How do you faggots play video games before work?

How do you faggots play video games before work?

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Work in the afternoon

>night shift
dedicate my time gaming when in the mood after I get back home.


Just wake up earlier lmao

Get a real job and you can play games during

I work from 3pm till 11pm so I just stay up untill 6am and then do whatever errands I need on my weekend.

I play before, or during, or after.
Today I worked 2 hours and played for 4 during work from home.
Customer service or works where you interact with people are the worst unless your coworkers are nice, I don't miss them.

Just sleep less and work half assed until they kick you, who cares, you still get paid and you look for another job when you're young.

Unless you're making an insane amount of money you should prioritize less stressful jobs and less amount of hours over money when you're young. You might want to get more money after you're 30 but for now just save some and quit when it's too much or look for another. Or invest if you're smart enough but that's unlikely.

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I don't work, I've been a NEET for 7 years

I work at a warehouse where I make about 27$ Canadian and in 2 more years ill be making 29$. I never do overtime and my pay comes to about 3k a month after tax. I also live with my folks so rent is cheap, although I dont buy real food and just buy sandwiches at the store on my way to work so I spend like 20$ a day on food alone.

Really? I sometimes wonder if people are actually serious sometimes. How haven't you killed yourself yet? You've tried before right? It's such a miserable way of life.

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I start work at 6 am and get off at 2 PM. I’m awake at 5 am, gym at 2:30 vidya games/Fun time until 9:30 PM, bed by 10 PM

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That is honestly not bad at all and unless your parents are cunt, you're doing great saving on money. Just use it on essentials or save it on bank interests or invest 25% of it if you're feeling savvy but otherwise don't beat yourself too much man. Millions of people have been on worse shoes. Minimum wage is 9 or 7 bucks an hour and thirld world countries I can assure you work an entire day of work for 5 american dollars. So, don't beat yourself up.

I genuinely miss living with my dad because he teached me a lot of things to fix or just talking to him was at least less lonely than alone but with money.

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Yeah it's pretty sad

I have Asperger's syndrome, I've been an outcast since I was a kid. I like this quote from Aristotle:
>He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.

I've been a depressed NEET for almost 2 years and doing it for 7 sounds fucking terrifying. I'm already suicidal now. Can't imagine how it'd feel to look back at my life after 7 years of sitting on my ass and wasting my life consooming media.

Maybe I should finally find a psychiatrist

Don’t kill yourself over being unemployed. As long as you keep yourself productive you have no reason to have self hate or doubt yourself. As long as you are trying to grow as an adult, things will work out for you. Not everyone is cut out to be in the workforce. Honestly would rather have people who didn’t want to work stay the fuck away from my job because I’m constantly trying to get these fucking clowns to do their jobs

i'm sure, you retarded beast.

i play during work since i work from home. i also fap during work too.

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It's an easier adjustment when you spent all of your school years living roughly the same lifestyle prior to becoming one. I imagine it would be hell for anyone who had a normal life.

>i also fap during work too.
I don't work from home, though.


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I only work 5 1/2 hour days and that doesn't begin til 12:30 plus I work from home so I can play before and depending on the workload I can play as I work.

I play after work because I work mornings. I can see someone doing that if they work swing or nights.

I dont work lol

I don't have mental retardation, my eccentric ways mean I am despised by others.

it's either that or wageslaving for rich people, pick one. You might be broke or financially stable but either way you're miserable and broken, and it's going to be that way for the rest of your life. I remember being a happy go lucky optimistic kid in college and literally 2 years later I'm the complete opposite as soon as I got into blue collar work.

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>wake up 7:30
>shower ends before 8
>play vidya till 9
>eat breakfast
>play vidya till 11
>go to work
The only reason i go to work is to afford what little sanity i have left.

The moment i get bored of somthing to be at a loss i start to feel the grip of existential dread tightening. Time for another game/project.

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>I remember being a happy go lucky optimistic kid in college
I was blackpilled before I started college. How'd you stay happy for so long?

I play Elden Ring for at least 4 hours while I'm at "work". Covid which brought on work from home is one of the best things to happen to my life.

