistant to knife attacks

What did they mean by that?

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Oh man thank you. This makes my heart happy. I never played this game but looking at the quotes she tells you she will listen to your problems when you're not even friends yet, just adorable

I've noticed that the vast majority of evil chicks wear purple, and/or red theme clothes. Some have purple or red eyes, for example. Is this some kind of identifying mark? I'm sure you all feel the same way, that when you see a girl with purple/red coloring, a light goes on in your head that this is probably a bad chick. Fascinating, on the psychological side.

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solid ps2 game. Loved it to death. never found the secret weapons though

She's such a sweetheart.

Belly wound clutch animation.

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Maybe Naotora Li? I haven't played Samurai Warriors, but I remember her from DOA 5 LR, where she literally apologizes to you for beating you, and she's very cute while doing it.
Honoka from DOA and Sophitia from Soulcalibur could also qualify

>Gap moe
>That one singular moment when the facade crumbles
>Dork factor
>Dom factor

>Evil girl can be redeemed from sadistic anhedonia with the power of love and a literal mindfuck

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black rose?

Lobotomy Corporation Binah to Library of Ruina Binah

sounds familiar...

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Look like another korean villian character who was redeemed with the power of love and a mind fuck(Amnesia)

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>she literally apologizes to you for beating you
That's genuinely adorable.
>Honoka from DOA and Sophitia from Soulcalibur could also qualify
If you don't mind, can you tell me something about them too?

Have you noticed ecological products are usually green?

never happened for this faggot and he was better for it

"There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands,
There is none who seeks for God; All have turned aside, together they have become useless;
There is none who does good,
There is not even one."
"Their throat is an open grave,
With their tongues they keep deceiving,"
"The poison of asps is under their lips";
“Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness";
"Their feet are swift to shed blood, Destruction and misery are in their paths,And the path of peace they have not known."
"There is no fear of God before their eyes."

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how many of you just want to fuck evil women instead of fixing them?

I don't want to fix them, I want them to break me.

lmao if you're browsing Yea Forums you should worry about fixing yourself before thinking about fixing anyone else
Of course I wanna fuck

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But bad girls don't like me.
I want to be an evil woman's prince!