Go to Google image search

>go to Google image search
>type in your favorite game + meme
>post the first result, if your favorite game has already been posted pick the second option and so on

Attached: dogma meme.jpg (1278x990, 102.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: file.png (600x479, 313.57K)

Was expecting better.

Attached: csixoulxk6011.jpg (565x960, 127.46K)

Attached: Shikigetscultured.png (1422x799, 1.3M)

You'll never guess.

Attached: 222.png (680x301, 110.96K)

Attached: 2022-04-06 (2).png (1369x711, 1.35M)

>Uses the shitty remake instead of the original

Attached: 494.jpg (541x532, 52.91K)

Attached: 0qg8a481hd531.png (1200x897, 874.37K)

Advance wars bros....

Attached: 44f.png (970x717, 578.5K)

Fucking frogs
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
What fucking abuse?

shit opinion

Attached: sonic cd.png (718x700, 405.28K)

you raped too many little girls

Attached: Dth1EH3W0AwvYwt.jpg (994x1298, 192.68K)

Attached: Kings+field+meme+number+1_a37f8d_7846724.jpg (778x675, 98.74K)


Attached: an5dnPB_460s.jpg (460x460, 45.93K)

I really hate that the only meme for this game is a Halo one. I wish Brute Force had a pc port, I just want a version with offline bots ffs.

Attached: 9.jpg (1200x1726, 132.44K)

Its shit but not as shit as i expected

Attached: 1241213223.jpg (1226x740, 131.32K)

Attached: RDR2-Memes-Feature.jpg (1700x910, 109.22K)

The meme is not even game related

Attached: azmQo4B_460s.jpg (460x368, 38.75K)

But I only post reaction images :(
I guess someone got my city range banned or hiroshimoot is trying to force me to buy passu

Attached: gayshit.jpg (500x500, 65.77K)

Attached: url(12).jpg (1904x2556, 605.04K)

this is your idea for a thread?
why not "your favorite game" + "ass"

Attached: 66422243_2527239667505188_4398520452155179008_n.jpg (720x539, 54.37K)

it's game related in the way that those are OP characters to choose for your team

Attached: 350.jpg (993x744, 252.01K)

Comix zone?

Not bad, I guess. Human player gets butthurt and shits his pants, many such cases.


Attached: warcraft.png (1250x1120, 1.46M)

No Fear

>all the memes are for Replicant or the Replicant remake despite searching Gestalt

Attached: file.png (640x620, 333.28K)

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Attached: when-videogame-characters-become-self-aware-smt-persona-for-psp_o_7036161.jpg (700x1191, 639.63K)

Me, but listening to Ashes of Dreams - New

Based Megami Ibunroku enjoyer.

Attached: 1468789013717.png (500x500, 110.74K)

Not bad

Attached: 5d8lsnn2ef861.jpg (640x256, 30.68K)

I can't, it's a FUCKING webp. How the fuck do you deactivate this shit, I can't stand it, they're everywhere.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x387, 477.15K)

right click -> copy image
paste into image processor
(or if you have 4chanx, just paste into reply window)
cucks webp

Time to replay this again.

Attached: rvpvuk2nzub21.png (800x600, 403.25K)

Just get the "Save Image as Type" extension for chrome

Fucking THANK YOU, God damn. Here it was. It's terrible.

Attached: 8a1qp3830aq01.png (445x569, 493.42K)

Attached: file.png (960x540, 308.18K)

a shitty meme, sasuga reddit

Attached: OOE-meme.png (680x719, 927.12K)

Attached: gZezoAs1r7o5O5Ok35zBnsoffRZ6pHPdjXj9VJf4Xis.png (1076x800, 97.78K)

>Typed MGS 1 meme
>Got MGS3 meme
Well then.

Attached: 86fb376694f062d801185ebcafdc870d.jpg (900x700, 74.17K)

I don't think i've seen a single person do this outside of fan games that literally say "yes we're inspired by JSR"

Attached: 891.jpg (680x680, 121.52K)

Attached: l4d2meme.png (440x945, 290.21K)

>febreze 16
What am I missing here

Loved the hell out of this game when learning it, but once you solve how to make an army and figure out the rest of the game will be just sieging the shit out of everything it became boring.

Attached: 1636770650182.png (600x600, 487.65K)

>just monhun, not rise

Attached: 9ca.jpg (439x613, 92.01K)

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x720, 445.16K)

Pretty sure its just the spray paint can counter in the corner of JSR. I don't think there's actually a deeper joke than that


So heckin wholesome.

I'm not being ironic, I actually like it

Attached: b33.jpg (2550x3506, 1.59M)

Attached: try-zoo-tycoon-2_o_2327189.jpg (640x492, 280.24K)

screenshot it nigga
windows + w for snip & sketch to crop, too


Haha this one actually cracked me up

Meant to reply to

this is the wrong game

Attached: 1627523868125.jpg (1960x3016, 375.79K)

Are you alright user

Attached: 591.jpg (1135x851, 155.21K)

Attached: what.jpg (1200x1058, 607.37K)

someone smeared this image with petroleum jelly

Attached: i hate webp.png (623x612, 437.93K)

Attached: 611[1].jpg (640x480, 43.43K)

not bad

Attached: 1BE77228-9065-4452-A5B2-75178D1782DE.jpg (1000x780, 96.14K)


But the sieges are fun as hell, and there's more to do like in one playthrough I courted a nord chick but her dad didn't approve of me so I did quests to earn his respect then he approved but then a nord alpha dude started courting her and she told me her dad was making her marry him so I challenged him to a duel for her hand and got my ass beat and went to tell her and she said that's too bad but I used my speech skill to tell her to blow him off anyway and she married me and joined my empire.

Attached: 1621874147058.png (1000x600, 348.79K)


Attached: 何.jpg (1079x1048, 466.14K)

I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit I hate reddit

Attached: SMT_Nocturne_Meme.jpg (486x960, 55.01K)


Attached: reddit shit.jpg (548x560, 29.4K)

Attached: douk rat bomb.gif (490x390, 2.35M)

man I remember when this was posted here

what a time this was

Attached: 1623141798186.jpg (800x960, 109.96K)

Attached: 518.png (700x898, 1012.01K)

>tfw had genuine chuckles for most results

Attached: ezgif-2-b62dd0b87a.gif (640x478, 3.81M)

What the fuck even is webp? Why must we be plagued with this curse?

Attached: 1e9ca44551a8ab8b83a1c3a107cc4c58.jpg (550x413, 40.99K)

some jewgle shit because they thought jpegs were too big or something

Attached: download.jpg (279x180, 11.24K)

if you copy a webp image and post it to discord it makes it a png.

Attached: dot hack morrowind.jpg (1024x578, 206.66K)

Doesn't have anything to do with what you post. Just means your ISP uses cucked IPs. I have the same problem because my IPs are on proxy blacklists

Attached: monq.jpg (686x976, 61.13K)

Attached: 2qpikn.jpg (664x500, 72.37K)

Attached: meme.jpg (600x824, 94.77K)

not the best there was but op wanted the first and im an obedient slut

Attached: n3tepklzfs421.png (424x610, 106.7K)

this shit is always giga cringe

Takes 5sec to save it to desktop, open in mspaint (should be the default program that handles it) and immediately save as png or jpeg then delete the webp one
Pretty cancer though, not sure where the extension came from, it just appeared

Attached: 1643903167184.png (372x334, 134.49K)


it's Google trying to "optimize" image filesizes