Tfw (that feeling when) a game is BERRY good

>tfw (that feeling when) a game is BERRY good

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Funny how "game" is one of the best filters to have on this board, innit

fuck off hersheys sonic poster

I hate charry picking like this
This is the last straw!

ESL here, what's the difference between berry and fruit?

All berries are fruits
Not all fruits are berries

? berry is a type of fruit
the small round ones that are usually grouped together
I'm sure you have a word for it in your language too


berries grow on bushes

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>tfw (that feeling when) a game is BEARY good

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then why does op call a strawberry a berry

Soiteens lost

>>tfw (that feeling when) a game is LEMON good

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Not always. Pumpkin is a berry

if this shit keeps up I fear this thread is going be a kino one

uh oh gemmy!!!

Strawberries are technically not berries
Bananas are though

>if this shit keeps up I fear this thread is going be a kino one

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fruitjaks are super forced and unfunny. What's the punchline? Trannyjaks, soijaks, and chuds are all way more kino.


>>>>tfw (that feeling when) a game is FINGER LICKIN' good

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When the fuck is Barry season three coming out

>fruitjaks are super forced and unfunny. What's the punchline? Trannyjaks, soijaks, and chuds are all way more kino.

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Is this a Persona 4 thread?

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>uhhhh janny, orange you going to delete this thread?

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Gem on a coallie board.

Why did evolution make fruits taste so good but make vegetables taste so bad?

never forget what we're fighting for

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Because fruits needed birds to eat their seeds so they can shit them around

any surrealist games?

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hey somebody should post a nutjak LOL


wtf is that real! :greatmosu:

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>this thread

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banana is a berry. eggplant is a berry. rasberry is not a berry

Why if they're based?

Based and cringe = coal
Keyed and locked = coal
Pampered and crinkled = gem!
Use the right terms!

>tfw a thread is COOMER SHIT
I have no face

i don't get it
i also don't understand the wojak gem /qa/ or something like that
someone spoonfeed me please

Not only was basedjak exposed as forced Reddit garbage, but people who posted are confirmed diaper fetishists and furries. When you see a onions thread, do your part and report it instead of encouraging this any further.

I like berries.

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gemmy in the catty

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soijacks are funny when they are used for benevolent shitposting as opposed to malevolent shitposting

Battle of the ridge was preaty kino, but most of pinejak lore was just a forced Lee clone

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Go back to your containment website, undesired faggots

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>hey somebody should post a nutjak LOL

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Are these the “gems” everyone talks about in these stupid threads?

Then why do tomatoes taste like vegetables?

>soijacks are funny when they are used for benevolent shitposting as opposed to malevolent shitposting

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it's ripe and rotten, coalmonger

It started out with mocking söyboys and twitter folk who were praising things by calling it gem or using it sarcastically (i.e. "so yesterday i was browsing the racist Yea Forums where I found this gem"). As with söyjaks, the mocking turned into unironic usage and then turned into its own meme. You're currently in a gem thread

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>>soijacks are funny when they are used for benevolent shitposting as opposed to malevolent shitposting

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The point is to be as LOLXD random as possible. we've gone full circle back to the *holds up spork* internet era.

came here to post this 2bqhwuf

Fruits want to be eaten, especially by birds where they will travel and shit out the seeds to propagate the plant