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t. beast

I had a shit life which contributed heavily to my current mental state and I have been a hikikomori depressed shut-in for a while

I managed to find friends when I was a teenager, but I never truly "made" it. Never dated, never did crazy cool stuff. I withdrew from life when I was 17 and everyone just kind of forgot about me.

Maybe things are meant to be this way. People urged me to find help, but I feel that now it's too late. Sounds horrible having to make myself "normal" to fit into the world. Can't even go outside without looking and feeling like a complete schitzo

>it's either that or wageslaving for rich people, pick one
The fact that you think life only has two options is very depressing. Something is wrong with your brain, man.

>Covid which brought on work from home is one of the best things to happen to my life.
Sucks for everyone else, but my life is literally the best it's ever been right now.
Bless you, Corona-chan!

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You want to invest as young as possible though

Best to front load it


I think it almost always happens in school years. I remember thinking "I just have to go to this shit school for 4 more years and then I'm in the clear" but having to live like that for so long while your brain is still developing causes so much damage mentally that it leaves a mark on you even after you move into the real world.

I don't, I start work at 5 AM. But at least there's plenty of time after.

day shift is hell
night shift sounds like a good idea but it absolutely isn't. Shit's a death trap that will durably fuck up your health, your sleep, your mental, and any attempts at having somewhat of a social life, even loners will suffer from it in some way.
morning shift is truly based. you get to maintain a healthy sleep schedule and have every single one of your afternoons free for you to enjoy

I'm salaried so I work whenever the fuck I want

I work at 3 pm, leaving the morning entirely free

I have no plan for the future as i cant think of a job id be happy to be in debt for the rest of my life to persue, its kinda scary not knowing. Part of me iscon tge idea that ill work any easy job for years as long as it finances me being able to play vidya and not live in the boons.

Ill be doing this till im 80 i bet.

>finish whatever i have to do in the morning
>if its a big project, grind my ass out for a week then do nothing the rest of the month
>play lots of vidya
>pirate all my games
>save up 90% so i can retire at like 45, the other 10% goes to my tequila fund
Being a thirdie has its perks, you dont have "folks" that kick you out at 18, you got "Familia" who will insist on you staying at least until you get married and/or turn 35, for them just having a degree and a job is enough to feel proud.

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Work? No thanks.
I freelance and live with my parents rent free.

Was different for me. I'm surprised I got through school. I planned to kill myself before the end of several summer holidays lol. Surprised I didn't drop out in the end.

Being a wild man like Enkidu sounds better than being a domesticated slave

I play them AT work with my coworker b/f

I'm a neet. I literally can't see myself working steady because I wouldn't be able to play videogames. I don't know how you people do it

You can also inherit a family fortune or win the lottery
>Dude just start your own business
Most don't have the capital or the ambition. Even those that do will often decide the risk isn't worth it

Where the FUCK did this cuck mentality or idea that being a NEET or not working means you're a loser? The whole point of this rat race we call adult life is to get enough money so we dont have to work in the first place asap.

People obviously HATE work which is why they beg for weekend/friday to come while despising monday and having to wake up in the every morning for commute. Why do we shit on people for not doing what everyone else hates doing in the first place?

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$20 says the vast majority of womin dont work nights.

Were born into this life alone and into death we shall go just the same.

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I work from home. With an hour lunch, I can eat a casual meal and still have 45 minutes to play before I have to log back in. The other day the system was down so I got paid to play Elden Ring for about 90 minutes.

I work from home and just do whatever I want all day. Still got a big raise and bonus this year.

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My parents asked me for ages what I want to be or do or what I want to study and I never had a concrete answer. The distress on their face is unforgettable

always one of you annoying trustfund college faggots

I play them after I'm done with work.

>investing in recession

I play them at work.

If it wasn't illegal in my country to drop out of school I would have left after learning how to read, write and count and worked for peanuts until I could get a real job.

>civil engineer
>waiting for plats, material submittals to come in
>spend 30 minutes in CAD
>spend 7.5 hours playing video games during utility operation hours
It's that easy.

