MGSV is getting a "director's cut"

Yes, Kojima Productions is involved
Beyond porting and optimized for PS5 (it is PS5 console exclusive, Sony is helping fund it. Will also release on PC), there aren't that many changes
The changes I am aware of are as follows:
>slightly improved AI, they do a better job breaching/searching interiors now
>enemy preparedness system has a new category: Tranquilizer. Use the tranqs enough, and enemies will react to tranq'd enemies the same way they do to stunned ones. At high levels, enemies will use "stims" to make them resistant to tranqs, even headshots.
>the game is still 50 missions long. Repeat missions are replaced by psuedo original missions: most are just upgraded versions of yellow side ops.
>repeat missions exist in a "challenge missions" tab. There will be multiple challenge mission versions for nearly every main mission. S ranking these unlocks new development items/weapons.
>Missions 46-50 are Kingdom of the Flies missions.
>Truth: Man who sold the world is still the ending, it is the 51st mission, but it is called mission 00.
>There are 5 new truth tapes, one between Ocelot and Kaz, one between Ocelot and Venom, one between Kaz and Venom, one between Venom and both Ocelot and Kaz at the same time, and one between Venom and the player. Beyond this, there are no significant changes or additions to the ending.
>lots of additional unlockable equipment. You can unlock the Motorcycle for example.
>Battle Gear is in, and used in one of the Kingdom of the Flies missions.
>FOBs are much more customizable than before, more types of FOB missions available than "reach the core".
>Battle Gear can eventually be upgraded to Metal Gear, and one of the FOB mission types is to infiltrate and destroy the enemy weapon, Metal Gear.

That's pretty much all I know about the game itself. It will be announced at The Game Awards, and is planned to release in April.

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It's true I work for nintendo.

Source: my ass


fake and gay

>won't add the cut content
Very fake and very gay

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why post blatant lies?

Hi dad

Caramel get ye gone

why would you do that, go on the internet and tell lies?

It's beyond ironic that 7 years after its release, people are still wailing over the lost content of a game titled "The Phantom Pain".

Holy shit, I can't believe Kojima is actually addressing all these super specific fan complaints about the game and not really adding any kind of new weird ideas like he usually does! It's like this directors cut was made by the fans themselves!

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fake and gay, but i would appreciate it

ENOUGH, its over just accept the pain and move on.

Sounds realistic enough to happen, but with the amount of fucker surrounding this shit you can never be sure.

>>Missions 46-50 are Kingdom of the Flies missions.
Learn to read

>breaching and searching interiors
kek, what interiors?

cease this at once

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I wish this is true, but let's not kid ourselves. If they did a MGSV remaster, nothing new would be added.

Please stop, you are hurting yourself more than you are hurting others.

It's been seven years. Let go.

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>Missions 46-50 are Kingdom of the Flies missions.

the lalilulelo flew over my house

You'll see


fuck off. Stop making me remember my phantom pain...


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I think MGSV is for real the last time I ever let myself get excited about a game before it was out. I learned this lesson 6 years ago and I don't think I need to relearn it.

>play MGSV: Director's Cut
>"I'm afraid it's been.. nine years."
>get off and cry myself to sleep

yeah sure
kill yourself op

Based. This was the second best game of 2015. Filtered plebs need not apply.

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Gonna post a few more screenshots because this game was too fucking good.

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The game series is dead, Autismo, just let it rest in peace already.

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Don't care.
Fool me once shame on...shame on you.
Fool me- you can't get fooled again!

Fucking hell people just can't let go, can they?

This shit AGAIN, literally NONE of you niggas apologized for Demon Edition, that shit caused heart aches, fuck off.

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Why don't you trannies just stick to your jrpgs and stfu?



>caramel hands created this thread

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2 is easily the dumbest one

k keep me updated

I would play a DC version of the game.
I really liked V, it's my third most played game.
I just wish it had more traditional style bosses and instead of being open world I wish it was hub style like GZ

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Very secret secrit:
Hayter will get his role back and the 24 bloke got thrown out.
You heard it here first.

it has the best gameplay of the entire franchise and built the foundation of all the things you like about the gameplay of MGS

2 was based and red pilled.
4 is trash.
5 is even more trash.

Honestly it's just funny to see people waste time trying to make up what would come with the new version. There's been what 9 "leaks" that have all been wrong and you're still trying. What do you gain? Attention? Surely you can just bait (You)'s by making up a brand new MGS instead.

I know these are always fake but I really wish we'd get a revamped and updated version. It was always annoying that they didn't get the fullly complete version of the story. I'm glad it came to PC and all, and big props to the whole "denuclearization" thing (though I think there needs to be an unlock for that globally if its done once per platform)., but I'd like to see some improvements and updates, finish the story properly, and all that.

>Finish the Island of the Flies mission
>take out the credits playing before and after each mission
all you need to do to take the game from a 7.5/10 to a 9/10

>breaching/searching interiors now
What interiors?

choke on cum

If I am not mistaken, you can literally go inside of every and any building you see in MGSV.

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>this made 2015 Yea Forums simp like they've never simped before

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completely false
several mudhut villages and 99% of motherbase cannot be entered

3 > 4 = 1 > 2

Every other entry in the series is shit, not canon, and should be skipped.

Sort of. There are only two particularly prominent interiors in MGSV. The first is that mansion, the second is the quarantine platform where you execute all the infect. The quarantine mission doesn't really involve stealth so it doesn't matter, so it's really just the mansion.

There are a few other "interiors" but most of them don't count for much. Like you can enter the broken down bunker in the middle of the Afghanistan Central Base Camp, but there's very little reason to ever go in there and it's pretty much all just rubble. Most of its just tiny enclosed spaces like the sleeping quarters at the electric plant, which is literally just a very tiny hallway and a small room with a few beds.

Is MGS4 still gon' be trapped in da PS3?

Leak larpers are mentally ill.

A rubbish game on a rubbish console.
A perfect match.

i won't believe it until Caramel confirms it.

Fake but I would buy it just to suffer

>have to cut or rerecord new dialogue since the characters literally reference being on PS3
its not happening

>it is PS5 console exclusive, Sony is helping fund it.
didn't even read the rest lmao

Don't see why they can't put it on PS+ as the PS3 games are all streaming

It was on PS Now streaming at some point, not sure if its gone now. Since Konami owns it they have to pay an active license to keep it there

>No mention of cut music tracks
Among other things, that's how I know this is fake. A re-release would mean Konami would need to re-license the music and that shit just isn't fucking happening.

4bros rise up