Capcom is the best developer currently. No other developer has pumped out a higher amount of quality titles, nor has any been able to match the range and variety of said titles. In a sea of status quo and movie games, only Capcom stands out.
Capcom is the best developer currently. No other developer has pumped out a higher amount of quality titles...
Other urls found in this thread:
is this the thread for delusional faggots?
They are SJW cunts
>Capcom is the best developer currently. No other developer has pumped out a higher amount of quality titles, nor has any been able to match the range and variety of said titles. In a sea of status quo and movie games, only Capcom stands out.
The icing on the cake was them posting from a phone with megaman
Not seeing another dev named in that post.
/mmg/ is truly awful. Most of them have not even played any of the mainline megaman games. It's a gacha thread with unironic inti fanboys.
Inafune had a huge hand in the Classic and especially the X series. Any discussion of Megaman or of him is inevitably going to gravitate to what he's doing now, which is helping direct Inti's games.
>Most of them have not even played any of the mainline megaman games
I don't think even you believe that
I know it to be true for certain. 90% of discussion is x dive. It's just gacha schizos, no video game discussion to be had there. If you like megaman it is the absolute worst place you could go.
The general has been playing megaman games for almost 2 years you lying faggot. I've been watching their streams.
user, no... don't let him find out about our jobber streams...
The general was linked in this very thread. I am looking at it right now and it sure doesn't seem very megaman in there. Perhaps you should take your meds.
XDIVE is not Mega Man.
It's Rock Man X but that's besides the point.
/mmg/ doesn't play anything. If I ever chop my dick off and want to discuss gacha whaling and X7 lore I'll go there, otherwise I'll pass. Those retards are deranged and don't like megaman at all.
>If I ever chop my dick off
Why say something you have no possibility of doing after the first time?
Not a very good comeback. It seems gacha has rotted your brain.
I'm not the one screeching at someone over being told that what he was parroting wasn't even accurate.
Are the words you are reading in my posts having this powerful of an effect on you? Looks like the e-world outside of your hug box general is quite harmful.
2 years of jobbing but 2 years of playing
Who said it sounds powerful and not because it was sounding like faggotry?
You seem upset. If only there was a battle chip for this situation.
this looks like a shill thread, but it is true, besides fromsoftware, capcom is maybe the only major third party developer that doesn't suck these days
I am an inti fanboy, don't lump me with those gacha fags.
How would a Next Gen Megaman title would be? What kind of concepts and mechanics would you like to see in it?.
i kneel
They do not seem very good...
maybe it's just the video you picked? haha.
For classic I think they should focus on adapting megaman's art style to the RE engine without any overly quirky mechanics, just solid level design, maybe multiple characters to extend gameplay in order to justify a higher price tag, which is better than level bloat or something imo.
oh really? where is my new onimusha game then? where my new breath of fire?
replace Capcom with Inti Creates and suddenly this post is no longer bait
Should it maintain the sidescrolling level design? or try to go for the Megaman X7 3D style?
>Should it maintain the sidescrolling level design?
>or try to go for the Megaman X7 3D style?
NO. If they have to go 3D, do something akin to Legends.
>maybe multiple characters to extend gameplay in order to justify a higher price tag, which is better than level bloat or something imo.
i agree with this. The best part of classic megaman is the replayability since they are typically very well paced. More characters would be way cooler than just an overly long game. Add extra mini campaigns that are 3-4 levels that are for individual characters if you want but separate from the main game, you could even sell them as dlc.
>when their last game with any effort in it was Tatsunoko vs Capcom two generations ago
I'm still mad.
Not him, but if true, do you have any insight as to why the OSTs in the GV games aren't remotely as good as the ones in the Zero/ZX games?
Is Ippo just taking a back seat or what?
Yeah i saw the mm7 demake one and it looks like someone playing mega man for the first time in their life.
Yo, this looks neat
How often do you guys play?
They almost always were
all the OST budget is put into the idol songs. they're really good and they help sell GV's aesthetic, but you won't hear them on casual playthroughs. iX2 had a noticeably better normal OST than previous games, though.
>they're really good
Other than a couple they're not really that good
>Other than a couple they're not really that good
i disagree. lola > joule though.
pretty much all the ones in ix2 are good. I know everyone but me hates that game now, but still.
every dream dies eventually....
i actually really enjoyed ix2, only problem is that its not as good as ix1 or gv2. i liked ix1's idol songs more though (moot point since you can unlock almost all of them in ix2), but ix2 had waaay better normal music.
I get that this is a bait thread and all but
Were. Were one of the all-time greats.
>everyone hating on capcom
Meanwhile, Resident Evil and MonHun pull in record numbers and Yea Forums cries bitchmad tears. Hypocrites too because you couldn't go through catalogue without seeing a DONNA DONNAMINGO thread for like 6 months
>Resident Evil and MonHun
Reminder that Proto Man does not generally fight crime most of the time. He's mostly a scout, because it's overall more efficient to have Mega Man do most of the heavy lifting due to being the superior model.
>resident evil and monhun
How can you possibly dislike EVERY resident evil
I don't but modern RE is boring as fuck.
The remakes were extremely good though
Compared to 7 and 8 maybe. Compared to what they're remaking they're boring as fuck.