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because SOMEONE has to be the cattle that stocks the shelves and merchants need to make it appealing to sign your life away.

Is a security guard a good career? Sounds comfy sitting in a booth watching cameras, eating donuts and playing vidya all night.

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ok niggers where do i get an epic work from home job
Don't say go to college

Uhh because they're seething over the fact someone else is able to get by with a fairly normal life (without being homeless or anything like that) without having to work like they do?

Not at all. Slaves bathe.


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"Before"? Dude i played videogames at work. I took fake bathroom breaks to go hunt Tigrex in portable 3rd every day

Because those of us who cant afford it have the weight of their absent work loaded onto our shoulders

Try a call center.

I bathe, yet I am not a slave to the world, to money, to anyone.

I did it for 2 years in college and the pay was shit. A couple dollars more than minimum wage. Got to play my 3ds a lot at least in between patrols.

get into gamedev and nft (Serious)

There is something wrong with your head

If you're a NEET because you managed to win big via business or smart investments, it's fine because you earned it. Hell, even an inheritance or lottery are fine because you were blessed by luck.
If you're a NEET because you leech your parents or rob the government, then you're a loser whose situation is worse than a baby's because you can't survive on your own.

Programmer bros how we feeling?

I went from spending a whole month doing jack shit to being in charge of wrapping up a project.
I just want to do nothing again bros...

>I bathe
I disagree

>Covid which brought on work from home is one of the best things to happen to my life.
Fucking this. I'd still be putting on pants like a chump every morning if not for based Corona-chan.

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You're a slave to your mental illness.

The flesh is always ailing and always waging war against the mind, which is divine.

I work for a Reverse Logistics company, mostly cold calling depending on the day it may be hospitals, heart monitor patients, ATT internet customers, it varies. Not great pay so no degree required.

My fiance is the primary bread winner and that works for me.

I set up basic bitch idle games in the background while I work then at the end of my shift I close the software and launch tf2. I will never be free from video game addiction but I have tempered it so I can keep my life on track and not be homeless.

Lol wagie
The incoming robowaifus will make better tendies than you

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If I invested like a thousand bucks into crypto in like 2015, I'd be set for life by now

there's no point nowadays, is there???

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I don't see the point in dying earlier than I have to. Not like I'm going to have to live for thousands of years, may as well just ride the wave until it crashes.

Startups, my man.
Worked tech support for a startup, and I literally just watched movies or worked on my music production while dodging the queue.
If I got queue-locked, I'd just go into the bathroom and fuck around on Bejeweled for 90 minutes or so and then come back. By that time, I'm in the back of the queue again.

But seriously, go to school. It's leverage so you can get into comfytown jobs.

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I play video games during work haha. wfh bros where you at?

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I wanted to be an architect once, the shallowness of that dream comes at you fast.

When you wake up from it its like you lose all momentum.

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I never understood that "baw I only have 4 and a half hours of free time before I have to go wagecuck, I can't enjoy gaming" thing. I just play for like 45 minutes before work and have an alarm set for when I need to stop what I'm doing and go get ready so I'm not late or something.

Night shift isn't bad at all if you just stick to a good sleep schedule. I've been doing nights regularly for over 4 years now and sleeping in the morning and early afternoon has always worked perfectly for me. Get plenty of sleep, I get to see the sun, I'm awake during like bank hours and shit. I do my job at the end of my "day" rather than the start of it though which might be weird for some people though.

I think it's really just the people who sleep during the day and evening that don't do well on night shifts really.

you work you lose
neet gang for life

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What kind of project are we talking?

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my state had community colleges give away certificate-level education for free, most likely to rush people into well-paying industries to save our economy from crumbling
i got my cert but have had no luck landing a job after a good few months of applying
i'd even put up with an office to break through the entry level wall

Leech from your parents is bad but not robbing from the government. The government (literally all of them) constantly misuse and overspend tax payer money as well as engage is blatant bribery and corruption.

What do you propose then, short of cutting yourself from society and loving off the grid?

>be autistic as fuck
>nobody wants to hire me
>get loads of dosh and pills each month

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Yea Forums is an Ayeka board, fgt

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I had a normal healthy life but eventually developped mental illnesses for which I did not find enough help (despite many attempts).
Eventually lost job and most social networks. Currently supported by somebody who is tired of my existence being this miserable (which I fully understand). I try to do stuff at home and mostly avoid gaming during the day in order to try and become active again.
It's been 3 years. Mental illnesses aren't improving. I've steered clear of suicide attempts for the most part but 1-5% of the days get veeeery close to it (like today).

Yeah it's weird to have been making 6 figures with a healthy social life and then this.

is that supposed to be an impressive pic related?

I work remote and on my own timetable.

I don't understand why NEETs promote and vote for right wing politicians and political parties.
NEETbux is a socialist thing and a radical right wing government would immediately cut what is money wasted on "useless mouths".

Currently work for a Call Center at Home
You have time to occasionally browse Yea Forums or play a game that doesn't require a lot of attention, but you need to be ready to answer a call when one comes in, so you can't do anything that requires any type of commitment or large amounts of attention
You also REALLY have to like talking with people, or at least dealing with 30+ people or more a day
I made the mistake of looking at the convenience of working from home without realizing how much I hate dealing with people

WFH bro checking in: Same. Feels blessed, bros.

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(You) can’t if you have to ask the question

Automatizated almost all my work on my wfh work and didn't tell anyone. I actually work at most 1-2 hours of my 9:30 hours day, I just spent all my time shitposting on Yea Forums and playing vidya.

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Just WFH and play videogames during work, duh.

Economically I'm left leaning, but socially I'm right leaning. I won't be voting left until the rainbow flag cult gives the democratic party back to sae people.

I write smut.

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How is it not? Not him but kinda jelly that he gets to sit around and collect gibs

Oh I'm not here to help you.

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How do Autisumbux works if you're working?
Or is it if you're unemployed?
I feel like I have Autism to a degree and would love to give the Payments to my Parents for dealing with my stupid ass

Because NEETs are uneducated morons.
The entire right demographic consists of people who not only vote against their own interests, but brag about it and base their entire identities around it.

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if you invest right now in some obscure shit you will be set for life in some years
it's almost impossible to actually know what's that obscure shit

boy, i sure do love working at a restaurant and practically being on call every day

Dealing with lots of people in a day can get absolutely exhausting.
For about a year I worked at the library of a very active college handling various issues beyond just books (3d printers, library computer access, etc) and on average I had to interact with 100-150 people per day. On busy days (registering student cards etc) it would be up to 300 different people in a day. I was always sick and always tired, no matter how much I slept and how careful I was with my health.

Just make some shitty porn game on patreon. Coomers will play anything and you get money

honestly as a teen when I first watched tenchi I didn't like her. but the older I get the more she grows on me. I really like the space princess aesthetic even if she is a bit bitchy at times

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People are fucking faggots.

this is only if you are a daytime person
if you are a night person like me, morning shift is fucking hell, you become ultradependant on coffee and feel tired all day
i feel way better during night shift, dont even need coffee

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Take the CWC pill and make your own online webcomic and become internet famous while you're at it.

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I refuse to pay taxes to pedophiles. Therefore I do not work.

You just don't have an answer. 99.999% of humanity will be live a mediocre life as a slave, simply earning their living and keeping warm. Luck is the only thing that matters.

The existing status quo brought them to where they are today, so they lean in the total opposite direction in hopes it will unfuck everything and give them a new lease on life.

i feel like such a cuck slave going to work
not even work from home so im double cucked

so you don't buy food?

I was a neet for a year and was really fucked up, I needed to do something, it was driving me insane, 2 years sounds horrible, 7 years? That sounds like fucking torture.

Its really interesting honestly, we as humans need to do something in our lifes, this is something that has been studied and is also the reason why we are so advanced as a species compared to other animals.

Crazy how not doing anything is against our nature, neets are fucked

I work late nights so I can carve out about 2 hours a day for vidya. My work can’t find anyone for that dreaded slot so I can do a half assed job and still get a guaranteed 40 hours week after week. It cost me my mornings but I don’t have kids, so why wake up before 9:00?